“How is that possible? You can’t possibly have black crystals! ”

When Bai Yu Kaoru heard Lin Yun say that she had black crystals, she was stunned.

How could anyone in this world have black crystals? It’s simply not possible!

Yang Weiyu also looked at Lin Yun with some surprise, she couldn’t believe that Lin Yun would have black crystals!

Lin Yun’s gaze lingered between the two.

He knew why the two were skeptical, after all, black crystals could only be produced by black-level zombies.

And now there is no record of a black-level zombie being hunted.

So he took out a black crystal.

When they saw the black crystal, the two women’s eyes suddenly widened!

A dark purple glow that shines! A crystal containing power!

The first time they saw it, they could be sure it was a real crystal! The crystallization of a black zombie!

“How is this possible? How could you have a black zombie crystal? ”

Kaoru Hakuba was stunned.

She never dreamed that Lin Yun would really take out a black-level zombie crystal!

Moreover, judging from the quality of the zombie crystal, its pure poison is not very low.

That is to say, the black-level zombies that were hunted have at least not just turned black?

How is this possible?

“How’s it going? Is this one enough? ”

Lin Yun asked with a smile.

In the face of the sudden black crystal, Bai Yu Kaoru hesitated.

She just said something that she thought Lin Yun couldn’t have, but where did she think that Lin Yun really had black crystals!

And now!

She needs to make a choice.

Since it is the words that are spoken by oneself, it is also inevitable to fulfill them.

Even if you want to refuse here, there must be a valid reason.

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun and said coldly, “Shouldn’t you be fake?” I don’t believe it! ”


Lin Yun smiled slightly and said to Yang Weiyu, “Open your mouth.” ”


Yang Weiyu looked sluggish and slightly opened her cherry mouth.

And Lin Yun immediately shoved the crystal in his hand into Yang Weiyu’s mouth.

Before Yang Weiyu could react, she swallowed it with Lin Yun’s assistance!


Yang Weiyu was about to speak, but a warm current came from inside her body!

Then came the pain of tearing the heart and lungs!

“This! Is this the reaction of eating black crystals? ”

Bai Yuxuan looked at Yang Weiyu, who was moaning on the ground, and his face wrinkled slightly.

Eating zombie crystals below the orange level is basically no pain.

The orange zombie crystal will make the abdomen feel very uncomfortable.

After this black-level zombie crystal was actually eaten, it would make people roll on the ground in pain? It’s incredible!

“Wait a minute!”

Lin Yun said calmly.

About ten seconds later, Yang Weiyu finally stopped calling.

Because she found that her abdomen was no longer painful, and even somewhat comfortable.

On the surface of her skin, there was a pile of black impurities oozing out, and there was a foul smell. It made her frown involuntarily.

But she can also clearly feel that her physical fitness has been greatly improved.

Even the eyes that were originally short-sighted became clear!

“Go take a shower.” Lin Yun said with a smile.


Yang Weiyu disappeared into the prison, and she needed to take a bath to clean the impurities on her body.

Lin Yun, who was in prison, turned his gaze to Bai Yukao again.

Calmly said to her, “What? Now you should believe me, right? ”

Bai Yu Kaoru looked at the black impurities that were still left on the ground, and she knew what they were, it was the impurities left over from the human body!

If she eats black crystals, she will also discharge many such impurities, and on the contrary, her strength will increase with the more impurities she excretes!

“Well, I believe you have black crystals, but you gave Yang Weiyu to eat!” So you don’t have it now! Kaoru Hakuba smiled slightly.

You have black crystals so what? In order to prove that it is a black crystal, do you have to have a second one?

However, Lin Yun smiled and took out a black crystal from his pocket and said, “It’s okay, I still have a second one!” As long as you are willing to listen to me, I will give it to you! ”


Bai Yukao’s eyes widened again, and she was shocked by Lin Yun again!

How could he possibly have two black crystals?

Could it be that a black-level zombie would produce two or more crystals in its body?

Although she didn’t want to believe all this, it was all really happening in front of her eyes!

“I have brought the black crystal according to your request, should you also keep your promise?” Lin Yun smiled and asked Bai Yukao.


Kaoru Hakuba was stunned, yes! She said that as long as Lin Yun brought black crystals, she would do things for him!

But that was just her one-sided words, and she didn’t want to help Lin Yun at all!


Right now! Reality was hitting her hard in the face!

Lin Yun fulfilled her impossible promise!

“I’m actually on…..”

She was trying to turn back Lin Yun, but before she could exit, an accident happened!

Lin Yun directly pinched Bai Yukao’s jaw with his right hand, and a pair of eyes turned from the enthusiasm just now to the cold!

With a cold breath in his words, he said, “You can try to say that sentence!” I promise you’ll regret it, believe it? ”

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