
Hearing this super power, Lin Yun frowned suddenly.

He has some impressions of this ability, which are found in many science fiction movies.

But suddenly appearing in reality is very difficult to operate, because this ability is a bit too abstract to draw.

Lin Yun’s gaze looked at a stone, and then he used his mind power to say that it was suspended in mid-air.

The next moment, the stone floated in mid-air under Lin Yun’s gaze!

Lin Yun immediately raised an eyebrow, obviously not as difficult as he thought.

And not only objects, but even dead bodies can be controlled!

Just as he was constantly using the objects around him to master his superpowers, a dry voice came into Lin Yun’s ears.

“Strange, what about the Tianba people?”

At this moment, a group of capable people appeared in Lin Yun’s line of sight.

From the words, it can be known that they are the companions of the group of people who were killed by the black zombies.

They followed the memory and returned to the vicinity of the pet store.

“I remember they came around here looking for food, right?”

A group of people slowly searched and appeared in Lin Yun’s line of sight.

And when they saw the picture of the scene, their faces suddenly turned gloomy.

Because beside Lin Yun, there was their companion lying.

But they all turned into a pile of dead bodies.

“This! You! Did you kill them? ”

One person quickly asked Lin Yun.

Suddenly, a dozen people quickly pulled out their weapons and aimed them at Lin Yun.

In this regard, Lin Yun took a deep breath and shook his head.

He replied, “I didn’t kill it.” ”

“Then they…..”

The leader of the man still wanted to explain, but a person next to him, after looking at the corpse, said to the leader: “It is not man-made, it is most likely a zombie!” And it is a very high-level zombie. ”

“So? That’s really wrong with you, I’m sorry! ”

The leader smiled helplessly.

Continuing to ask Lin Yun, “Then did you see that zombie?” Do you know the strength of that zombie? ”

After knowing that Lin Yun had killed his companion, the man immediately withdrew his killing qi and revealed a faint smile.

Obviously, this guy doesn’t really care about his peers.

Instead, he was wary of Lin Yun.

“The zombie is dead, a piece of advice, stay away from me.”

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he prepared to leave.

But the man immediately blocked Lin Yun’s way.

Xiang Lin Yun asked, “Brother, I see that you are a native of Yunhai City, right?” Are you interested in joining our new Ability Base in Yunhai City? My name is Lido Fish. ”

“Not interested.”

After Lin Yun finished answering simply, he pushed Li Duoyu away and wanted to leave.

However, this Li Duoyu did not follow Lin Yun inexorably, telling Lin Yun the benefits of joining the Ability Organization.

“I tell you! Brothers! Join us and you can have a lot of companions who live and die together! And don’t be afraid to live without a home! We occupied the Cloud Sea Building! There can be turned into your home! ”

Li Duoyu followed Lin Yun and said.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown.

He said to Li Duoyu, “I said that I am not interested, don’t follow me!” ”

In the face of Lin Yun’s somewhat bored attitude, Li Duoyu seemed to work harder!

He quickly pulled a canned meat out of his pants!

“Brother! I see you as a craftable talent! Join us at the Yunhai City Ability Base! Believe me! We will not fail you! As long as you join, this canned meat is yours! It’s canned meat! Very scarce! ”

In the face of Li Duoyu’s indomitability, Lin Yun suddenly lost a good look on his face.

A pair of cold eyes looked at Li Duoyu next to him, and then the thought force was launched!

Click, click, click!


The can of meat in Li Duoyu’s hand was deformed, which frightened Li Duoyu to immediately throw away the can in his hand.

And Lin Yun’s voice fell into his ears again.

“Do you know why you are the base of the New Ability of Yunhai City?”

“Why? Our boss didn’t tell us. ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “Because the last Ability Base has been destroyed.” ”

“What’s your answer?” You don’t say I know! Hearing Lin Yun’s answer, Li Duoyu gave him a blank look.

Ghosts know that there will be new ones because the old ones are gone!

However, Lin Yun’s voice was not over.

Only to hear, Lin Yun continued, “Then do you know who destroyed it?” ”

Suddenly, Li Duoyu’s two eyes widened, and he slowly asked Lin Yun, “Who?” ”


As soon as his voice fell, the person was kicked by Lin Yun and flew several meters away.

Although he was not seriously injured, he only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen like it was being burned.

At this moment, Lin Yun replied, “If I don’t want to die, go away!” ”

After speaking, Lin Yun left the sight of everyone.

A group of people were left looking at Lin Yun’s back in a daze, overwhelmed.

Only Li Duoyu squeezed out five words: “Then who the hell are you?” ”


After leaving, Lin Yun first returned to his own world.

He needed to rest and go to the Tianshan Mountains.

If you are really like Chen Yaowei and Bai Yu Kaoru, you can say that you want to see the strength of this Tianshan War.

“Coming back?”

Suddenly, a soft voice came into Lin Yun’s ears.

Lin Yun looked back, and it was Yu Qian, who was wearing a tight suit, who appeared behind him.

With a glass of milk in his hand, take a sip.

And she suddenly realized that Lin Yun had been staring at herself, which made her a little stunned for a while.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face? ”

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth cocked slightly, and he replied, “I also want to give me some milk too.” ”

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