“This! What is it!? ”

The crowd looked at the strip of flesh that pierced Tianba’s left arm, and their hearts were filled with fear.

That strip of meat came out of the depths of the convenience store just now! Its length reached five meters!

“Quick! Help me cut it! ”

Tianba shouted to the crowd.

Immediately, a man drew a knife from his waist and cut through the strip of flesh that pierced Tianba’s left arm.

Because of the force, Tianba’s ass fell to the ground, but he quickly got up and pulled out the strip of flesh that pierced his left arm, and the blood kept flowing from his left arm, which looked very penetrating.

“! What a monster this is! ”

His eyes were on the strips of meat that had been cut off and retracted back to the convenience store.

This is beyond their category of zombies.

The girl immediately shouted, “Let’s run!” Will die! ”

“Yes! Come on! ”

The crowd immediately took the food that was easy to carry and hurried out of here.

But before they could run far, the strip of meat once again sprang out of the convenience store and wrapped around the woman’s ankle.


The girl let out a miserable scream.

Because she didn’t have the strength of Tianba, she could only be quickly dragged to the convenience store by the meat strips!


The crowd tried to go up and help her, but the speed of the meat strips was so fast that they dragged the woman into the convenience store in an instant.

Then there’s bang!

With an explosion, the flesh and blood instantly stained the windows of the convenience store red, startling everyone to take a few steps backwards.

“This and this…. What the hell is this monster!? ”

Everyone’s legs began to tremble, and they were so frightened that they forgot to run away.

Because they saw that when the woman died, countless strips of meat came out of the convenience store and surrounded them.

“It’s over! We’re done! ”

The remaining four men were huddled back to back, their heartbeats racing sharply at this moment, and panic caused their hands holding the weapons to begin to tremble.

Faced with a monster they had never seen before, the crowd didn’t know how to deal with it properly!

I’m afraid they’ll not die here!

“I’ll drag them down later!” You hurry up and escape! Tianba said to the crowd.

Between the words, he also wrapped a white bandage around the wound.

Apparently, he was ready to sacrifice himself and let his companions escape!

“Let’s kill together!” Together, we can even deal with red-level zombies! ”

One said with a smile!

Suddenly, the crowd took out their weapons.

And the next moment, those strips of meat also attacked them!

“Get out!”

Tianba roared, directly cutting off one of the strips of flesh that attacked him!

Then, the body twisted, and the right hand grabbed another strip of meat!


With the strength he was proud of, he tore off another strip of meat.

Suddenly, the strips of flesh that attacked him had all been destroyed by him!

Tianba laughed and said, “Nothing powerful!” What about you? ”

He turned his gaze to his companion, but was stunned at this moment.

His companions had all been pierced to death by strips of flesh!

Even their deaths were so miserable that for a time, he was the only one alive!

And the monster’s attack had not stopped.

There were still more than a dozen strips of meat hanging in mid-air, about to launch the next round of attacks on Tianba.


Tianba roared angrily and rushed towards the convenience store with a large knife in his hand.

Countless strips of meat attacked him.

But they were all cut off by the knife in his hand!

He rushed into the convenience store with a roar of anger.

Even if he dies, he must know what kind of monster is in the convenience store!

And when he rushed into the convenience store and saw the true face of the monster, he was stunned.

It was a very large animal zombie!!

That’s right!

Its prototype is probably a pet dog!

But it’s huge, at least three meters long!

And, on top of that dog’s head there was a human head!

She wore long black hair, stared at the Tenba who appeared in front of her with empty eyes, and suddenly revealed a permeating smile.


A scream was heard, and the convenience store was suddenly covered with blurred flesh again.

No one knows what exactly happened inside, only that the scream of Tianba is very penetrating, just like suffering a thousand knives, which is daunting!

At this time, Lin Yun next to him had just arrived.

Looking at the corpses in the field, Lin Yun understood that it was the black level zombie that did a good thing.

Then he looked at the blood-stained convenience store.



Suddenly, a burst of penetrating laughter came into Lin Yun’s ears.

Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, this was the first time he had fought a real black-level zombie, and he didn’t know how strong this monster’s combat power really was.

His palm moved.

The Blade of Nothingness instantly slashed at the blood-stained convenience store.

In an instant, the convenience store was cut in half and collapsed into ruins.

But Lin Yun didn’t see the figure of that black-level zombie.

At this moment, the voice of a little girl came from behind Lin Yun.

“Are you here to play with me too?”

In this regard, Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied:

“Well, come and play with you, by the way…. Sending you on your way! ”

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