“What sound?”

Yang Weiyu was very confused.

“Is it teleported to the prison district?”

The voice sounded in her ears again.

Yang Weiyu’s heart suddenly stumbled, is there still a prison area in this house?

After a period of entanglement, Yang Weiyu chose to give up and continue to bathe.

About thirty minutes later, Yang Weiyu walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

She only felt the only comfort in her whole body.

Walking to the bedside, her clothes had also been washed and neatly placed at the head of her bed.

The corners of Yang Weiyu’s mouth were slightly cocked, and she only felt as if this was heaven.

She plunged headlong into the soft bed, and fell asleep in just a few moments.

I don’t know how long later, Yang Weiyu slowly opened her eyes, because she was used to sleeping only for six hours, so she woke up before dawn.

She turned on the light and stretched her body.

It was the most comfortable sleep she had slept in months.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, a strange sound came from outside the door.

Yang Weiyu walked to the door in doubt, wanting to hear what was happening at the bottom.

“What exactly is Lin Yun injecting me?” I can’t sleep at all in my spirit right now! ”

Chen Mojing’s voice came from outside the door, as if she had not slept all night because of the injection of the drug.

“You can’t sleep and torture your sister what am I doing?” Can you put me to sleep?” It’s only five o’clock now.”

Chen Mofeng also seemed to be woken up by Chen Mofeng, and the two of them were chattering in the hall.

Yang Weiyu opened the door.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two sisters turned to Yang Weiyu.

“Huh? Did we wake you up? I’m sorry. Chen Mofeng said to Yang Weiyu.

“No, no, I’m awake.” Yang Weiyu shook her head.

“Hey, what are you injecting me?” How come I don’t feel sleepy at all? ”

Chen Moting rushed to Yang Weiyu and questioned.

“The addition of an orange zombie crystal agent can relieve the side effects of growth hormone inhibition.” Yang Weiyu explained.

Chen Mojing glanced at Yang Weiyu suspiciously and said, “Is there a drug that can make me fall asleep quickly?” I had just taken sleeping pills and it was of no use at all. ”

“Sleeping drugs?” Yang Weiyu shook her head: “I didn’t, but you do some exercise, and when you are tired, you want to sleep.” ”

“Do some exercise?”

Chen Mozhen suddenly had a crooked idea, and immediately asked Chen Mofeng, “Sister, which room is Lin Yun’s Great Demon King in?” ”

“Lin Yun? It should be on the side of the Snow Princess….. Are you!? ”

Chen Mofeng actually guessed what his sister was going to do!

Suddenly he covered his mouth in surprise.

“Hee-hee!” Chen Moting sneered, “Since it was the medicine brought by Lin Yun, he must be responsible for the end!” I’m looking for him! ”

After Chen Mozhen finished speaking, she rushed to Ye Xuefei’s room.

Immediately came Ye Xuefei’s screams.

“Really, how this guy is always reckless.”

Chen Mofeng shook his head helplessly.

“People are fine.” Yang Weiyu said.


Chen Mofeng nodded and continued, “The two of us were able to be safe thanks to Lin Yun, if it wasn’t for him defeating Bai Yuxuan, we would probably be more fierce and less lucky.” ”

“Who? Who do you say? Kaoru Hakuba?! ”

Hearing this name, Yang Weiyu’s eyes widened in surprise.

“How? Do you know Kaoru Hakuba? ”

Chen Mofeng was also a little surprised, not expecting Yang Weiyu to know the white-haired woman.

Yang Weiyu nodded.

Bai Yu Kaoru was naturally very familiar to her, after all, she was involved in the whole process of Bai Yu Kaoru’s drug production.

Kaoru Hakuba could be regarded as one of the most perfect experimenters in her eyes.

It is unimaginable that at the cost of whitening the skin and hair, it will gain great power.

“You said Lin Yun defeated her, is she already dead?” Yang Weiyu then asked.

Chen Mofeng shook her head and said, “She is now being held in the prison area, if you are Bai Yuxuan’s friend, I advise you not to talk about her too much, otherwise Lin Yun will be angry.” ”

“No, no, I’m not her friend.” Yang Weiyu shook her head, they were not friends yet.

Since he quit the experiment, he had never seen Kaoru Hakuba again, and he did not expect to meet on such an occasion.

“No, I’ll go back to sleep first, and if something happens, I’ll go find Lin Yun.”

Chen Mofeng said and returned to the room.

When passing by Ye Xuefei’s room, he also took the door with him.

I don’t want the fragrant scenes inside to be seen by outsiders.

Yang Weiyu put her finger on her chin, and in the end she still wanted to see Bai Yuxuan.

Because she had something she wanted to ask Kaoru Hakuba.

“Go to the prison district!”

Yang Weiyu said.

In an instant, the white light flashed, and Yang Weiyu disappeared in place.

Lin Yun, who was fighting in Ye Xuefei’s room, was also aware of Yang Weiyu’s actions.

Suddenly his brow frowned, he didn’t understand what Yang Weiyu was going to do, and he actually went to the prison area.

However, everything that happened in this house could not escape his eyes, just to secretly understand the details of this Yang Weiyu.

He naturally did not absolutely trust Yang Weiyu, after all, this woman was not a simple commodity.

Just a few seconds later, Lin Yun’s voice heard the conversation between Yang Weiyu and Bai Yuxuan.

“Kaoru Hakuba!? You’re really here! ”

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