“How is this possible!?”

Wu Junshan stared at this terrible human being in front of him in disbelief!

His own knife could have cut his arm just now, but why did it become like this now?

Not to mention the scars, not even a trace was left, but his knife was broken into two pieces?

Lin Yun glanced at the broken knife without any expression on his face.

His eyes turned again to the group of people surrounding him.

It’s not so much that they have a vendetta against them, but rather that they stick their necks out and let themselves cut them.


He didn’t bother to explain, maybe he didn’t have a hurry to explain it until he killed everyone.

“I don’t believe it yet! Let’s go together! ”

Some people did not believe their eyes and launched another assault on Lin Yun.

But Lin Yun, who was standing where he was, had no intention of dodging at all, allowing the blade to fall on him.


A crisp sound sounded from the collision of knives and suits.

The picture appeared again in front of everyone.

Lin Yun did not cause any damage, but their weapons were ruthlessly broken in half.

“Hurry up and escape…..”

One person sensed that something was wrong and immediately launched a crisis warning to the people around him.

But the time is simply too late.

As soon as his voice came out of his mouth, his head fell to the ground like a falling ball.

“Run! He is not human at all! ”

A crowd of people prepared to flee.

They knew in their hearts how could they be the opponents of such a monster?

But Lin Yun’s figure had already moved!

The next moment, his knife fell on several people, and several more died in Lin Yun’s hands.

A group of people fled in a panic, they had long given up the idea of fighting against Lin Yun, this was simply looking for death!

“Wu Junshan! What are we going to do! In this way our people will be killed by him! ”

One asked Wu Junshan.

Wu Junshan watched Lin Yun kill randomly in the crowd and was flustered.

He also didn’t know what to do with this man, he couldn’t get into the knife and gun, and even had the ability to recover himself.

This is simply not something they can deal with!

Don’t say it’s them, even if you add a hundred people, it is not necessarily his opponent.

Unless all the people at the headquarters are on the move, it’s just boring.

“Do you want us to deal with that woman!?”

Suddenly, the man aimed at Yang Weiyu, who had been standing behind Lin Yun.

Since it is the other party’s person, it will naturally make the other party forced to compromise with himself, right?

However, Wu Junshan seemed very hesitant.

Because he didn’t want to use a woman to restrain Lin Yun, this kind of behavior was not like him.

But the people around him couldn’t accept it.

If they continue like this, they will only have a share of the total annihilation of the army!

The man rushed directly towards Yang Weiyu, and the sharp blade in his hand was aimed at Yang Weiyu’s key point.

At this time of life and death, he didn’t care whether the other party was a big beauty or not, as long as he could live, everything that could be used must be used by him!


However, just as he was about to use Yang Weiyu as a threat, his head had already rolled off his neck.

Staring at his fallen body, he didn’t react to what had just happened.

Obviously, Lin Yun was fighting with his classmates a hundred meters away from him, why did he suddenly attack him?

Wu Junshan was also stupid.

He chose not to prevent non-participation.

If you can stop Lin Yun through Yang Weiyu, it is naturally best.

But now it seems that he is thinking wrong, who could have predicted that Lin Yun could kill people a hundred meters away with two minds?

In less than ten minutes, the people brought by Wu Junshan had been wiped out, leaving only Wu Junshan alone.

“That’s all that’s left for you.”

Lin Yun waved the blade in his hand, although it was not stained with any blood, it also made Wu Junshan take a few steps backwards in fear.

In front of his eyes was simply a killing god!

“You have this ability! Why not kill zombies! Kill the bad guys! And here to kill innocents! Bastard! ”

Wu Junshan yelled at Lin Yun.

“Kill zombies?”

Lin Yun sneered, and the face on his face suddenly became as cold as an iceberg.

“The zombies I killed can pile up into a hill!” Tens of thousands? Indescribable! And all the people I killed were dead! They offend me and I don’t kill them? It’s ridiculous! ”


Wu Junshan had not yet spoken, but Lin Yun interrupted him.

“Do you see the women who are tied to the shelves?”

Lin Yun said, “They were all captured by the so-called innocent people in your mouth, and they were tortured, should you absolutely kill them?” ”

Wu Junshan looked at the group of women who had died fiercely, and his heart was suddenly blinded.

He was dumbfounded for a moment, it turned out that he was wrong in the first place!

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, “And you, your mouths are full of stupid speeches, except for doing so-called good deeds with enthusiasm all day long, but you don’t know that a group of sinners have appeared in your territory, you are really powerful!” ”

“Then you can explain it clearly!” Is it necessary to kill us!? ”

Wu Junshan asked the biggest question in his heart, Lin Yun explained it in one sentence, wouldn’t it?

Why do it?

But he only heard Lin Yun’s cold words: “The ants have misunderstood the elephant, do the elephants still go to explain?” It’s more convenient to stomp on it!? ”

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