In the dimly lit prison, Kaoru Hakuba sat on the ground.

The wounds on her body had long since dissipated, and the idea of suicide had been dispelled.

Since Yang Weiyu came, she would come to Bai Yu Kaoru from time to time to communicate and bring her a little food.

She was originally very resistant, but under Yang Weiyu’s words, she only began to eat a little bit.

Although she would not be starved to death, the feeling of hunger was not something she could always hold onto.


Suddenly, a light appeared in her vision, and Lin Yun and Yang Weiyu appeared in front of her eyes at this moment.

Yang Weiyu’s appearance Bai Yuxuan was not surprised, but Lin Yun’s appearance made her full of vigilance.

A pair of eyes stared at Lin Yun viciously, making Lin Yun frown suddenly.

“Kaoru Hakuba, we’ll talk to you about something.”

Yang Weiyu was the first to speak, because Lin Yun and Bai Yuxuan were still staring at each other with wide eyes and small eyes.

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun, and then turned his gaze to Yang Weiyu.

He asked, “What’s the matter?” ”


Yang Weiyu took a deep breath and said to Bai Yuxuan, “I hope you can assist me in my experiments, you must be interested in the experiment of black-level zombies, right?” ”

“Black zombie?”

Hearing these five words, Bai Yuxuan was very surprised, and she looked at Yang Weiyu in surprise.

Did they defeat a black-level zombie?

How is this possible?

To know that there is no such record in the whole world, just by Lin Yun?

Doesn’t this mean that Lin Yun is more powerful than everyone in the world?

“Are you sure it’s a black-level zombie?”

Bai Yu Kaoru reconfirmed to Yang Weiyu.

After all, she still couldn’t believe that Lin Yun could defeat the black-level zombies.

Yang Weiyu also understood Bai Yuxuan’s doubts, after all, the record of black-level zombies being hunted and killed had never happened in the whole world.

She immediately explained, “It’s a little girl, she has the potential to become a black-level zombie, and her current strength is naturally not as terrifying as a black-level zombie, but it’s almost the same.” ”

Yang Weiyu was not wrong in saying this.

If you just fight alone, you may not even be able to beat an ordinary adult.

But just as there are tens of thousands of zombies behind her, then her combat effectiveness will increase by hundreds of grades!

Even Lin Yun would think it was very tricky, after all, the terrible tentacle power was huge!

And that’s still not an incomplete ability!

It seems that in her experiments, she found that the flesh of the zombie corpse can be transformed into other shapes.

It would be a very powerful battle!

“Little girl?”

Bai Yu Kaoru listened to the clouds and immediately turned his gaze to Lin Yun.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Don’t you think it’s a little ridiculous?” Let me help you through the experiment? Shake off! I’m just a prisoner of yours, so why do I have to do things for you? ”

“Rewards! I’ll give you a reward~! ”

Lin Yun said solemnly.

“What do you mean?” Bai Yukao’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he understood and asked.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and continued, “I will give you greater freedom instead of being locked in this prison all the time.” You will be able to walk around the lab. And I will provide you with three meals a day, even a separate room, so that you can live a comfortable life. ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s answer, Bai Yuxuan had a cold smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

“Are you thinking too simple?” Am I the casual kind of woman? Even if you give me a reward in abundant supplies, I won’t get anything from you! You died this heart! ”

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, indeed, if Bai Yu Kaoru was so surrendered, then she would not be called Bai Yu Kaoru either.

So, Lin Yun asked, “Then what do you want, we can talk about this.” ”


Kaoru Shiraba smiled mysteriously, “I’m afraid I want something, you can’t give it to me!” ”

“Talk about it!”

Bai Yuxuan’s gaze first fell on Yang Weiyu’s body, and then returned to Lin Yun again.

The corners of her mouth were slightly cocked, since she wanted Lin Yun to lose the idea of hiring herself, naturally she wanted to propose a completely impossible task!

And this task is naturally a lot of death in this kind of apocalypse!

“Black crystals! I want black crystals! A black crystal! ”

After Bai Yu Kaoru finished speaking, a faint smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

Isn’t the hardest thing in the world to get black crystals?

No one had killed a single black-level zombie, and this thing was almost non-existent!

“You’re crazy! How is this possible? ”

Yang Weiyu was also very surprised by Bai Yuxuan’s request, how could this be obtained?

“How? If not, please go back, right? I’m not going to do anything for you! ”

Kaoru Hakuba sneered.


Yang Weiyu really wanted to open her mouth, but Lin Yun on the side did.

“That’s it? I thought you wanted something, wasn’t it the black zombie crystal? I can give it to you! ”

Yang Weiyu:???

Kaoru Hakuba: ???

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