Lin Yun returned to the living room, and at this time the women had already gathered here for a long time.

“Coming back?” Ye Xuefei saw Lin Yun and asked with a smile.

Lin Yun nodded, his gaze wandering among the women, but he didn’t find Keqi.

“What about the Qiqi people?”

Lin Yun asked them.

“Can Qi? Seems to be with Yu Qian. Chen Yuexin replied.

Lin Yun immediately set off and prepared to go to Yu Qian’s room, but was stopped by Ye Xuefei.

“Is there something going on?” Ye Xuefei asked Lin Yun.

Her sense of smell is very sharp, and generally Lin Yun will not deliberately look for Keqi, after all, her identity is somewhat special.

Apparently something was going on.

Lin Yun replied, “No big deal, by the way, did I try on a few of the clothes I gave you at that time?” ”

Hearing these words, the corners of Ye Xuefei’s mouth revealed a faint smile.

“I’ve tried it many times, so I’ll wait for you to come to my room at night to see it.” ”

Lin Yun nodded, and then disappeared from their sight.

For the conversation between the two, Chen Yuexin asked Ye Xuefei very doubtfully.

It always feels like the conversation between the two seems to have a password.

Chen Yuexin’s question made Ye Xuefei’s face raise a smile.

She smiled sweetly, “This is my secret with him.” ”

“Cut! Mysterious, who is rare! Chen Mojing on the side gave Ye Xuefei a blank look.

Ye Xuefei did not answer, but smiled and took a sip of the coffee on the table to prepare for this sleepless night.

The other side.

Lin Yun had already come to Yu Qian’s room.

However, he found that Yu Qian’s room was haunted by smoke, like a fairyland.

“Tap! It hurts me to death! ”

In the bathroom, Yu Qian was helping Keqi wipe her body.

They did not perceive Lin Yun’s arrival and continued to talk.

“Don’t move, it’ll be over soon.”

Yu Qian took the towel and rubbed Keqi’s skin hard, because she did not control the force, resulting in the appearance of a red mark on Keqi’s body.

Keqi felt very depressed, but he could not escape, so he had to silently endure Yu Qian’s torture.

“Cough cough!”

Lin Yun coughed twice, and the two of them noticed his appearance.

Seeing Lin Yun, Yu Qian subconsciously went to get the bath towel next to her, even though she had already seen Lin Yun over and over again.

“What are you here to do?”

Yu Qian asked Lin Yun.

“I’m looking for Keqi, have you washed it?” Lin Yun touched his nose and asked.

“All right.”

Yu Qian patted Keqi’s little head and stood up and took her out to get dressed.

But as soon as her front foot went out, she was grabbed by Lin Yun’s arm.

“What’s wrong?” Yu Qian asked doubtfully.

Lin Yun smiled and pushed Keqi out of the bathroom and said, “Get dressed and wait for me in the room.” ”

Then he closed the bathroom door.

Outside the door, Keqi, who was still covered with wet hair, shook his head helplessly and went to the closet to find clean clothes.

Lin Yun in the bathroom had already attacked Yu Qian.

Originally, there was a certain emotion accumulated in Yang Weiyu’s body, and now that she saw Yu Qian’s ketone body, it was natural to solve it well.

About thirty minutes later, Lin Yuncai walked out of the bathroom.

Come to Keqi’s side.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the lab.” Lin Yun grabbed Ke Qi’s hand, and the two disappeared into the room.

After a few moments, Yu Qian limped out of the bathroom and planted her head into the soft quilt to relieve the exhaustion just now.


In the laboratory, Yang Weiyu was already waiting impatiently.

She anxiously compared the Molotov cocktail in her hand, and her heart was always Lin Yun’s figure.


With a crisp sound, Lin Yun finally appeared behind her with Keqi.

“Man I brought.”

Lin Yun said to Yang Weiyu.

Yang Weiyu glanced at Keqi and replied, “How did it take so long?” It’s been almost an hour. ”

Lin Yun touched his nose and said, “After doing some private things, let’s discuss the right thing.” ”

With that, he pushed Keqi in front of Yang Weiyu’s body.

Keqi looked at Lin Yun doubtfully and asked, “What do you want to do?” ”

Lin Yun replied, “I need Wei Yu to perform some experiments on your DNA, can you trust me once?”

Keqi looked into Lin Yun’s eyes, and his meaning was naturally understood, that is, he wanted to experiment with her.

In this regard, Yang Weiyu said: “Rest assured, I will not conduct human experiments on you, but I just want a little bit of your dander tissue, as well as renewable tissue such as blood.” ”

“Well, I see.”

But Qi did not hesitate at all, and directly held out her hand, not knowing what method was used, a drop of blood condensed on her fingertips.

She then put it in a Molotov cocktail.

Seeing this scene, Yang Weiyu was also a little surprised, this is definitely not a natural phenomenon.

Because there is no scar on Keqi’s fingers!

“By the way, show her your abilities, how’s that?” Lin Yun suddenly asked Keqi.

“But there are no zombie corpses here.” Keqi asked rhetorically.

“It’s simple.”

Lin Yun waved a big hand, and suddenly a zombie corpse appeared in front of the two people.

And Keqi obediently walked over to the corpse and hung his hand over the corpse.

Yang Weiyu was very confused and asked Lin Yun, “What do you want her to do?” ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly: “You see this is good!” ”

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