“How do you know!?”

Bai Ling looked at Lin Yun suspiciously, he didn’t expect that the other party would dare to know his mission to go to the Night Sea Market.

Could it be that the people in Nanxi City said it?

Lin Yun didn’t answer, just walked slowly toward him.

In the face of Lin Yun’s threat, Bai Ling did not flinch, after all, he knew that his strength was among the top among humans.

Even if the other party can fly in the air, he may not be able to beat the other party.

He drew the knife pinned to his waist and prepared to fight Lin Yun.

Lin Yun’s face did not have any expression, from the data given by the system, this Bai Ling was a few points weaker than Bai Yu Kaoru, and it was also more powerful than Chen Mojing.

As his pace continued to accelerate, the next moment, Lin Yun’s figure disappeared into Bai Ling’s sight.

“What about people?”

Bai Ling was horrified, his gaze had been locked on Lin Yun’s body, how could he suddenly disappear?

In an instant, Lin Yun’s leg hit Bai Ling’s abdomen from the side.


Bai Ling tried to block it with his arm, but there was not enough time.

The next second, his whole body flew out on the side and fell heavily to the ground.

He stood up from the ground in excruciating pain.

That kick made his waist unconscious, which was simply not a force that a person could use!


Bai Ling gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Yun, originally he thought he had the strength to fight.

But this foot made him understand that he was just an ant in the hands of the other party.

“Tell me what you want to do with Yang Weiyu.”

Lin Yun asked Bai Ling coldly and ruthlessly.

“Will you let me go when I say that?” Bai Ling sneered back.

“No, it will only make you die.”

“Hahahahaha! So you still want me to say it? Dream! Bai Ling swore to die.

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly and held out his right hand and snapped his fingers.



Only to hear the roar of a group of zombies coming from the surrounding forest.


Bai Ling was stunned, why are there zombies in this desolate wilderness?

There was also Lin Yun’s move, the zombie’s roar was only issued after he snapped his fingers.

Why? Could it be that Lin Yun controlled them?

In less than ten seconds, dozens of zombies appeared around the two of them, and the number of all green-level zombies was enough to pose a threat to Bai Ling.

“Can you control the zombies?”

Bai Ling asked in surprise.

Lin Yun did not answer his question head-on, but continued to answer the above question: “Say it or not?” What are you looking for Yang Weiyu to do? ”

Bai Ling was in a cold sweat behind him, and the zombies around him were constantly approaching him, but they didn’t pay any attention to Lin Yun, who had already passed by.

Obviously, this group of zombies is controlled by this man!

Oh, my God!

How could someone control the zombies? This is something that has never been done before.

“Isn’t it?”

Bai Ling suddenly remembered that Guo Xiang said that there was a corpse king in the Night Sea Market, was it the man in front of him?

If yes, then everything will be explained.


Bai Ling took a deep breath, he wanted to choose to escape, there were still two smoke bombs in his pocket, as long as he found the right time, he had the possibility of escaping.

He sneered, “It seems that the assumption that the black-level zombie may retain sanity is valid, you are very interesting!” ”

Lin Yun:….

“However, it’s a pity that you met me, and our White Family will hunt you down!” There will be a period later! ”

After Bai Ling finished speaking, he took out the smoke bomb in his hand and prepared to let it explode to help him escape.

However, when he was about to throw away the smoke bomb, he found that his body was out of his control!

“What’s going on?”

Bai Ling was shocked, he only felt that his whole body was disconnected, only one of his own eyes could still whirl, but he was surprised to find that Lin Yun had appeared in front of him.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand to remove the two smoke bombs, and he controlled Bai Ling’s actions one step ahead.

Of course, with the ability to locate, even if Bai Ling obscured his vision with smoke bombs, he could not escape from the palm of his hand.

“Damn! What did you do!? ”

Bai Ling exclaimed.

He tried to control his body with all his strength, but the body still did not listen to his commands.

Just heard Lin Yun’s words.

“If you don’t want to be eaten by zombies, just tell me what happened to you Bai family looking for Yang Weiyu!”

Bai Ling’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The line of sight is constantly looking around.

If he didn’t answer Lin Yun’s question, he was afraid that he would really be torn to pieces by the zombies.

He swallowed a mouthful of spit in fear.

Being eaten alive by a zombie is far more terrifying than being hacked to death with a knife.

It was mental and physical torture, and in a short time it crushed Bai Ling’s inner defense line.

He whispered, “We in the Bai family need Dr. Yang Weiyu to help us create serums, greatly enhance the strength of Yanjing’s capable people, and use these capable people to participate in a war in the Tianshan Mountains!” ”

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