“This… What a monster this is! ”

Yang Weiyu beside Lin Yun took a few steps backwards in fear, she had never seen such a huge zombie before.

This monster was like a monster, making the earth tremble for it.

Lin Yun was also a little surprised, this monster was only orange level, but it should be only one step away from the black level zombie.

After all, the orange-level zombie he had encountered before and the monster in front of him were not of the same level.

“Monsters! This is not a zombie! It’s a monster! ”


The crowd captured by Lin Yun also began to stir, and if it were not for the robots suppressing them, they would have fled long ago.

“What are we going to do?”

Yang Weiyu asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun said, “Kill him!” ”

“Kill him? How!? ”

Yang Weiyu looked at Lin Yun with some disbelief, what were they going to do to kill this ten-ton monster?


Lin Yun commanded all the robots.

The robot instantly raised its weapon and launched an attack on the zombie.

In an instant, the flames were everywhere.

Countless bullets rained down on the monster’s body.

However, in the face of the rain of bullets, the zombie’s body was not harmed at all.

It was even like tickling to him.

Still dragging his huge body, he walked in the direction where Lin Yun was.

“Eat! Dine! ”

His mouth kept screaming, trying to devour all the humans in front of him.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown, this zombie was the strongest zombie he had ever seen, there was no one!

“Blow him up!”

Lin Yun ordered the robot to launch a suicide attack.

All the robots rushed towards the zombie with explosives attached.

“Roll me!”

The huge zombie roared in anger and swept away with a large hand.

The robot that rushed towards him was directly slapped and flew tens of meters away.

Although several robots rushed under the monster, the explosion could not cause great damage to the monster at all.

Only in that lump of meat puree, fried into a small pit of less than half a meter!

“Hahahahaha! Useless! Useless! You’re all going to die!” They all have to die! ”

The man in the blindfold laughed and shouted.

It was this monster that he gained his power.

A few months ago, he was an ordinary human who had fled with his twin brother.

However, he found that his brother was infected by zombies.

He wanted to abandon his brother and eventually raised him and fed him humans every day.

And it ended up like this!

A complete monster!

Lin Yun frowned, and a weapon with a white glow appeared in his hand—the Blade of Nothingness!

With a single thought, in an instant, the weapon flashed white light and attacked the huge zombie!


Because of the nature of the Blade of Nothingness, it can smash everything!

All the arms inside the huge zombie’s body were instantly cut into twists by Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun found that the number was too much!

No matter how dense his attack was, the monster’s forehead body was still only a slight damage.

There is no way to end the battle quickly!

And the monster was still approaching this side, and in just another minute it would be able to touch itself.

“Electromagnetic gun!?”

Lin Yun remembered that he still had an electromagnetic gun and immediately pulled it out.

Pull the trigger!


A white beam of light shot out and hit the head of the giant zombie!


The giant zombie finally sensed the crisis and used his palm to block the white light emitted by the electromagnetic gun.


A roar erupted from the mouth of the giant zombie.

Under the attack of the electromagnetic gun, he probably had a palm three meters thick, and a large hole appeared!

And the skull behind the palm of the hand, also because of the attack of the electromagnetic gun, there was a little damage, but it was not fatal!


The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth were slightly cocked.

The electromagnetic gun was his most powerful weapon now, and if this could not deal with this monster, he had to leave first.

However, if the electromagnetic gun can cause damage… That’s easy to deal with!

“Damn! What weapon is that!? ”

Seeing his brother hurt, the man wearing the blindfold panicked.

He had never seen anyone who could hurt his brother.

Even if it was a provincial or municipal power organization, hundreds of capable people used all their strength, and they were not his brother’s opponents!

But now!

The man in front of him actually hurt his brother!

Even weapons he had never seen before!

“Damn! Damn it! ”

The huge zombie roared, and the next moment, countless zombies scattered on his body and launched a dense attack on Lin Yun.

His body was also slowly getting smaller because of the dispersion of the zombies, and the final figure stopped at a size of about five tons.

In the face of countless small zombies, it was naturally not a threat to Lin Yun.

The same number of robots as there were to cover the zombies with intense fire.

In an instant, a large number of people were killed.

All that remained was to hide behind the giant zombies.

However, their travel speed has accelerated!

In less than a few seconds, he came to a place less than ten meters in front of Lin Yun’s eyes.

“Hahahahaha! You’re dead! You’re dead! ”

The man in the blindfold laughed and said!

At this distance, his brother could crush Lin Yun with just one slap, and his arm strength could crush a car!

Not to mention Lin Yun.

And, as everyone knows, Lin Yun has already assigned the electromagnetic gun to some robots.

Aim for this huge zombie!

“No, it’s you who dies!”

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