“Black zombie…..”

Hearing these words, the faces of the people suddenly darkened to the extreme, and the air around them became somewhat condensed.

Everyone knows the horror of black-level zombies.

Not to mention the black level zombies, even if they were orange level zombies, they were not able to deal with them alone.

I’m afraid I have to send a team of twenty or even thirty people to solve an orange-level zombie!

Not to mention the black level zombies!

Moreover, there was still a precedent for killing more than a hundred people of Wu Shanjun, making them pay special attention to the corpse king who appeared in Yehai City.

“I know everyone is full of fear of unknown zombies, but aren’t we also coming step by step?” The man said, “Our group has been living in the last days for more than half a year, and this day will continue for at least a few years or even more than a decade!” If you want to survive, you can only make yourself stronger! ”

The crowd nodded, their eyes seeming to be filled with hope for life.

“So what are your intentions?”

Guo Xiang asked him, wanting to know his reply.

“Of course, I don’t want to go to the Night Sea Market anymore, and I also have to talk to the person who came from Yanjing, Dr. Yang, he can only find it himself.”

Hearing this sentence, the crowd suddenly withered down, and it turned out that this guy had chosen to escape.

However, this also made them breathe a sigh of relief, at least the Night Sea Market was a long distance away from their Nanxi City, and the Corpse King could not threaten them in a short period of time.

“Guo Xiang, just go talk to that person, and then return the crystals and tell him that we can’t gamble with our lives!”

“Okay! Lu Lao! ”

Guo Xiang took the old man’s words and left the hall.

He walked to a room.

Opening the door, a handsome, even feminine looking man was smoking at the window.

“Bai Ling, we can’t do this, you let someone else do it.” Guo Xiang said to the man.

“Can’t do it?”

Bai Ling sneered and said, “What do you mean?” After taking more than thirty red crystals from our white family, and even an orange crystal, you told me that you couldn’t do it? ”

Bai Ling’s face became very bad, he had obviously discussed with the ability of Nanxi City, and the result was this one.

Guo Xiang threw a bag to Bai Ling.

As soon as he saw it, it was the zombie crystals he had given to the Nanxi City Ability Organization.

Subsequently, Guo Xiang said, “I really can’t do it, there is a black-level zombie in Yehai City, our more than a hundred people have been damaged there, we don’t want to see our brothers die.” ”

“Black zombies!?”

Bai Ling was horrified, he was still the first time he had heard that there were black-level zombies in the Night Sea Market.

He couldn’t help but frown slightly, above gave him the task to let him take away Yang Weiyu, he naturally wanted to do it.

But now there were fewer people to help him do things, and he was afraid that he would have to do it himself, and the most worrying thing was that Yang Weiyu had already died at the hands of that black-level zombie.

“Forget it, since there are black-level zombies, you guys can’t play a role.” Bai Lingbai glanced at Guo Xiang, “After all, waste is waste, and I have to go out on my own horse.” ”


Guo Xiang was a little angry at Bai Ling’s words.

But he didn’t dare to rush up and punch him, after all, he had seen Bai Ling’s strength, which was a notch stronger than the strongest of their al-Qaida.

It is rumored to be able to survive dozens of rounds with orange-level zombies.

In addition, there are Yanjing forces behind people as backstages, and it is even more unlimited.


Bai Ling walked out of the room with a sneer, and he prepared to leave for a trip to the Night Sea Market.

Completing tasks while ensuring safety is his philosophy.

There is also a way to determine whether the black-level zombie in Guo Xiang’s mouth really exists, after all, some people in Yanjing are full of interest in black-level zombies.

“Are you going to the Night Sea Market?”

Guo Xiang asked Bai Ling.

Bai Ling sucked in his nose and replied, “Of course, I’m not as timid as you bunch of waste.” ”

“Oh, wait until you can come back alive.”

Guo Xiang looked at each other coldly.

That monster was not even his opponent for more than a hundred people, and if this Bai Ling encountered it, he would undoubtedly die!

“I don’t have to worry about your life, say a word to the boss of your organization, and leave!”

After the words fell, Bai Ling left the base of Nanxi City.

Guo Xiang looked at Bai Ling’s back and said coldly, “It is best that you die in the Night Sea Market!” Arrogant bastard! ”

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to go back and tell the boss of the organization.

But just after turning around, a young and handsome face appeared in front of his eyes.

Frightened, Guo Xiang’s face turned pale, and he quickly took a few steps backwards.

“Who are you?”

Guo Xiang asked the man who suddenly appeared.

The man said plainly, “You’d better answer my question, or I’ll kill you.” ”

Guo Xiang raised an eyebrow and put his hand on the gun around his waist.

“Boy, I don’t know who you are, but this isn’t the place where you can fool around!”

When he was about to draw his gun and threaten the other party, the other party was sneering.


A crisp sound sounded.

Guo Xiang was surprised to find that the gun he was going to hold had actually been cut in two!

For a moment, the door of his brain was covered with beads of sweat the size of beans.

He didn’t even see what was going on, and his gun was destroyed by the man on the other side?

How exactly does this work?

Just this move made Guo Xiang believe that the man in front of him was several times stronger than Bai Ling’s strength!

The next moment, the other party finally opened his mouth and asked him: “If you don’t want to die, answer my question, what are you going to do when you organize to go to the Night Sea Market, and what news have you got?” ”

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