Discarding Wu Junshan’s body, Lin Yun was finally able to catch his breath.

Stretch your body to relax your whole body.

With a flick of a finger, the robot next to him disappears out of thin air.

His eyes turned to Yang Weiyu beside him and found that Yang Weiyu was looking for something on the bodies of Wu Junshan’s group.

“What are you doing?”

Lin Yun asked her.

Yang Weiyu took out an ID card from Wu Junshan’s pocket.

It says that Wu Junshan’s birthplace is the central city of Yunjiang, Yecheng.

Yang Weiyu took a deep breath and said to Lin Yun, “I heard about what kind of ability organization was being carried out in Yecheng about a month ago, but I didn’t expect it to be this group of people.” ”

After losing her ID card, Yang Weiyu pushed her pair of gold wire glasses and continued: “I also heard that they have a very complete set of scientific research equipment, but it is a pity that there is no scientist working there. ”

Lin Yun glanced at Yang Weiyu.

Good fellow, isn’t this Yang Weiyu just turning around and saying to himself, do you want him to get that set of scientific research equipment?

However, in order to let Yang Weiyu work well, it is time to get a set.

Although the family has unlimited food and daily necessities, scientific research equipment is impossible.

“Well, I have a chance to go, but I need to rest now.” Lin Yun touched his nose and said.

Hearing that Lin Yun would help himself, Yang Weiyu’s mouth hung a faint smile.

She had been dedicated to scientific research, and it was naturally impossible for her to suddenly become idle.

So Lin Yun’s side became his only place to go.

“Go back.”

Lin Yun saw that the time was almost the same, and wanted to grab Yang Weiyu’s hand.

“Wait a minute.”

Yang Weiyu still had things to do.

She took a pocket watch from her pocket and placed it in front of Zhang Orange’s body.

That’s right, she’s dead.

The moment he put it off the wooden shelf, he was already out of breath.

But she left laughing, because in the end, her great vendetta was finally repaid.

“May you be reunited below.”

After Yang Weiyu closed her hands in prayer, she returned to Lin Yun’s side.

“Let’s go.”

Lin Yun nodded, grabbed Yang Weiyu’s hand and disappeared in place.

Back in the villa, Lin Yun did not see the figures of the women.

Yu Qian was the only one eating ice cream in front of the TV.

The strange thing was that Yu Qian was actually watching crosstalk.

This made Lin Yun can’t help but stare at her in surprise, who could have imagined that this woman with the highest charm value in all the staff actually liked to watch crosstalk?

And I also like to watch Mr. Guo’s crosstalk.

Yu Qian also sensed that Lin Yun had returned.

Turning his gaze to Lin Yun, he asked doubtfully, “What’s the matter?” ”

Lin Yun shook his head and helplessly revealed a faint smile.

Yu Qian saw that Lin Yun was looking for herself to be okay, and wanted to turn her eyes back to the TV, but found that Lin Yun had brought Yang Weiyu again.

I can’t help but have a little doubt on my face.

Xiang Lin Yun asked, “Is it to add another sister?” ”

Hearing this question, Lin Yun was suddenly stunned.

Seeing Lin Yun’s instantaneous look, Yu Qian also knew about it, turned her head and continued to look at her cross-talk.

“What about the others?”

Lin Yun continued to ask.

Yu Qian: “They play games on the third floor.” ”

“Playing games?”

Lin Yun naturally knew that he had a special game room at home.

Of course, it’s not a computer game, it’s a game console like the video game city.

It’s just that he didn’t expect this group of women to take over it.

“You go to rest first, I’ll go find them.” Lin Yun said to Yang Weiyu.

Yang Weiyu nodded and obediently returned to his room.

Lin Yun went directly to the third floor to see what tricks the women were playing.

“You idiot! You’re shooting!” I!!!! Whoops!!! ”

As soon as he teleported to the third floor, Ye Xuefei’s screams came from his ears.

“Ah! I’m not sure! ”

There was also Shen Qiuyu’s helpless shout.

“I’m dying of anger at you!” A hundred lives can’t get through, I can’t take you! ”


“Hahahahaha! Female Demon Head! My sister and I have twenty lives to pass the customs! You can’t! ”

Chen Moting sneered at the side.

Hearing Chen Mojing’s taunts, Ye Xuefei was even angrier!

Cover Shen Qiuyu’s face with your hand and rub it fiercely.

“What to do! You’re getting a little angry!” ”

“It’s not that I don’t want to!” But I really can’t shoot! It hurts! ”

“Aaaah! You big idiot! ”

“What are you playing?”

Lin Yun’s sudden appearance made Ye Xuefei immediately let go of the hand that had ravaged Shen Qiuyu, and the others also turned their eyes to Lin Yun.

“Lin Yun! You’re back! ”

Chen Mojing jumped a little and rushed into Lin Yun’s arms.

Ye Xuefei glanced at Chen Mojing and said, “You just came, come and help me, Shen Qiuyu this guy is too stupid!” A hundred bullets can’t even kill a zombie! Stupid to die! ”

Hearing Ye Xuefei’s words, Lin Yun turned his gaze to Shen Qiuyu.

Shen Qiuyu had to spit out his tongue in embarrassment and did not speak.

After all, this is a fact.

Then Lin Yun turned his eyes to the game console on the side.

It turned out to be a horror game of fighting zombies, which required two people to team up for points calculation.


Lin Yun found that Ye Xuefei’s side did not say that she had cleared the customs, and even the fifth level was difficult.

And this game has a total of ten levels.

“Okay, I’ll do it too.” Lin Yun said with a smile.

“Well, give you a gun.”

Ye Xuefei excitedly handed the gun to Lin Yun.

“No way! I want to team up with Lin Yun! ”

Chen Mojing was not happy, and she also wanted to be with Lin Yun.

“Get out! You’re a little short! Lin Yun is mine! ”

Where would Ye Xuefei agree, she was not willing to give up Lin Yun at all.

But he only heard Lin Yun say, “Qiu Yu, you come with me, as for the two of you… If you lose, you won’t see me tonight. ”

Chen Mojing, Ye Xuefei:!?

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