“In this world, He is God!”

This sentence had been lingering in Yang Weiyu’s ear, and she had never imagined that Bai Yuxuan would give Lin Yun such an evaluation.

However, everything Lin Yun did was basically the same as the gods of this world.

Random access and supply of resources is simply not something that human beings can do.

After several hesitations, Yang Weiyu still slowed down her mentality, at least now Lin Yun had no ill will towards herself.

She went back to her room, then put on her clothes and walked out slowly.

As she walked down the hall, six women were sitting on the couch drinking morning tea.

In the seat in the center, Lin Yun was holding a cup of coffee and tasting it.

It wasn’t until Yang Weiyu appeared in his line of sight that he placed the coffee in front of him and said plainly: “Awake? ”

Yang Weiyu nodded.

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth curled slightly, and he continued, “Do you have anything you want to say to me before you go back?” ”


Yang Weiyu’s eyebrows couldn’t help but lock slightly, obviously Lin Yun already knew that he was going to find Ye Xuefei.

Sure enough, everything in this world could not escape Lin Yun’s eyes.

Lin Yun’s clear eyes looked at Yang Weiyu, as if he had seen through her soul, causing Yang Weiyu to inadvertently take a step backwards.


Yang Weiyu didn’t know how to have a conversation with Lin Yun, because she did go to Bai Yuxuan.


The end of Kaoru Hakuba was right in front of her eyes.


Lin Yun didn’t look like a person who would easily bypass others.

Just when she was overwhelmed, Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “Don’t be so nervous, you have no hostility towards me, I naturally won’t do anything to you, as for your conversation with Bai Yukao, that’s it.” ”

Of course, Lin Yun heard all the conversations between the two, but from the dialogue, there was no point that could shoot at Yang Weiyu.

Unless he’s a murderous executioner.

And he also learned the source of the virus, but this was only an after-dinner talk for him, after all, he did not think about saving the world.

Hearing that Lin Yun would not deal with himself, Yang Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

She also thought that her relationship with Bai Yu Kaoru, Lin Yun would do something to herself.

It seems to be thinking too much.

Lin Yun slowly stood up and said to Yang Weiyu, “Let’s go, it is better that Dr. Yang is still in his laboratory.” ”

“To … Yes…”

Yang Weiyu smiled awkwardly.

In fact, she prefers it to the laboratory, because it is rich in food and can ensure personal safety.

But in the laboratory of the Night Sea Market, there is only pain and suffering.

A white light fell, and Yang Weiyu and Lin Yun returned to the laboratory in Yehai City.

But when they returned to the lab, they found that the people in the lab were gone.

There were even burn marks everywhere.

“What happened?!”

Yang Weiyu looked around in surprise, her laboratory was destroyed, and even the subjects on the bed were destroyed.

She didn’t understand what had happened during the time she had been away.

“Come here.”

Lin Yun suddenly called out to her.

Yang Weiyu immediately ran to Lin Yun.


She was horrified to find that Lu Lin had been killed, and that the dreams of those laboratory base men were piled up in a corner.

But why only the man’s body? What about women?

Where did they all go?

Yang Weiyu took a few steps backwards weakly, what really happened here?

Lin Yun’s gaze looked at the tragic death of Lu Lin.

On his body, there were traces of beatings everywhere.

And there are strangulation marks on the neck, obviously not dead at the hands of zombies, but humans.

“How come…. I remember that there were no other survivor camps in the Night Sea Market, so why did a bunch of people suddenly appear? ”

Yang Weiyu asked doubtfully.

There are not many survivors in the Night Sea Market, and the only ones with information are Liu Hai and others who left with food.

But the number of people in the laboratory base can be much larger than theirs, and the two sides have to do it, but it is a one-sided situation.

So, the only explanation is that another group of survivors found here, because of some kind of conflict of interest, killed Lu Lin!



Or a woman?

That’s all they want.

“I’m afraid they’re going to be more vicious than they are.” Yang Weiyu murmured, “I didn’t expect this to happen when I wasn’t there….”

Yang Weiyu’s eyes were red, although they had known each other for less than three months, but after experiencing life and death, they were familiar with each other.

Especially Lu Lin and his girlfriend, the two can be regarded as the living treasures of the laboratory.

But overnight, something changed.

Lin Yun on the side was expressionless, and accidents would occur at any time in this last days.

No strength is such that it is used as meat on the cutting board.

“I’m going back to the Sea of Clouds, what are you going to do?”

Lin Yun asked Yang Weiyu if he had any spare time to avenge this group of people who had just known each other for a day.

When Yang Weiyu wanted to answer, he wanted to follow Lin Yun and talk to Lin Yun about the conditions, but the voices of two men came from his ears.

“, that woman wasn’t at all energetic yesterday!” Like a dead fish! ”

“That’s it! The women in this camp are not good goods, even like the women of the last survivor camp! Enthusiastic! ”

“But didn’t that guy say there was a super big beauty in this survivor’s camp?” Why didn’t I see it? ”

“Who knows! Forget the man named Lu Lin yesterday? We his wife in front of him, and he didn’t say anything, most likely he escaped. ”

“Grass! What a disappointment! When will I be able to get a beautiful woman with more than eight points last time! ”

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