“You are Lin Yun!” Lin Yun who killed my daughter!? Bai Liu looked at Lin Yun in surprise.

He never dreamed that the man in front of him was Lin Yun who killed his daughter!

The most important thing is!

He turned out to be the black-level zombie in the mouth of the Nanxi City Ability!

In the face of Bai Liu’s words, Lin Yun actually looked at Bai Liu with a curious look.

This middle-aged man with gray hair is Kaoru Hakuba’s father?

It’s kind of funny that I didn’t think I’d meet each other at this time.

However, he did not have any reply, nor did he want to let go of the other party’s thoughts because of Bai Yu Kaoru.

Just holding the Blade of Nothingness in his hand and continuing to move towards where they were.

“Don’t talk?”

Bai Willow’s face showed anger, and the weapon in his hand was tightened by him, and he roared angrily: “Go and die!” ”

He raised his gun and made a fierce attack on Lin Yun.

Countless bullets shot towards Lin Yun like raindrops.

But this is all useless.

In front of Lin Yun, these bullets were as soft as cotton, and they could not cause any harm to him at all.

“Damn! Why didn’t it work anymore! ”

White Willow angrily threw the gun on the ground and stomped on it hard.

Although he already knew in his heart, ordinary weapons could not cause harm to Lin Yun at all.

But the enemy who killed his daughter was in front of him, how could he not be excited?

At this moment, Lin Yun had also come to the front of Bai Liu.

Out of curiosity, he asked, “You love your daughter very much?” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Bai Liu’s face instantly became vicious!

He shouted, “That’s my most perfect work of art!” I am so proud! But you ruined her! Not even a corpse could be found! ”

Lin Yun frowned, feeling that what Bai Liu said was a little strange.

But he didn’t ask any other questions, and directly stabbed Bai Liu’s abdomen!


A mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of the white willow, and the trauma in his abdomen made him almost unconscious.

However, even so, he stared at Lin Yun with a pair of angry eyes, and said with his last strength: “If Bai Yu Kaoru is not dead, her blood can be used as a medicinal guide, and the Bai family will not be forced to participate in the war in the Tianshan Mountains!” It’s all your fault! ”


Lin Yun frowned.

I didn’t expect that this Bai Liu, who had always been thinking about his daughter, wanted Bai Yukao’s blood to be used as a medicinal guide, no wonder he always listened strangely.

After killing Bai Liu, Lin Yun turned his gaze to Bai Yuan.

It was found that the old guy had taken advantage of the chaos to escape.

But just because he wanted to escape Lin Yun’s palm?


“Damn! Damn it! ”

The fleeing Bai Yuan roared angrily, wanting to leave Nanxi City quickly.

He doesn’t want to die! I still have to go back to preside over the big events of the White Family!

So he absolutely can’t die here!

“Want to escape?”


Lin Yun’s figure appeared in front of him again, frightening him to stop immediately.

“So fast!?”

Although Bai Yuan had thought that he would be caught up by Lin Yun, he never expected it to be so fast!

Could it be that all of his hundreds of people were killed by Lin Yun?

Of course not!

Of course, Lin Yun didn’t have the kung fu to kill all the capable people, so let the robots and zombies solve them one by one, while he himself came to hunt down and kill Bai Yuan.

“Go and die!”

Lin Yun snorted coldly and killed Bai Yuan.

As a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles, Bai Yuan immediately responded to Lin Yun’s attack.

A short black blade appeared in his hand to resist Lin Yun’s Void Blade.

But the Blade of Nothingness can cut off all objects!

Just being touched cut his short black blade into two pieces.

Bai Yuan was frightened and immediately retreated, looking at the broken blade in his hand in surprise, and his heart was full of fear.


Lin Yun’s icy killing intent struck again and attacked Bai Yuan.

This time, Bai Yuan was no longer able to resist, and under Lin Yun’s Blade of Nothingness, his body was cut in two.


Bai Yuan was not completely dead yet, and as he fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe where Lin Yun’s transcendent power came from.

Humans simply cannot be his opponents!

Lin Yun walked slowly to Bai Yuan’s face.

The severed body of Bai Yuan was only minutes or even seconds away from death.

Seeing Lin Yun’s figure, Bai Yuan, who took his last breath, said to Lin Yun, “Not willing! I’m not reconciled! The White House is going to be destroyed! The White House is going to be destroyed! ”


Lin Yun stabbed down with a knife, ending Bai Yuan’s life.

As for whether the White Family is destroyed or not, what does it have to do with him?

The battle was finally over, and all the Yanjing Abilities had died at the hands of Lin Yun.

The fleeing Nanxi City Ability Man did not know where this group of people would go, nor would he have any contact with him.

After solving the trouble, Li You returned to his own world.

He was going to find Kaoru Hakuba, wanting to know something.

What kind of war is being caused on the Tianshan Mountain?


Lin Yun rushed into the laboratory.

At this time, Bai Yu Kaoru was assisting Yang Weiyu in her experiments.

Seeing Lin Yun come in, both of them were very confused.

Yang Weiyu asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

“I’m looking for Kaoru Hakuba and lend her to me.”

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