“I…. Organization…..”

Guo Xiang was so frightened that his whole body began to tremble.

For some reason, his heart was full of fear for the man in front of him.

That sense of fear is definitely not weaker than the fear of facing an orange-level zombie.

And he had a familiar feeling about the man in front of him.

It’s like seeing it somewhere.

“Say it!”

The man in front of him was naturally Lin Yun, and he found the base of the Nanxi City Ability Organization through the tracking of zombies.

And sneaked into it, and happened to appear in front of Guo Xiang.

“We went to Yehai Market to take Dr. Yang away, and someone is looking for her!”

Guo Xiang answered the first question,

“What do you do with Dr. Yang?” Who is looking for her? Lin Yun asked.

Guo Xiang swallowed a mouthful of spit and continued to reply, “A man named Bai Ling, he is from Yanjing. ”

“Bai Ling?”

Hearing the surname Bai, Lin Yun understood that it was a member of the Bai Yu Kaoru family, and he did not expect that this morning he was still exchanging information about Bai Yuxuan with Chen Mofeng, and at noon he heard and read the news about the Bai family.

“What is he looking for Yang Weiyu to do?”

Lin Yun asked again.

Guo Xiang shook his head, “I don’t know, if it is a doctor, there should be some experiment to let Dr. Yang participate.” ”

Lin Yun frowned, indeed.

Yang Weiyu is one of the makers involved in the experiment, and now that Muhu and others are dead, isn’t she the only one left?

Obviously, the people of Yanjing also wanted something from Yang Weiyu.

“And then what? What did you learn from the Night Market? ”

“We didn’t see Dr. Yang, and we withdrew after the advance team died, knowing there was a zombie there.”

In order to save his life, Guo Xiang told Lin Yun everything he knew.

The information Lin Yun got now basically knew a rough idea, except for Bai Ling’s appearance.

So he asked, “So what is your organization going to do?” Help Bai Ling continue to go to the Night Sea Market to find someone? ”

“Of course not!”

Guo Xiang immediately refused: “We don’t want to die, so we don’t plan to go to the Night Sea Market again.” ”

Lin Yun nodded, if they really didn’t bother themselves, there was no need for him to waste his energy against them.

“Who the hell are you?” We Yunjiang people? Or Yanjing? ”

This time, it was Guo Xiang’s turn to ask Lin Yun a question.

Suddenly such a powerful character appeared in front of him, which made him full of curiosity about Lin Yun’s identity.

“You are not entitled to know my identity, but I can tell you that this is our second meeting.”

After speaking, Lin Yun disappeared in front of Guo Xiang.


Guo Xiang still wanted to ask some questions, but Lin Yun had disappeared.

He couldn’t help but mutter, Lin Yun’s last words left.

“Are we meeting for the second time?”


Suddenly! Guo Xiang inhaled a cool breath, and he finally remembered Lin Yun’s appearance.

Isn’t it the man he saw standing at the top of the hill when they were evacuating the Night Sea Market?

Why is he in the base?

Did he follow all the way?

Suddenly, Guo Xiang’s back was scared out of a cold sweat.

He knew in his heart that the unidentified corpse king of the Night Sea Market would soon reappear!

Or rather…. Never been the so-called corpse king?


Bai Ling, who left the base, ran all the way to Yehai Market, driving a black off-road vehicle through the streets surrounded by zombies to the forest in the middle of Yehai Market and Nanxi City.

His mind was still about the black-level zombie in Guo Xiang’s mouth.

Compared to orange-level zombies, black-level zombies are the most precious.

You know, so far, humans have never successfully hunted a black-level zombie!

Not once!

And this time, the appearance of black-level zombies in the Night Sea Market was just an opportunity.

If they can hunt first, they will definitely gain a huge harvest.

Just as he was speeding towards the Night Sea Market, suddenly, a black shadow appeared above his head.


Bai Ling’s gaze looked upwards.

He was surprised to see that there was a man flying above his head?

“Me? Is this still human? ”

Bai Ling was horrified, there were naturally many capable people and strangers in this world, but he was still the first time he had seen those who could fly.

Is it wearing some scientific instrument?

And in the next moment, people in the sky also flew in his direction.

Even if the off-road vehicle driven by Bai Ling had a speed of one hundred and fifty miles at this time, it was easily caught up by the other party.

“Who are you?”

Bai Ling asked the man who appeared next to him.

Lin Yun coldly replied, “The person who killed you!” ”


In an instant, Lin Yun’s fist reached out to Bai Ling’s SUV.

The car actually overturned because of Lin Yun’s punch!


Bai Ling was horrified and immediately jumped out of the car, away from Lin Yun’s position of more than ten meters.

He pulled out the knife he was wearing around his waist.

Bai Ling’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn’t know why, the man in front of him was full of hostility towards him.

At least he could be sure that he had never seen the other person.

“Brother, what does it mean to suddenly do something to me?” We seem to have no revenge, right? Bai Ling asked Lin Yun.

“Aren’t you going to the Night Sea Market to find Yang Weiyu?” Lin Yun said coldly, “I can only tell you very sadly, you can’t see her.” ”

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