“What about Lin Yunren?”

In the middle of the night, Ye Xuefei sat alone in the room.

She had already put on the cheongsam and waited for Lin Yun’s arrival, but she had not seen Lin Yun for a long time.

She began to hesitate, not knowing why there was some concern in her heart.

It was now ten o’clock in the evening, and it was reasonable to say that Lin Yun should have come earlier.

She stood up slowly, moving slowly, because her cheongsam appeared too tight, and any large movement would shatter the dress.

After getting up, Ye Xuefei wanted to go to Lin Yun’s room to find Lin Yun.

She staggered to the door of Lin Yun’s room, wondering if Lin Yun had forgotten?

Boom boom!

She knocked on Lin Yun’s door.


Lin Yun’s voice came from inside the door.

Ye Xuefei’s brow frowned slightly, Lin Yun had not yet fallen asleep, did this guy really forget?

“Cough cough!”

Ye Xuefei cleared her throat and said, “It’s me, Lin Yun, have you forgotten something?” ”

“Oh! Snow Princess, come in. ”


Ye Xuefei felt very strange and immediately pushed the door into Lin Yun’s room.

It was okay not to come in, as soon as she came in, her eyes were suddenly shocked.

At this moment, Lin Yun’s room was in a mess.

Chen Yuexin and Chen Mojing lost consciousness and lost early.

As for what Lin Yun is doing?

He was bathing, as if trying to wash away the fishy smell from his body.

“You guys….”

Ye Xuefei looked at the unconscious two girls angrily, and her heart was already covered with anger!

It turned out that these two guys had ruined their own good deeds!

And look at what they look like…

More than ten times!

Now Lin Yun is afraid that he has long lost interest!


Ye Xuefei angrily raised her fist at the thought of this and wanted to walk on the faces of Chen Mojing and Chen Yuexin.

And when her fist was about to walk on Chen Mojing’s face, she found that Chen Mojing showed a happy smile?


Ye Xuefei collapsed, obviously Lin Yun this evening is his own!



Suddenly, Ye Xuefei found that Lin Yun hugged herself tightly.

Lin Yun said in her ear, “Actually, I left some for you.” ”

Ye Xuefei: “??? ”

Ten thousand words are omitted here…..

Every other day.

Lin Yun got up early and had breakfast in the living room.

The third daughter naturally followed Lin Yun to the living room synchronously.

They were supposed to be fighting, but at this moment, they were fighting with the same enemy, staring at Lin Yun with an angry face.

Lin Yun touched his nose, put down the pure milk in his hand, and asked, “Why are you looking at me like this?” ”

The three women put down the coffee in their hands with resentment, and even crossed their hands together, staring at Lin Yun with a lofty look.

It wasn’t until a long time later that Ye Xuefei said, “Do you know what you did yesterday?” ”

“What was done?”

Lin Yun looked puzzled, did something particularly important happen yesterday?

“You guys, we don’t know what you grew up eating!” Slam like a big animal! ”

Chen Yuexin said helplessly.

Her whole body was still sore, and if she could, she really wanted to lie down for a while.

“It just is!” Chen Mojing also agreed with Chen Yuexin very much.

And Ye Xuefei beside them also felt the same, after all, she was also deeply tortured by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun said lightly, “No way, recently the strength has improved a little, the combat effectiveness naturally rises This is very normal, who of you is free tonight?” ”

“You’re stupid, aren’t you?”

“Come on, you!”

“Ahem! You rat tail juice! ”

The three women snorted coldly and got up together and returned to their rooms, in order to avoid being grabbed by Lin Yun again today.

Lin Yun’s face was full of sluggishness, and he had to shrug helplessly.

At this time, Yang Weiyu also got up, it seems that she experimented until late yesterday, because she was used to getting up early, her two eyes were topped with two dark circles.

“How? Didn’t sleep enough? ”

Lin Yun asked her with a smile.

Yang Weiyu did not hurry to answer, but waved her hand, and a bowl of white porridge appeared in her hand, as well as a little squeezed vegetables.

Her breakfast is generally very simple, just like she likes to eat noodles from her hometown.

She said helplessly: “Yesterday I studied for half a day without any progress, which is several times more difficult than I thought.” ”

Lin Yun smiled lightly and comforted, “After all, Keqi is a black-level zombie, and it still takes a little effort to study the existence of black-level zombies.” ”


Yang Weiyu helplessly drank a mouthful of porridge, her face was still very gloomy,

“Do you need me to ask someone to help you?”

Lin Yun suddenly asked.

“Who can help me?”

Yang Weiyu was very confused, Lin Yun’s group of women?

Although they were all very powerful, especially Chen Mojing, she had seen Chen Moting break a sandbag with one punch.

But they don’t have the ability to assist in the experiment, how can they help themselves?

“Of course, I have a candidate.”

Lin Yun smiled mysteriously and said, “What do you think of Bai Yumo?” Can she help? ”

“Kaoru Hakuba? Although she is a good choice, you are not afraid…” Yang Weiyu looked at Lin Yun doubtfully.

White Feather Ink is probably the most knowledgeable and capable character that can be reached right now.

With her help, the experiment would definitely speed things up.

But she and Lin Yun are incompatible, if she unshackles her, won’t anything happen?

Lin Yun replied, “Rest assured, everything in this house is under my control, and she can’t do anything out of the ordinary!” Let’s go, let’s meet her! ”

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