“What’s the matter?”

Bai Yu Kaoru was somewhat disgusted by Lin Yun’s callout, after all, she had always regarded Lin Yun as an enemy.

Now he has to do things for the enemy again, so there is no good look.

Lin Yun naturally ignored her attitude and asked directly, “Do you know the Heavenly Mountains?” ”

Hearing the words Tianshan, Bai Yukao’s face instantly shrugged off.

Apparently she was aware of the existence of the Heavenly Mountains.

Yan said, “This is a matter of Yanjing, what does it have to do with you?” ”

Lin Yun sneered, “What if I say that the Bai family has already appeared in Nanxi City?” ”

“Nanxi City? Oh! It is the province and city of Yunjiang. Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun, “And then?” ”

“Does Bai Ling know?”

“Know, count me cousin.”

Kaoru Hakuba said lightly, “What? You killed him? ”


Seeing Lin Yun nodding, Bai Yuxuan’s face did not have any reaction, but said lightly: “It doesn’t matter, I don’t have any feelings for them, his father Bai Yuan’s old thing is afraid that he will seek revenge on you.” ”

“I’ve killed him too.”


Hearing that Bai Yuan had been killed by Lin Yun, Bai Yukao couldn’t believe it.

As a member of the Bai family, she naturally knew Bai Yuan’s strength, and she did not expect to die at the hands of Lin Yun again.

“Then what are you looking for me to do?” The Tianshan War was only a matter for the Bai family, or something related to Yanjing, but it had nothing to do with you. Bai Yu Kaoru glanced at Lin Yun and said.

“What about your father?”

Lin Yun said suddenly.

“My father? White willow that bastard? ”

Hearing his father, Kaoru’s face changed instantly.

But not surprise, but a look of resentment!

It seems that in her eyes, her father has always been a character used to remember hate!

Lin Yun took a deep breath and continued, “If I say that he also died at my hands, what are you going to do?” ”

Hearing this, Bai Yuxuan’s face instantly darkened to the bottom, and she never expected that her father had also died at the hands of Lin Yun.

How many people did the Bai family send to Nanxi City? Even Bai Yuan came personally?

What exactly is it for?

“How? Still reluctant to say? Your father cared about you before he died! Your blood. Lin Yun said tentatively.

Kaoru Hakuba lowered her head slightly, she seemed to be hesitating about something.

After a few moments, he raised his head and said to Lin Yun, “If he dies, he will die, what does it have to do with me?” Anyway, it’s a kind of goods that I throw away after using it. ”

“Is it?”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, “Then you haven’t thought of taking revenge on the Bai Family?” After all, your body will become like this is a good thing that the white family has done. ”

“Come on, I’m not interested in revenge.” Bai Yu Kaoru shook his head, then said, “But I can tell you that in the Tianshan War, whoever can win the victory can have the dominance of this country, he is more important than you think.” ”

Dominance of this country?

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, how could there be such a thing?

Bai Yuxuan saw the doubt in Lin Yun’s eyes, sneered, and said, “This country is even more outrageous than you think, he is in the hands of many big families, and our Bai family is one of them.” However, the current Bai family may be the existence of the tail of the crane. ”

“Okay, I don’t want to know the news.”

Lin Yun was not interested in how the Bai family was, and then asked, “What about time?” ”

“At least half a year, but the Tianshan War is once every three years.”

“Half a year?”

Lin Yun touched his chin, and it seemed that this so-called Tianshan War had already unfolded before the zombies appeared.

“All right? Can you let me go back? Bai Yu asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded, and he disappeared into this place.

When Lin Yun disappeared, Bai Yuxuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint smile hung from the corner of his mouth.

He murmured softly, “It seems that there is still a chance.” ”

Lin Yun returned to the living room, he was half-aware of the Tianshan War, and he did not make a decision to participate in the Tianshan War.

“Lin Yun, are you free now?”

Suddenly, Chen Mofeng and Chen Mojing appeared in front of Lin Yun.

The two of them looked at Lin Yun with a praying look, which made Lin Yun a little confused.

“What’s the matter?”

Only to hear Chen Mojing reply, “We want to go back and see that bastard father, can we?” ”

“See Chen Yaowei?”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “Of course, I don’t have anything to do now, let’s go.” ”


The two women immediately came to Lin Yun’s side and returned to Ninghang City with the help of Lin Yun.

At this time, the Ninghang City Ability Base had a rough prototype.

Although it was destroyed by Lin Yun last time, under Chen Yaowei’s reconstruction, it can also be regarded as a look.

Seeing two women and a man suddenly appear in the base, the people guarding the gate were momentarily stunned.

He asked the three men, “Who are you?” How did it suddenly appear in front of my eyes? ”

Seeing his panicked look, Lin Yun smiled slightly: “I am looking for Chen Yaowei.” ”

“Chen Yaowei? What are you looking for our boss for? The caretaker asked Lin Yun.

“What? Tell him that I have my daughter coming! ”

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