On the other side, Lin Yun had returned to Yunhai City and came to the vicinity of the pet store.

He walked unhurriedly down the street, a pair of sharp eyes looking around.

It was so quiet that not even an ordinary zombie was seen.

Soon after, Lin Yun came to the door of the pet store.

This is a very huge pet shop, as the largest pet store in Yunhai City, with at least 2,000 square meters inside.

However, as soon as he entered the door, Lin Yun saw the corpses of countless pets, piled up on the side, emitting a foul smell.

Walking inside, it was also unusually quiet.

Even with each step, there was a yin wind that made Lin Yun frown.

It’s so weird that no zombie can hide itself.

They are definitely meant to eat, but pet stores are not areas where humans go at all.

So the zombies that live here can’t attract humans.

Unless you are like yourself, specifically to kill it.


Suddenly, a strange sound came into Lin Yun’s ears.

Lin Yun’s gaze immediately looked in the direction where the sound came from.

However, there was still nothing there, not even a hint of light to be seen.

After that, Lin Yun searched for nearly an hour, but there was still no trace of a black-level zombie.

Let Lin Yun doubt, has he left?

He walked out the back door, wondering if he had missed something, when suddenly a human voice came into his ear.

“There are so many materials in this place!” Hurry up and move! ”

Next to the pet store, there is a convenience store.

Inside, there were five or six Yunhai City capable people frantically collecting supplies.

“It was amazing! Tianba, why is there not a single zombie in this area? It’s paradise! A girl held the potato chips in her arms and shouted at the boy next to her.

Beside her, the very strong boy carried two bags of rice plus two barrels of oil, and hastily replied: “Hurry up, we have to hurry back to the safety zone, the quiet here makes me a little afraid.” ”

He had sensed that something was wrong here.

Because it is impossible for such a downtown area to exist without zombies.

So there must be something inside that scares the zombies.

“What’s the rush? I’ll take some more! ”

A man with fluffy hair laughed and took a few cans and put them in a trolley, looking like he was going to take the whole trolley with him.

“You’re taking too much, aren’t you?” What if I encounter a zombie halfway? Tianba asked the man with the fluffy hair.

If they encounter zombies, even what they hold in their hands must be thrown away to facilitate escape.

But this guy directly stuffed a trolley full of food, which encountered zombies must not be left in place?

“You’re so big, why are you so timid?” Can’t we deal with a few small zombies with our strength? As long as you don’t encounter a tide of corpses, there will be no accidents! ”

The man was very confident, they were all a group of capable people, able to deal with the most ordinary zombies, even the green level zombies.

So in the face of many foods, this man chose to fight.

If you bring back all the food from this cart, you will not have to go out and look for food for at least a week!

“I Cao! And the wine! Take a bite first! ”

The man with the fluffy hair suddenly picked up a bottle of wine, opened it and took a sip, shouting: “Cool! ”

“Are you still drinking?” We have to go! ”

Tianba said in a low voice that they had been dragging on here long enough and needed to leave quickly!

However, the man with the fluffy hair frowned and replied, “What’s the hurry?” Haven’t you explored all of this? No zombies! Only on our way back! So it’s safe here! ”

“Safe fart! Tell me why there are no zombies! Tianba asked.

“The ghost knows! That’s it! Am I gone!? ”

The man with the fluffy hair shrugged his shoulders, stuffed two bottles of wine into his trolley and pushed them to leave.

Tianba glanced at him and prepared to leave the convenience store with a few people.

But just as they were walking out of the convenience store, a scream came from behind them.



The crowd immediately looked back, only to find that the man with the fluffy hair was only left with the lower half of his body.

The first half has long disappeared without a trace!


Seeing this scene, one of the girls in the team screamed instantly, and the others couldn’t help but frown.

There was an urge to vomit.

“Damn! I’ll just say there’s something here! Let the zombies not dare to come closer! ”

Tianba roared angrily, his guess was correct!

The death of the man with the fluffy hair is a testament to his conjecture!

There is only one zombie above the red level here!

“Throw away the heavy food! Come on! ”

Tianba shouted at the others, he dropped the two bags of rice on his body, and prepared to run away with his friends.

But the next second, a long whip made of flesh and blood suddenly burst out and pierced his left arm.

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