
Yang Weiyu glanced at Lin Yun and turned her gaze to Keqi.

Only to see, Keqi’s hand slowly lifted.

Then a magical scene appeared! Countless tentacles poured out from the zombie’s corpse, suspended in mid-air like a poisonous snake under the control of Keqi!

Seeing this scene, Yang Weiyu’s face suddenly darkened.

This thing may be fine for men, but it is simply fatal to their women.

If she could, she would really like to run away immediately.

“This is Keqi’s ability, she is able to control the flesh of other zombies to attack, although it is a bit disgusting.” Lin Yun explained to Yang Weiyu plainly.

Yang Weiyu’s answer only nodded, obviously she was full of fear of this ability.

The tentacles in front of Keqi slowly wandered through the air with her command.

Like a rope with life.

Yang Weiyu saw all this in her eyes.

She also saw the black zombie for the first time, but she did not expect that the legendary black zombie was actually a little girl.

However, although Keqi is a black-level zombie, her abilities are not up to standard.

Maybe that’s why Lin Yun asked Yang Weiyu to experiment on Keqi.

It can only be said that the existence of Keqi is somewhat special.

“Okay, I see, I’ll take care of everything about her, and if I can, can I let her stay with me for a while?” Yang Weiyu asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun turned his gaze to Keqi.

The time that Keqi and Yang Weiyu have known each other has not yet reached a week, so he attaches great importance to Keqi’s choice.

Ke Qi’s answer was to nod his head, willing to cooperate with Yang Weiyu in the experiment.

“Very good, experiment without harming Keqi, if something calls me, understand?” Lin Yun instructed again.

“Well, I see.”

After Yang Weiyu finished speaking, she immediately began to experiment.

Keqi sat next to him, waiting for Yang Weiyu to inform him.

Lin Yun nodded, then turned to leave, and transformed the picture back to his room.

As soon as he returned to his room, Lin Yun heard the sound of the system in his ear.

“Ding! Complete special missions! ”

“Recruit Yang Weiyu to conduct a black-level zombie experiment!”

“Mission Reward: Black Level Zombie Crystal!”

“Quantity: Unlimited!”

“Black zombie crystal?”

Lin Yun was momentarily stunned, he never dreamed that the system would give black-level zombie crystals as a reward!

Know that this thing has never been hunted before!

But can you make it yourself?

Know how precious the black zombies are!

Even the powerful zombie brother only half a foot had entered the level of a black zombie, and after digging it out, it was only an orange-level crystal.

But now you can make black crystals indefinitely?

As soon as his mind moved, a black-level zombie crystal appeared in his hand.

It’s not so much black as it’s black-purple with a faint glow.

However, unlike other crystals, Lin Yun felt that he seemed to be able to improve by eating this black crystal!

You know, the orange zombie crystal didn’t have any improvement on him.

But Lin Yun held the black crystal in his hand, but he felt a nameless call!

It feels like you’re about to break through the bottleneck!

Lin Yun swallowed the black zombie crystal into his abdomen.

It only felt a heat in his body, followed by a surge of energy!

He found that the impurities in his body were instantly expelled! Clearly visible on his skin!

And with that comes great power!

Just a few minutes!

Just a candy-sized crystal!

Lin Yun felt that his strength had more than doubled!

If you need a suit to block the impact of a vehicle, or to resist the attack of an orange-level zombie.

And now Lin Yun was able to directly resist their attacks with his flesh!

However, he could only eat one of these black zombie crystals.

When he took out the second one, it no longer had the effect it had just had.

Like the orange-level zombie crystal, a person can eat one is already the limit, of course, Lin Yun is because eating this thing can no longer cause any ability to improve it.

Lin Yun got up and entered the bathroom.

He was going to take a shower to remove impurities from his body.

As he sang a little song to the shower, the door to his room was pushed open!

Chen Yuexin and Chen Mojing came in, they secretly came to Lin Yun’s room, heard Lin Yun singing, and shouted at the bathroom door: “Lin Yun, are you inside?” ”


Lin Yun stopped singing and asked the two, “What’s the matter?” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s voice, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the god mysteriously said, “You’re going to Xuefei’s room tonight, right?” ”

“Well, yes, I promised her.”

Lin Yun had previously asked Ye Xuefei to prepare several sets of qipao for fun, and the agreed time was this evening.

Chen Moting and Chen Yuexin, who were at the door, first looked at each other, and then a mysterious smile appeared on their faces.

“Lin Yun, do you mind if we come in?”

“Huh? Do you have anything to do? I’m taking a shower. ”

Lin Yun was very confused and did not understand what the two people were going to do when they came in.

However, they found that the two had already pushed them away, and said badly, “Of course, it is to prevent you from going to Ye Xuefei’s room!” Don’t go out of this door today! Shh ”

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