“If we agree to the deal, what can you give us?” Money? That kind of thing is probably the least useful thing now. Xiao Wenwen asked Lin Yun.

As an old man of sixty or seventy years old, he can definitely be called a scheming.

Even if you know that you are facing a terrible being that can kill them, you must fight for the interests of yourself and the organization in the wind and clouds.

Lin Yun heard Xiao Wenwen’s answer, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: “There are many things I can give, such as…”

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a pile of canned meat appeared in their field of vision.

“How is this possible?”

“Canned meat? And a whole bunch? ”

“Where did he get the canned meat from?” Pocket?? Are you a robot cat? ”

“Even our base doesn’t have that much meat, how did he do it?”

The faces of the crowd were filled with shock.

It’s been about eight months since the end of the world, and even in the big supermarkets, there is not much food left that hasn’t expired, especially meat products.

In the absence of a livestock farm operation, it is basically difficult to see meat that is still edible.

However, Lin Yun in front of him pulled out nearly dozens of boxes of canned meat, causing everyone’s eyes to suddenly glow with gold.

“These canned meats…..”

Xiao Wenwen looked at the piles of canned meat and his heart was also shaken.

The base ran out of meat, and after becoming a Capable One, their need for energy increased dramatically.

But where in this last days is there so much meat for them to eat?

What was left in the supermarket was probably some lunch meat, but most of it was synthetic.

So Lin Yun’s canned meat was full of temptation for them.

“How? Inadequate? Lin Yun’s face became gloomy.

Of course, he would not be adding, and being able to trade thirty canned meats was already his bottom line.

“What do you think…..”

Xiao handed over the choice to someone else.

They looked at each other, and after whispering for a while, they finally gave Lin Yun an answer.

“We agreed to give you the scientific instruments, but how are you going to take them?” They are heavy! ”

Guo Xiang asked Lin Yun.

“Take me!”

Guo Xiang and the others took Lin Yun to the laboratory of the Nanxi City Ability Base.

It was a room that had not been cleaned for a long time, and it was large, about the size of a basketball hall, filled with experimental instruments.

The most important thing is that these instruments are brand new, but they are covered with dust, and it seems that because they have just been placed and used before they can be used, the end of the world has begun.

“There are a lot of these instruments, and if we need us to help you take them away, it may also waste a day’s time, just dozens of cans…”

Guo Xiang was a little embarrassed, if he wanted to transport these things away, even in Nanxi City, it was a big project.

For Guo Xiang’s embarrassment, Lin Yun did not take it as a thing and went directly to the front of the instrument.

Only to see a big hand!

In an instant, an instrument disappeared from their sight!

“This! How can it be!? ”

The crowd was horrified!

Watching the instruments disappear into their sight one by one, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Is this magic?

These instruments disappeared out of thin air?

Is there really a treasure bag?

Everyone’s mind is full of doubts.

But there was also a hint of relief that they did not provoke Lin Yun.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I don’t know how I died.

In less than five minutes, Lin Yun had incorporated all the instruments into the system world.

At this point, the room suddenly became empty, leaving not a single item behind.

“Come here.”

Lin Yun said to Guo Xiang.


Guo Xiang swallowed a mouthful of spit and came to Lin Yun’s side.

He had just recovered from the shock, so when he first walked to Lin Yun’s side, he looked silly.

“Any other orders?”

“If the Bai family comes looking for them, you tell them that I am waiting for them at the Night Sea Market.” Understand? Lin Yun said plainly.

“The White Family? What do you and the Bai family of Yanjing have….. Don’t? ”

A hypothesis suddenly appeared in Guo Xiang’s mind.

Didn’t he tell Lin Yun about Bai Ling’s trip to Yehai Market himself?

Is it that Bai Ling has been given by Lin Yun…..?

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “You just need to tell them, I will leave first.” ”


In just an instant, Lin Yun’s figure disappeared into the sight of Guo Xiang and the others.

The crowd exclaimed again and asked, “What about people?” How did it disappear? ”

“Guo Xiang, are you sure he’s human?” Xiao Wenwen, the old guy, also began to can’t help it.

He had never seen a human being who could make objects disappear out of thin air.

I have never seen a human with teleportation ability!

This cannot be called human at all!

Guo Xiang was also helpless, he also just knew that Lin Yun had supernatural abilities.

He had to be aggrieved and said, “Anyway, let’s not mess with him, he is even more terrible than a zombie!” ”


Back to the system world.

Lin Yun’s first thing is naturally to look for Yang Weiyu, so many scientific research equipment still need to be sorted out.

Just with a thought, he came to Yang Weiyu’s room.

But the scene in front of him was somewhat awkward, and the place where he appeared was the bathroom.

And Yang Weiyu was sitting on the toilet to release her soul.

Yang Weiyu: “???? What’s the matter with you?! Get out! ”

In this regard, Lin Yun just pinched his nose, walked out of the door and said: “Stink is dead, solve it quickly, I am looking for you to have a problem.” ”

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