“How could it be! Why are there so many zombies? Damn it! ”

Deputy Zhao was horrified, and when they were engaged with Guo Xiang, a group of zombies suddenly appeared and attacked them!

And this group of zombies seems to have a purpose, only fighting in their camp!

Ignore the group of Guo Xiang and the others who are hiding behind!

“What’s going on?”

Guo Xiang and several people were afraid to stick their heads out.

They were surprised to find that the gang that was still fighting with them was actually fighting with a group of zombies!

“I’m going? So many zombies? ”

They were stunned.

How could there be so many zombies all of a sudden?

Looking at the number of it is probably a few hundred!

Guo Xiang’s face was full of doubts, he clearly remembered that he had already led someone to clean up the zombies near the base, how could there be so many zombies?

Where did these zombies come from?

“Are we going to help?”

Suddenly, a person asked Guo Xiang.


Guo Xiang glanced at the man, “Why help?” When you’re done killing the zombies and then they kill us? Don’t move anyone here! Let them play! Finally all dead! ”

“I’m in! Oh yes! Brother Guo is awesome! ”

The man suddenly felt that what Guo Xiang said made sense! Immediately hide behind the bunker and prepare for the attack.

Guo Xiang’s eyes were firmly fixed on the Zhao lieutenants and others who were fighting, and from time to time several of the Zhao lieutenants ran from the war zone to their positions, and he shot and killed them.

Since you want to fight, you must do it!

So-called! People are killed! Will die!

If they didn’t kill Deputy Zhao, how could they run out?

“Old Zhao! Can’t stand it! ”

The Yanjing group also panicked, and they gathered together to fight against the zombies from all directions.

I don’t know why, this group of zombies is like a monster that will refresh regularly, and it is inexhaustible!

At this moment, at least hundreds of zombie corpses had piled up on the ground, but the number of zombies had not dropped at all!

“Damn! What’s going on here? ”

Deputy Zhao panicked, he thought he had come to stop Guo Xiang, but he was unconsciously surrounded by zombies?

And these zombies seem to have a purpose, only attacking his people, which is obviously wrong!

What is the problem?

“Let’s kill it!” Just enter the base! We still have salvation! ”

The only thing that Deputy Zhao could think of now was to enter Guo Xiang’s back door! Once they enter the Capable Ones base, they will be able to merge with Bai Yuan and others!

And so much has happened here! Bai Yuan must have found out!

Why hasn’t it been sent to support yet?

A group of people, led by Deputy Zhao, rushed to the back door.

But just a few steps away, Guo Xiang suppressed their personnel with firepower.

Deputy Zhao was furious and shouted at Guo Xiang, “Guo Xiang! You are the one who let us pass! ”

“Let you guys come over?” Isn’t it Lao Tzu who died? Are you dreaming!? ”

Where will Guo Xiang let them enter the base smoothly?

In order to survive, he had to pit all the Yanjing people present to death!


Deputy Zhao panicked, there were zombies in the back, and Guo Xiang in front, putting them in a very embarrassing situation!

“What to do! Old Zhao! The brethren are almost overwhelmed! ”

Deputy Zhao’s men were already a little unable to hold on, originally there were nearly sixty or seventy people, and now only more than twenty people were still able to breathe.

The rest have either turned into zombies or been torn to shreds!

If it continues, in less than ten minutes they will all die in the mouth of the zombie!

“What is Bai Yuan doing?” Why haven’t you sent support yet! ”

Deputy Zhao cursed, this is the back door of the Nanxi City Ability Base!

Nearly twenty minutes had passed since the beginning of the battle!

And the reinforcements can arrive in just five minutes!

However, after delaying Bai Yuan’s support, Deputy Zhao did not understand what confusion Bai Yuan was making!

“Hahahahaha! Didn’t expect it! You too will have it today! Guo Xiang, who was hiding behind the bunker, laughed and shouted, “Don’t worry! If you turn into a zombie I’ll kill you with my own hands!” Don’t thank me! ”

Seeing that Yan Jing’s gang was crushed, he couldn’t mention how happy he was!

And yourself?

Just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

“You bastard!”

Deputy Zhao was furious, he really wanted to rush out and hand blade Guo Xiang!

However, the number of zombies is simply too much!

He couldn’t even take care of his own life, where would he have time to kill Guo Xiang?

Seeing his men fall one by one, he couldn’t hold on.

The gun in his hand has long been hot due to the non-stop shooting.

But he couldn’t let go, because once he did, it meant fighting the zombies with his bare hands.

It was a joke about his own life.

“Hold on! Soon Bai Yuan’s support will arrive! Brothers hold on! ”

Adjutant Zhao could only make assurances to his brothers that he could not promise.

But his heart had already fallen into despair, and he couldn’t understand, why was Bai Yuan’s support so slow?

Just when he was full of doubts, suddenly a figure of a person appeared in everyone’s sight.

And with the appearance of the man, all the zombies stopped attacking.

Standing quietly in place, like a soldier waiting for instructions to the next step.

“This! How is this possible? ”

Seeing this scene, Deputy Zhao and the others were immediately stupid.

Why do these zombies stand stiff in place, waiting for orders?

Is this still a zombie in their perception?

And who is this man who appears in front of you?

Why is he able to control the zombies!

The man walked out slowly, a handsome face illuminated by the moonlight so that everyone could see his face.

He lifted his head slightly, and said lightly, “I thought that Yanjing’s ability would be slightly stronger, but I didn’t expect it to be at this level, as for the support in your mouth?” That also depends on whether Bai Yuan can escape from the tide of corpses, he is now unable to protect himself! ”

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