
When Guo Xiang heard this, his face suddenly turned into mixed tastes.

He chooses between these two options, and he must have chosen fair dealing.

But is this deal really fair to him?

“Of course I don’t want to see humans kill each other.” Guo Xiang wiped his sweat and said, “If you can, I’ll help you ask?” If the price is reasonable, I believe that the organization will sell you the scientific research equipment. ”

“Well, yes, you can ask.”

As soon as Lin Yun’s voice fell, Guo Xiang ran out of the laboratory.

He immediately rushed into the hall used by the ables of Nanxi City for discussion.

At this time, only a few scattered people were talking in the hall, and when Guo Xiang rushed into the door, they were still a little surprised.

“Panic, what’s the matter?”

The old man before asked Guo Xiang.

His name is Xiao Wenwen and he is the head of this organization.

Although most of the power depends on the decisions of the captains, only he has a veto.

“Elder Xiao, I have something to say to you!”

Guo Xiang shouted at Xiao Wen.

Xiao Wen’s pale white eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and generally Guo Xiang behaved very steadily, but now he was in a hurry, obviously in trouble.

“There is a person at our base! No, it’s not human. Guo Xiang thought carefully and then rejected his words, continuing: “He wants to make a deal with us!” ”

“What do you ask me to do with this kind of thing?” Xiao Wenwen looked at Guo Xiang doubtfully, “What does he want you to talk to him about, do you need me to come forward?” ”

“But he wants scientific research equipment!” Guo Xiang shouted.

“Scientific research equipment?”

When these four words were uttered, Xiao Wenwen was stunned.

He did not expect anyone to trade scientific research equipment.

You know, this thing is very precious, not only as a drug research but also as a study of zombies, it has great significance.

Although they don’t have a scientific staff in Nanxi City, who can be sure that there will not be one in the future?

“You’d better tell the other person that we can’t trade scientific equipment with him!” Let him die this heart! Xiao Wenwen replied.

“But! But he’s different! ”

Guo Xiang looked a little anxious.

“What’s different? Could it be the man above him? How can there be a shortage of scientific research equipment on the top? ”

“What if I said he was the Corpse King we talked about last time?”

“Corpse King!?”

Hearing these two words, everyone present was stunned.

Qi Brush looked at Guo Xiang.

Xiao Wenwen’s face also became very bad, where did he want to get, the person who would come to ask for scientific research equipment was the corpse king!

He asked suspiciously, “Are you sure the other party is the Corpse King?” Why did he come to our base? Why do you need scientific research equipment? ”

Guo Xiang shook his head, only to reply: “I don’t know what use he wants to have for scientific research equipment, but his identity should be inseparable, but I can see from his speech that the other party should not be a corpse king, but a human!” ”


Suddenly, everyone was shocked by Guo Xiang’s words again.

“Are you saying that it was a human being who killed more than a hundred of Wu Junshan’s people?” How can it be!? ”

They were a little hard to believe that the character who killed Wu Junshan was just a human.

Even if human evolution is fast, it is impossible to fight in the face of more than a hundred professional and capable people with gun weapons.

It can also be said that in their cognition, only black-level zombies have this ability.

“It should be human, unless the black-level zombies can maintain their human form or even maintain their intelligence.” Guo Xiang was only guessing, after all, this so-called corpse king has always been a mystery.

No one can confirm that there really is such a corpse king in the Night Sea Market.

“I don’t believe it, how can there be human beings who have such a skill? Are we going out to meet the guy? ”

A man proposed to the crowd.

In exchange, however, was the silence of the crowd.

Because the death of Wu Junshan’s team is still vividly remembered.

They didn’t want to face this monster that could destroy a hundred people in one fell swoop.

“I’m going to meet him, he always has a degree in Qiang, our base is nearly a thousand people, can’t we deal with him?”

Xiao Wenwen decided to meet Lin Yun in person.

“Okay, I’ll lead the way!”

A group of people rushed to Lin Yun’s room under the leadership of Guo Xiang.

Before they could enter the door, they saw a young man sitting inside through the window.

Seeing Lin Yun’s appearance, they immediately became suspicious.

This young man was handsome in appearance, and there was a yang breath between his eyebrows, which did not look like a zombie at all.

And when he saw their arrival, he also showed a faint smile.

I would like to ask, would the Corpse King laugh like this?

But they also had some doubts about life, could it be this young man who killed more than a hundred people of Wu Junshan?

How is this possible?

Seeing the appearance of a bunch of people, Lin Yun had no intention of standing up to greet them.

Silently waiting for the crowd to come to their side.

He said calmly, “How about what I said?” I hope you think it through and don’t let me do it. ”

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