“The Tianshan War?”

Lin Yun frowned, he knew that the Heavenly Mountains were a mountain range in the north.

But what kind of war can be fought there?

Are there still huge and opposing human organizations?

“How much do you know about this?”

“They didn’t tell me more.” Bai Ling said panickedly, “This! You let me go, I’ll do things for you, how about asking for you? Feel relieved! I will never betray you! ”


Lin Yun looked at Bai Ling with interest, he didn’t expect this kid to turn against him like this?


A shining sword blade appeared in Lin Yun’s hand.

Seeing that a weapon appeared in Lin Yun’s hand, Bai Ling immediately panicked.

“What are you going to do!? I can really help you with things! You believe me! Yes! ”

Bai Ling’s voice had just fallen, and Lin Yun’s sword blade stabbed into his abdomen.

Blood flowed from the wound, staining the muddy ground beneath his feet red.

Bai Ling’s body fell in response and lost its vitality.

Lin Yun withdrew the Blade of Nothingness, his gaze flat.

Killing Bai Ling was only because he didn’t need Bai Ling to do things for himself, just ask him the reason for going to the Night Sea Market.

Subsequently, a fire disposed of Bai Ling’s body.

Lin Yun once again went to the Ability Base in Nanxi City.

He also helped Yang Weiyu get a set of scientific research equipment.


At the Nanxi City Ability Base, Guo Xiang sat in his room.

There was a cold sweat on his back, and it was difficult to calm his mood since he saw Lin Yun.

He began to wonder if the young man was the king of corpses in the mouth of the deceased.

After all, that terrible strength is absolutely capable of killing a hundred people!


Suddenly, Guo Xiang’s communicator rang.


Guo Xiang asked.

“Captain Guo, there is a man outside who wants to come in, and he said he came to borrow something.”

Voices of doubt came from the other side.

“Borrow something?” Guo Xiang looked suspicious and then asked, “What kind of person is it?” ”

He wondered if the survivors of Nanxi City had borrowed supplies from them?

“What kind of ah….. It was a very young man, a little handsome, and the little beauty who guarded the gate with me was almost fascinated by him, but he looked a little cold and didn’t like to talk much. ”

The janitor told Guo Xiang everything he saw truthfully.

“Very handsome man?”

When Guo Xiang heard this word, Lin Yun’s face immediately poured into his mind.

Is he back?

Wrong! Didn’t he go after Bai Ling?

How long has it been since then? How did it come back?

“Quick! Let him in! ”

Guo Xiang rushed out of the room door with a running belt and ran to the door.

Finally, after being too tired to breathe, Guo Xiang ran to the front door.

At this time, a man and a woman guarding were talking to Lin Yun.

It didn’t seem like what he imagined to happen.

Guo Xiang wiped his hair with saliva and walked towards Lin Yun.

He said, “Is there something going on?” This suddenly has come back….”

Lin Yun’s eyes turned to Guo Xiang, and compared to the first meeting, Guo Xiang’s attitude towards him had changed dramatically.

Now Guo Xiang saw Lin Yun as if he saw his superior.

“Captain Guo, do you know him?”

The man guarding looked at Guo Xiang doubtfully.

Guo Xiang frowned and shouted, “Xiao Li, you go to prepare tea and snacks, I want to entertain my friend~”

When he spoke, he should deliberately emphasize the word friend.

“Oh well.”

Xiao Li didn’t ask much and did what Guo Xiang commanded.

Seeing Xiao Li leave, Guo Xiang also said to Lin Yun: “It’s not good to talk here, come inside.” ”

In this regard, Lin Yun nodded expressionlessly.

Guo Xiang led Lin Yun into an area similar to a conference room.

Because there is no ability to replace the equipment, the tables and chairs inside are somewhat worn.

There were many knife marks on the table and chair made of mahogany, and Guo Xiang deliberately found a leather seat for Lin Yun to sit on.

And he was standing all the time, with no intention of sitting down.

“I don’t know what else happened when you came back this time?” Guo Xiang asked Lin Yun.

He knew that Lin Yun’s strength was strong, so he spoke carefully everywhere, for fear of angering Lin Yun.

This is Guo Xiang’s personality, he does not like to cause trouble, or is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Lin Yun’s gaze fell on Guo Xiang’s body.

He was also a little surprised, he didn’t expect this Guo Xiang to be so obedient.

“I heard that Nanxi City has a set of experimental equipment, right?”

Hearing Lin Yun’s question, Guo Xiang quickly nodded.

“Right, right, right! We have a set of equipment here, are you going to use it? ”

“It’s not so much about using it, I’m going to take them away.”

“Take away?”

Guo Xiang’s brow furrowed suddenly, if it was used, he could apply for it, and it was not a big deal to use it.

But if you want to take it, it’s not up to him.

He quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and said to Lin Yun: “This matter may not be so easy to handle, you know, although there is no scientist in our base, but scientific research equipment is rare in this environment, and it is impossible for those guys to let you take away.” ”


Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “Make a price?” Or do you meet each other? Which one do you choose? ”

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