“Don’t force us to do it!”

Seeing Lin Yun coming towards him, the third brother and the others could be regarded as rabbits who were forced to be anxious, and the weapons in their hands were tightly held, planning to fight to the death.

Seeing the situation, Lin Yun sneered.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“What about people?”

“Damn! Where did it go? ”

Everyone was shocked, how did Lin Yun suddenly disappear in front of his eyes?


Suddenly, a scream came from behind them.

A man standing in the back was actually cut off by some kind of sharp weapon!

Blood flowed from the incision, causing everyone to frown and the flower of fear in their hearts was slowly blooming.


There was another scream, and before the Third Brother and the others could react, another person died at the hands of Lin Yun.

At this moment, Lin Yun’s figure also appeared in front of several people, pulling the knife out of the abdomen of the person who had just been killed by himself, and a pair of cold eyes looked at the remaining people.


The crowd swallowed a mouthful of spit, raised their weapons with trembling hands, and pointed at Lin Yun.

“Don’t come here!” I… I….”


Before their words could fall, Lin Yun’s knife took their lives.

In less than five minutes, more than a dozen capable people led by the Third Brother died at the hands of Lin Yun.

Discarding the blood-stained blade, Lin Yun walked over to the little girl and said, “Let’s go, take me.” ”

The little girl nodded and followed Lin Yun out of here.

When she stepped out of the door, she saw more than a hundred survivors who had been dying, suddenly full of vitality, rushing to the back room where the third brother and the others lived.

Suddenly, the screams of women, the noise of the fight for food, covered the sound of the wind in the ears.

I don’t know how many people will die in this fight for food.


The next moment, zombies from nowhere rushed straight into the survivor’s camp.

Screams, cries for help, exploded like thunder.

The people who thought they had regained hope would never have dreamed that zombies would appear in this survivors’ camp so quickly, as if it were a premeditated plan to turn this place into a hell on earth!

“Don’t look back, your mission is to take me to the lab.”

Lin Yun said coldly.

The little girl nodded, turned her head forward, and led the way for Lin Yun according to the route in her memory.

About an hour later, the little girl led Lin Yun to a path far away from the road.

Lin Yun looked around, here surrounded by mountains, is the so-called laboratory in the deep mountains?

“Let’s go, we need to get to the lab before dark.”

The little girl shouted to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun frowned slightly, and immediately followed the little girl.

Finally, after crossing the quiet path, the view gradually became wider.

What appeared in front of Lin Yun was a stone door covered with vines.

On the stone door there is a skull motif.

This pattern is consistent with the pattern on the fruit shell that Lin Yun obtained from Yunhai City Wharf.

I didn’t expect that this little girl, who was only eleven or twelve years old, really knew where the laboratory was.

“This is it, but the door is locked, and Grandpa can’t get in.” The girl said to Lin Yun.


Lin Yun walked to the front of the laboratory, held out his hand and slammed his fist on the stone door.


A muffled sound came from the collision of fists and stone doors, splashing a layer of brown-gray dust.

“Cough cough!” The little girl coughed a few times when she was choked by the dust and said, “The stone door of the laboratory is more than half a meter thick, how can it be…”

Before her words could fall, the stone door was cracked by Lin Yun.

You can see the scene inside from the crack where the finger is thick.


The little girl opened her mouth wide in surprise and punched through the half-meter-thick stone door? Is this still human?

“Come again!”

Lin Yun punched out another punch, directly blasting this stone door into pieces.

Seeing that the door to the lab was opened, he said to the little girl, “Go inside.” ”

The little girl nodded in shock and followed Lin Yun into the laboratory.

Just as the two men stepped on the stone door with their front feet, in an instant, countless bullets swept out of the darkness.

It took nearly two minutes for the shoot to stop.

And from inside came the man’s voice: “Dead?” ”

“Surely dead!” We fired nearly a hundred bullets and were absolutely dead! ”

Then, out of the dark laboratory came two scientists in white coats.

They were holding two guns in their hands, and the raid had just been made by them.

“? How is it a little girl? I thought it was a zombie. ”

The scientist who was walking in front kicked the little girl’s body and shook his head helplessly.

They thought it was a zombie that had destroyed the stone wall, but they did not expect that the person who fell to the ground was a skinny little girl.

“Go back, let’s get something to block the stone door, if the zombies come, it’s not good.”

The scientist turned to his companion and said.

But he was surprised to find that his companion was pointing his finger at his back in panic.

Shouting: “Chen Ye, behind you!” Behind you! ”

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