“That kid is also in the Night Sea Market?”

Hearing that the man who killed Bai Yunkao was also in the Night Sea Market, the man next to Bai Yuan was immediately covered in anger in his eyes!

Seeing the situation, Bai Yuan sneered, smiled and said, “Don’t worry! I will avenge your daughter! But the first thing we have to do is to find Yang Weiyu! Get it? ”

“I see!”


“The people of the White Family?”

In the darkness, Lin Yun was standing at a commanding height, watching everything that was happening in the Nanxi City Ability Person’s Base.

It seems that in the past few days, a large group of capable people from Yanjing have broken into the organizational base of Nanxi City.

Moreover, it also controlled the group of people in Nanxi City.

“It looks like someone has to ask for clarification.”

After speaking, Lin Yun’s figure disappeared into the darkness again.

Night falls.

On the right side of the Nanxi City Ability Base, dozens of members of the Nanxi City Organization were trying to escape under the leadership of Guo Xiang.

They crept off the path, trying to avoid the Bai family’s sight.

“Guo Xiang! Are you sure this path works? If we get caught, we’re dead!” ”

A man whispered in Guo Xiang’s ear.

“Of course it works! I’ve walked this road dozens of times! No one knows the path better than I do! Guo Xiang shouted confidently.

On Guo Xiang’s confident face, everyone seemed to have found hope and responded to Guo Xiang’s call.

Still, there are people complaining in it.

“! This bullshit apocalypse, not only beware of zombies! Beware of humans! Damn it! ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd suddenly became quiet.

No one thought that in this last world, the same kind of people would be even more terrifying than zombies!

“That’s it! Let’s go! ”

A group of people are preparing to escape from the Nanxi City Ability Base.

However, just as Guo Xiang was preparing to step out of the door, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

“Slow down!”

Guo Xiang immediately shouted at everyone’s footsteps.

Although it was only for a moment, Guo Xiang suspected that they might have been discovered!

“What’s wrong? Why not go? ”

One asked Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang didn’t know how to reply to everyone, and a pair of eyes kept looking around, hoping that it was his delusion.

After a moment, Guo Xiang said, “It should not be discovered, let’s continue…”

“Where do you want to go?” Big bags and small bags, is it to go on an outing? ”

Suddenly, a heavily armed man appeared in front of them.

Subsequently, dozens of armed Yanjing people surrounded them.

The crowd tried to take out their weapons for a standoff, but as soon as they held out their hands, a bullet was fired at their feet.

Only to hear the fully armed man in front of him laugh and say, “Don’t move! If you don’t want to die, you better be obedient! ”

“Adjutant Zhao!”

In an instant, Guo Xiang transformed into a serving face and smiled as he walked toward the man.

“Deputy Zhao! We just want to make routine inspections, there’s no need to ambush us here, right? Are you still afraid that we will escape? ”


Deputy Zhao sneered and said, “Yeah, I’m very afraid of you escaping!” Routine inspections? When do routine inspections require so many people? ”

“Isn’t that a lot of zombies lately?” The so-called people are good at doing things! Guo Xiang smiled and said, “Deputy Zhao, if you are all right, hurry back to sleep, we will return to the base after inspection!” ”


Deputy Zhao heard Guo Xiang’s words and laughed loudly: “Are you an idiot when I am?” Routine inspections? I yawn! Come! Tie them all up for me! ”


Guo Xiang was busy trying to continue the nonsense, but the people on the other side had already surrounded them and were pointed at by the dark muzzle, which made them half cold.

“Guo Xiang! Stop talking nonsense with them! Now that you’ve found out, fight with them! ”

The people behind Guo Xiang pulled out their weapons one after another.

But before he could prepare, he was attacked by bullets!


“My hands! My hand! ”

“Retreat! Retreat to the back of the bunker! ”

For a time, the capable people of Nanxi City were beaten to the ground, and the team that originally had nearly a hundred people also lost nearly thirty or so people in an instant.

“Damn! We can’t possibly find out! ”

Guo Xiang was still wondering why they were discovered!

There can be no informant in the people he brought out!


It was Bai Yuan who guessed all this!

“Hahahahaha! Guo Xiang! Your little bit of caution has long been guessed by Bai Yuan! Hurry up and surrender! Otherwise your people will all die here! Deputy Zhao shouted with laughter.

“What should we do? If it is consumed, everyone will die! ”

The people around Guo Xiang panicked, and their position was very awkward.

It is exactly the trail behind the backdoor.

There is only one way to get out of here, and it has been invaded by the enemy!

And the retreat is the Nanxi City base, isn’t that going back again?

Another dead end!

“It’s over! It’s all over! ”

Guo Xiang was already about to cry.

I have been careful all my life, and I ended up planting here!


Suddenly! A scream came from behind Deputy Zhao’s group!

“Zombies! There are zombies! ”

“Help! Help me! Yes! ”


“Damn! Why are there so many zombies? Run! ”

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