“Chen Ye! Behind you! Behind you! ”

The man shouted in panic to his partner.

The scientist named Chen Ye looked puzzled and turned his head behind him.

Suddenly, a dark face appeared in Chen Ye’s line of sight.


Chen Ye’s frightened ass fell to the ground.

Sight gradually recovered, Chen Ye found that the other party was a young man, handsome but always with a touch of coldness.

“You, you, you, who are you?”

Chen Ye asked hurriedly.

Lin Yun did not answer, but turned his gaze to the little girl who had fallen in a pool of blood.

Just now Lin Yun had the opportunity to save her, but he did not make this choice.

Chen Ye followed Lin Yun’s line of sight to the dead little girl, and his heart was afraid for a while.

Is this kicking to the iron plate?

The man in front of him had dodged even the series of bullets just now, and where could they find a way to deal with him?

And he killed his companions, is this not going to die?

“Brother! I didn’t mean to! I thought it was a zombie that’s why I fired the gun! ”

Chen Ye quickly knelt on the ground and begged for forgiveness.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and a pair of sharp eyes turned to the two men in front of him.

He said, “I won’t kill you for the time being, are you the scientists here?” ”

Chen Ye and the two of them were relieved to hear that Lin Yun would not kill them, and then nodded and replied, “We are scientists here, and we have been living here since the end of the world.” ”

“I don’t want to know that.” Lin Yun said coldly, “Have you participated in the medicinal experiment on the military department?” The point in time was about ten years ago. ”

“Ten years ago?”

Chen Ye pondered for a moment and replied, “I only came to this laboratory in the past two years, but there are a lot of data from previous experiments in the laboratory, do you want to see it?” ”

“Take me.”

A moment later, Chen Ye and the two took Lin Yun into the laboratory.

There are many scientific instruments in this laboratory, but most of them have been destroyed, and it is clear that there have been fights in this laboratory.

“Here are the experimental reports of these ten years, do you have what you want?”

Chen Ye asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun glanced at Chen Ye, and then turned his gaze to the chaotic information on the table.

After a simple flip, Lin Yun found what he wanted.

Lab Report: 003!

Experimental object: Chen Mojing!

Experimental effect: enhance physical fitness.

Side effects: growth hormone pause, others unknown.

Experimental developer: Mu Hu.

Seeing the contents of the experimental report, Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown.

Who is this shepherd?

Lin Yun quickly flipped through the above experimental reports, wanting to get other information about the experimental developer.

On the other side, Chen Ye and the two were scheming.

“Chen Ye, what are we going to do?” He’s not going to kill us, is he? ”

Another man asked Chen Ye.

Chen Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said fiercely, “Of course, we can’t sit still!” We’re going to find a way to kill him!” ”

“But he doesn’t look like an ordinary person, how are we going to kill him…” the man asked nonchalantly.

“We can’t kill it, but that monster can!”

Suddenly, the corners of Chen Ye’s mouth hung a strange smile.

“You mean that monster?” Are you going to release that monster? The man asked in surprise.

“Of course, while he is still conscious, it was just used to kill the man!” You go and call it over! ”

“Don’t don’t! I’m not going, see the monster’s face, I won’t be able to eat for days! ”

The man looked very frightened and shook his head to show that he did not want to die.

“You fucking go!” Or I’ll shoot you!” ”

Chen Ye held a gun against the other man’s brow.

Threatened by Chen Ye, the man had to run to the innermost part of the laboratory, “Okay! I’ll go! ”

After assigning the task, Chen Ye turned his attention to Lin Yun, who was flipping through the information.

Smiling, he walked toward Lin Yun and said, “Brother, where are you from?” Sound accent is not Yunjiang local? ”

“Don’t bother me.”

Lin Yun replied coldly.

He was looking for information about the tiger, but searched for many scientific materials and did not find what he was looking for.

Instead, he also saw Kaoru’s experimental report.

According to the above records, everything else is normal except for the white feather that the skin has become snow-white.

It seems that the side effects of the pill are not as serious as they think.

“I said brother, what the hell are you looking for?” You’re almost done flipping through all this information. ”

Chen Ye asked Lin Yun.

He didn’t understand what Lin Yun was looking for, it had been nearly twenty minutes, he was still looking for the scientific research report, and there was still a trace of sadness on his face.


Lin Yun’s face became gloomy, he had already read all the scientific research reports, but he couldn’t find any information about Mu Hu at all.

Could it be that Muhu left his job directly after developing the first generation of experimental pills?

“Hey, do you know this person?”

Lin Yun tried to ask Chen Ye a question.

Hearing the name Muhu, Chen Ye’s face suddenly turned pale, and he replied in surprise: “Why do you know this name?” ”

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