“Who are you?” Still want to see our boss? ”

The guard sneered and continued, “Look at you, don’t look like refugees, you’re from other regions?” ”

In the face of the guards’ questions, Lin Yun did not reply, but looked inside the survivors’ camp.

Inside are full of skinny survivors who don’t have the courage to find food and have to fend for themselves here.

It can be seen that there are corpses piled up in the corners, emitting a foul smell.

Looking at the tragic situation in front of him, Lin Yun couldn’t help but shake his head.

I didn’t expect that the distance between it and Zhejiang Province was only separated by a river, and the difference was so great.

For example, the survivors of Ninghang City, even if the living environment cannot be compared with before, they can barely survive.

You can eat not much every day.

However, in contrast to the survivor organization in Yunjiang, this picture is simply unbearable.

Not to mention the stomach, not even a few sips of water, it is like a prison that does not provide food.

“Hey, talk to you!”

Seeing that Lin Yun ignored himself, the guard grabbed Lin Yun’s sleeve.

Lin Yun turned around, a pair of dark pupils staring at the guard.


Staring at Lin Yun’s eyes, the guard was actually afraid and took a few steps backwards.

Lin Yun said coldly, “Call out your boss, don’t let me say the third time.” ”

“Good! Good! ”

The guard ran to the back room with a rolling belt, shouting, “Third brother! Third brother, someone is looking for you! Someone is looking for you! ”

“you! Are you in a hurry with a hammer? Lao Tzu is doing the right thing! You’re looking for death!” ”

From the back room came the stink of the third brother and the screams of the woman.

“Third brother, there is a man looking for you!”

“Looking for me?”

Out of the back room came a man who was wearing pants.

The third brother put on a suspicious look, and a pair of small eyes looked at Lin Yun.

“Stinky boy, who are you?” The third brother asked.

However, before his voice could fall, Lin Yun’s figure instantly appeared in front of him.

That ghostly figure made the third brother understand that the person in front of him was definitely a master, and he could not be his opponent.

Frightened, he fell directly to the ground.

“You, you, you, what are you going to do!?”

The third brother moved his body with his ass in fear, allowing himself to fall backwards.

But Lin Yun’s big hand had already fallen, directly pulling him up.

“I’ll ask you something.”

Lin Yun’s voice fell into the third brother’s ear.


“Do you know if there are any scientific research laboratories in Yunjiang?” Lin Yun asked.

“What lab?” I do not know. ”

The third brother immediately shook his head and refused.

It was clear from the look in his eyes that he was not lying.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that the existence of the laboratory in Bai Yu’s mouth was not known to ordinary people.

As a result, the difficulty of finding a laboratory has increased a lot.

“I said you’re not from Yunjiang, right?” From out of town? ”

The third brother, who had been thrown to the ground by Lin Yun, stood up and asked Lin Yun.

In the face of the third brother’s question, Lin Yun snorted coldly, “You are not qualified to ask so much.” ”


The third brother stretched out his neck and immediately closed his mouth, deeply afraid that this outsider would directly take his life.

Lin Yun’s gaze turned to the group of lifeless survivors outside.

Presumably, this group of people had no effect, Lin Yun turned around and prepared to leave.

“Wait a minute, big brother! I know where the laboratory in your mouth is! ”

Suddenly, a little girl rushed to Lin Yun’s eyes.

Lin Yun’s gaze fell, it was a girl with wounds all over her body.

The corners of her eyes were red, and she looked like she had just cried.

“Do you know where that lab is?” Lin Yun asked.

The little girl did not answer Lin Yun immediately, but turned her gaze to the back.

There lay a man, his pupils white and his legs straight, supposedly dead not long ago.

“Tell me if you know, and I can grant you a request.” Lin Yun assured the little girl.


The little girl flashed her two big eyes and asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded and assured, “I will agree to you no matter what you ask, provided that you tell me where the scientific research laboratory is.” ”

After hesitating for a moment, the little girl said to Lin Yun, “Even if you let you kill them, can you do it?” ”

After finishing the speech, she pointed her young little finger at the third brother and the others.

“Hey! What are you doing?! ”

“Stinky little devil, I want to die!”

The third brother and the others were suddenly shocked, who knew that this girl would make such a request.

Planning to kill their group of capable people?

“How? Can’t you? ”

The will in the little girl’s eyes was very determined, and she only had this one request.

“Of course you can.”

Lin Yun smiled slightly.

However, this smile, in the eyes of the Third Brother’s group, was like a demon.

“Don’t listen to this little devil’s head! She knows a fart! ”

“That’s it! She’s an eleven- or twelve-year-old stinky little ghost! How is it possible to know where the laboratory is! Don’t listen to him! ”

The Third Brother’s group panicked, and they hurriedly dissuaded Lin Yun from listening to the little girl’s words.

“I really know! Abba works there! You just have to kill them to avenge Abba! I’ll take you! ”

The little girl shouted at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun stood up with a smile, touched his nose and said, “You heard it too?” Only by killing you can you know the location of the laboratory, so… Trouble you to die! ”

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