“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! Yes! ~”


A gunshot rang out into the sky, and Liu Hai directly became the ghost under Yang Weiyu’s gun.

After solving the bangs, Yang Weiyu took a deep breath.

This was the first time she had killed someone, and although she couldn’t say how she felt, her heart had been difficult to calm down.

Lin Yun, who was beside her, stared at the huge truck with two dead eyes.

Obviously, this truck is the area where the man with the blindfold lives.

But the truck was a bit too big, and even if there were hundreds of people inside, it wouldn’t be too much.

“I’ve inquired, and this organization has been wandering around the northwest, and most of the people have joined along the way.”

After Yang Weiyu killed Liu Hai, she turned her eyes to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun did not give her a reply, but stared intently at the door of the truck.

He always felt that something was wrong inside.

Although the group of captives said that it was their boss’s supplies, Lin Yun thought it was not that simple.

Because he can feel that the things inside can be communicated by himself.

And this communication comes from his ability to control zombies!


Suddenly, the truck door was opened and the man with the blindfold appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, he only wears a pair of pants, and there are many lipstick marks on his upper body.

His eyes were dark, and he looked at everything in front of him with a gloomy face.

Cursing, “, what the is going on?” ”

He couldn’t believe it, just a moment later, his camp was destroyed?

And what is this pile of robots in front of you?

Where did it come from?

“You’re the leader of this organization?”

Yang Weiyu asked.

She was hostile to this man, because the man in front of her was simply an inhuman beast.

There were no rules in his camp, only to listen to the man in front of him.

So many tragedies have occurred.

For example, women such as Zhang Orange, even if they surrender and rely on them, will be reduced to playthings.

“Yo? Beautiful woman, you look really pretty, it seems that the boy with bangs did not lie to me. ”

Seeing Yang Weiyu, the man wearing the blindfold sneered and seemed a little excited.

“Your name is Yang Weiyu, isn’t it?” I give you a choice, do me…..”

“What a load of nonsense!”

Before the man with the blindfold could finish speaking, Lin Yun gave the order.

Dozens of robots rushed towards the man in unison and attacked him.


The man smacked his tongue, and the gun in his hand instantly fired two bullets, solving the robot closest to him.

Subsequently, a huge fist was thrown with a punch, hitting the robot in the abdomen.

It actually exploded a big hole directly in the mechanical body!

For a moment, he suddenly felt like a god of war.

Countless robots were thrown to the ground by him, scattering countless parts.

However, he is not invincible and is also injured in the face of robot attacks.

There are two blood marks on the back and waist.

“! Too much! ”

The man in the blindfold shouted with difficulty that he had solved hundreds of robots.

But there were nearly a thousand robots near the man and woman, and he couldn’t handle them at all.

And as their master, Lin Yun!

He was watching all this lightly, and it seemed that he did not pay attention to this man at all.

“Damn! It seems that I am going to use some means too. ”

The man in the blindfold sneered and pulled a red button out of his pocket.

Seeing this button, Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, if he was not mistaken, this man was going to open the iron door of the truck!


The man shouted.

In an instant, the iron sheet was opened, and a huge zombie appeared in front of everyone.

The decaying body is condensed in the truck, and the huge limbs look like giants in the comics.

Especially in his body, there are many arms!

Apparently, it was other zombies that he had devoured!


The huge zombie made a low sound.

This zombie even retains consciousness!

Obviously it’s above the orange level!

Could it be a black zombie?

And a level of Keqi?

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, he didn’t expect to see a black-level zombie again!

It’s only been half a year, right?

You can see two black zombies in a row!

“Hahahahaha! Good brother! Help me kill them! Except for the woman! All for you to eat! ”

The man in the blindfold laughed and said!

“Eat! I’m going to eat! ”

The huge zombie began to move his body.

When he moved one centimeter, he could feel the ground shaking.

If you roughly estimate, the weight of this monster may be around ten tons!


Get special missions!

Kill orange zombies!

Mission Reward: God-level Ability – Health Restored!

Health Recovery: As long as you don’t take a fatal injury, you can heal in a minute!

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, this turned out to be just an orange-level zombie!?

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