“Kaoru Hakuba? How did you become like this? ”

Seeing Bai Yuxuan’s appearance, Yang Weiyu suddenly opened her mouth in surprise.

The white feather Kaoru in front of her eyes was covered with scars all over her body, and there didn’t seem to be any light in her eyes.

It wasn’t until Yang Weiyu called her name that she slowly raised her head and turned her gaze to Yang Weiyu.

“Yang Weiyu?”

Kaoru’s faint tone seemed to be only the last breath.

In the face of such a look of Bai Yu Kaoru, Yang Weiyu’s first reaction was not to worry about Bai Yu Kaoru’s safety.

It is the horror of Lin Yun’s unknown.

What the hell is going on with this man?

He actually tortured Bai Yu Kaoru into this appearance.

Let’s not say that Kaoru’s identity is special, although it is the end of the world, but this is also too ruthless, right? It’s almost like a robot, a cold-blooded killer.

“Why did you become like this?” All thanks to Lin Yun? Yang Weiyu walked over to Bai Yuxuan in surprise.

When she came to Bai Yukao’s side, the scars on her body were even more shocking.

The blood marks were like imprints that made Yang Weiyu frown.

What exactly did Lin Yun do?

“Of course, that guy is a demon.” Kaoru Hakuba sneered and then said, “Then how did you get here?” Also brought over by Lin Yun? After all, only he could come and go at will. ”

Hearing Bai Yuxuan’s words, Yang Weiyu’s brow locked even deeper.

Because the meaning of this sentence is that Lin Yun is the master of this world.

Everything must be subject to Lin Yun’s wishes.

Or, their conversation may also be under Lin Yun’s surveillance.

Yang Weiyu took a deep breath and slowly took a step backwards.

She wanted to leave quickly, and if she made Lin Yun unhappy, it would only cause trouble to herself.


Bai Yuxuan actually took a step backwards and smiled slightly, obviously Yang Weiyu’s face showed fear.

Yang Weiyu’s face was very bad, and she said, “Although I don’t know why Lin Yun is locking you up here, but this is not my business, I just want to ask you a word when I come to see you.” ”

“Oh? Do you have any questions? ”

“How many more subjects are there after you?” And is there any connection between their experiments and this end times? ”

Hearing Yang Weiyu’s question, Bai Yuxuan’s face also shrugged off instantly.

He said solemnly, “Who told you this?” You should have left early. ”

Yang Weiyu shook her head and tightened her gaze.

Yan said, “I guessed it, since I took over the drug research between you and Chen Mojing, I have sensed that something is wrong, and I did not expect that this file would occur!” ”

Bai Yu glanced at Yang Weiyu and replied, “Although it is related to this matter, it is not absolutely related, and I don’t know the source of this virus, only from other countries.” ”

“Is it from another country?”

Yang Weiyu nodded thoughtfully, but she didn’t understand how this illness had broken out at the same time around the world, and there should be something hidden in it.

“Okay, you better leave quickly, be careful Lin Yun force you to leave here as his toy.” Kaoru Hakuba smiled evilly.

Yang Weiyu’s face was full of disgust for a while, and she was naturally unwilling to make Lin Yun’s toy.

But life here is definitely a hundred times better than outside.

If she could, she might hesitate.

Is there a reason to exchange your body for a good life.

This choice is not bad, after all, everyone wants to live in peace.

“I’ll leave, what about you?” Why are you still alive? Isn’t it good to die? Yang Weiyu turned to Bai Yufu.

“Dead? Hahahahaha! ”

Hearing to die, Kaoru Hakuba instantly laughed out of a silver bell-like laugh.

“You say to die? Are you kidding? ”

“How? What’s so hard about dying? ”

Yang Weiyu was very confused, is it difficult to die?

She couldn’t believe that Kaoru Hakuba was a woman who didn’t even dare to die.

In the next moment, the scene in front of him directly frightened Yang Weiyu.

Only to see that Bai Yu Kaoru instantly bit off her tongue, and her body suddenly became paralyzed and hung on the chain.

“Kaoru Hakuba!”

Yang Weiyu covered her mouth with her hand in surprise, unable to hide the surprise in her heart.

Hakuba Kaoru committed suicide?

Is it because of his own words?

The next moment, however, her perception was once again subverted.

Because in less than a few seconds, Kaoru Hakuba raised her head again.

And the injuries on her body were also healed in an instant, it was almost as magical as magic!

“This! How does this work!? ”

Yang Weiyu asked Bai Yuxuan in surprise.

Bai Yu Kaoru gave her a blank stare, and replied, “At first I couldn’t believe my eyes, but in the past few days I have understood one thing.” ”


Yang Weiyu asked.

The corners of Bai Yukao’s mouth revealed a helpless smile, and her eyes looked a little deep.


“In this world, Lin Yun is a god!”

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