“I’m out.”

Lin Yun got dressed and left Yu Qian’s room.

Yu Qian bathed in the bathroom and washed away the smell on her body.

After being full of spirits, Lin Yun was ready to go to the Tianshan Mountains.

As the central city of the Dragon Kingdom, Yanjing is also the most economically developed and densely populated place.

However, it is also the city with the most capable people.

Perhaps the appearance of zombies has caused great damage to it, but when the survivors are organized, the power they can flock to is far greater than that of other cities.

Therefore, there are more capable bases in Yanjing than in other cities.

They are all in the hands of a group of people with leadership skills, such as Bai Yuan, the head of the Bai family.

“Damn, why hasn’t this guy come back yet?”

At Yanjing Bai’s house, a man with pale hair is waiting for Bai Yuan’s return.

After their Ability Base was taken out by Bai Yuan for a thousand or so people, there were only more than two thousand people left.

Although it is still one of the largest capables base in Yanjing, it is already difficult to compete with other capables bases.

“Maybe I’m in some trouble.”

At the old man’s side, stood a man with hair high up.

He had been repairing his nails and would only say a word from time to time.

“In trouble? What trouble can he have!? He’s a white dollar! ”

The old man snorted coldly.

As the owner of the Bai family with the strongest strength in their base, if Bai Yuan encountered trouble, wouldn’t their base be put to a pot?

Hearing the old man’s words, the man sneered and continued to repair his nails.

Seems to be unconcerned about Bai Yuan’s safety, even though he is Bai Yuan’s adopted son.

“Grandpa, is my dad back?”

Suddenly, a man walked in.

“Your father has followed your Uncle Bai Yuan to Yunjiang, and he has been gone for more than half a month.”

The old man glanced at it and said coldly.

The man who came in was the son of Bai Liu.

He is also the half-brother of Kaoru Hakuba.

His name is Bai Xin, although he has a handsome face, but there is a tumor in his neck, which makes his appearance look very strange.

“It’s been half a month…. Is there going to be an accident? ”

Bai Xin also raised such a question, because according to the itinerary, they should come back.

And just investigating the cause of Bai Ling’s death and bringing back Dr. Yang Weiyu is not a big task.

“I said something, this old man didn’t believe it, the older he gets, the more confused he is!” The man next to him sneered and poured out the anger he had just squeezed to Bai Xin.

“You bastard! Believe it or not I broke your leg? Dare to talk to me like that! ”

The old man drew his crutches and tried to beat the man.

But the man turned around and walked out the door.

And said: “Don’t play with you, I went to play with Ah Hao, and I heard that he opened a club.” ”

“Club? When are you still in the club? You and your brother, sooner or later, will be eaten by zombies! The old man yelled at the man.

But the man did not care, but beckoned and left the Bai family.

The angry old man almost threw the crutch out of his hand.

“All right. Grandpa, don’t be angry with the white section, isn’t this guy always like this? Bai Xin said with a smile.

“Ahem! me! ”

The old man cursed, and after a few minutes a pair of angry eyes slowly faded.

At this time, Bai Xin suddenly asked the old man, “By the way, Grandpa, where is the venue for this Battle of Tianshan?” ”

“Just next to Tianxing Lake in the north of Yanjing, the ghost knows what those things think, and they all have to fight for the lifeblood of the Yanjing economy in the end of the world, and everyone is dead!” There is a fart economy! ”

The old man angrily stopped on crutches.

In this regard, Bai Xin beside him could only show a bitter smile.

“Okay, Grandpa, you can rest assured, we will solve this matter.”

He said so verbally, but he had already made other plans in his heart.

“Rest assured a fart! When your dad comes back, I’ll teach him a good lesson! Experiment with your own daughter! What a beast! The old man scolded again, as if he was very resistant to Bai Liu’s experiment with Bai Yufu.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Then I went down first. ”

Bai Xin smiled and left the old man’s sight.

When he left, the old man coughed twice and removed the quilt that covered his legs.

I was surprised to find that those legs had long since turned the color of a dead tree and spread from the chair to the whole room.

His eyes were deep and he said leisurely, “Bai Family, how much time can I go?” ”


On the other side, Lin Yun had already come to Yanjing.

He looked at the high-rise buildings that had been destroyed by more than half of them, and he was a little surprised that Yanjing was actually this tragic picture.

“Hey, are you from outside?”

Suddenly, a person’s voice shouted at Lin Yun.

Let Lin Yun look at the other side.

It was a woman dressed in somewhat revealing clothes, greeting Lin Yun and not knowing what it was for.


Seeing that Lin Yun stopped for herself, the woman smiled slightly and touched the corner of her clothes and said, “Playing or not?” Only ten green-level zombie crystals at a time! ”

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