Lin Yun’s eyes looked at the woman.

There is a tattoo on her body, looming, and from the head it is most likely a scorpion.

There was a dagger worn around her waist, already bulging in her pocket.

Most likely it is something used for contraception.

As soon as Lin Yun entered the city, he saw a strange scene, which made him can’t help but show a faint smile.

He replied, “No interest, if you tell me where the White Family is, I can give you a green crystal.” ”

With that, Lin Yun took out a green crystal from his pocket.

“The White Family?”

The woman first glanced at Lin Yun, and then she walked slowly to Lin Yun’s side.

Take the crystal out of his hand.

Then he said, “Although I don’t know what you are looking for the Bai family, it is in the easternmost part of Yanjing, and that super huge courtyard is their base, of course, their people are distributed in all corners of that area.” ”

“It was good.”

Lin Yun listened to her and walked to the east.

The woman was very confused about Lin Yun’s actions and asked, “Wait? Don’t you want to play a shot? Or do something else? ”

“No, the smell on your body is so heavy that I want to throw up.”


The woman glanced at Lin Yun angrily, and then continued to stand at the door waiting for the guests.

This is the only way to enter Yanjing, and someone is bound to appear.

After Lin Yun left, he went straight to the east.

Yanjing is large, much larger than other cities.

Moreover, there are many people who have the ability to survive with tall buildings.

Just a few steps away, I saw a few more capable people hiding on the second floor.

They also noticed Lin Yun.

Xiang Lin Yun asked, “Which force are you?” How do we act in this area? ”

The leader was a woman with smoky makeup, wearing a black jacket with nails, who looked very personal.

“Black Sister asked you about it!” Hurry up and answer her! ”

Seeing that Lin Yun did not speak, the little brother next to the woman raised a baseball bat and wanted to poke him on the shoulder.

But he had just lifted his baseball bat when the stick was suddenly exerted with a force and flew straight out.

“I rub!”

The man was frightened.

What just happened?

How did his weapon fly away?

The woman, named Black Sister, sensed that something was wrong with Lin Yun.

Puzzled, he asked, “What good did you do?”

“If you don’t want to die, get away.”

Lin Yunbai glanced at a few people and continued to advance to the east.

He had come to look for the Bai family, not to kill the little bastards.

“Such a big breath! Who in this territory does not know that it is my black sister who has the final say!? Do you kid want to die? ”

One of the woman’s younger brothers rushed straight up to give Lin Yun a punch.


Lin Yun sighed, didn’t even look at his eyes, and then punched out a punch at random.


The man was directly shocked by Lin Yun’s fist and flew out, and the whole person smashed heavily on the wall, and his life and death were unknown.


A group of people were immediately frightened by Lin Yun’s strength.

They are also a group of capable people, but in front of this young man, they are so vulnerable?

“Who wants to be next?”

Lin Yun said coldly, in order to solve troubles, it is true that fists are the most convenient.

“Damn! This guy seems to be very good! ”

Several people began to look at each other, they were a little afraid of Lin Yun’s power.

“Cough cough! Brother, there is no need to shoot so hard, we just want to ask which force you are. Black Sister immediately changed her attitude.

This old woman who was nearly forty years old knew in her heart that the man in front of her could not be provoked.

Lin Yun did not answer her question at all, but continued to walk to the east where the Bai family was located.

“This guy! Damn it! ”

Several people clenched their fists in anger.

Little did they know that this young and powerful man had simply ignored their existence.

“Okay, now that he’s gone, let’s not provoke him.” Hei Jie knew that his people were not his opponents, and it was better to forget about it.

“That’s it?”

“Well, forget it, we can’t deal with him.”

After the voice fell, the black sister continued to sit down and drank wine.

In the distance, a green-haired girl saw the scene.

Her gaze turned to Lin Yun, who was constantly going away, and she immediately followed with her steps.

In his mouth, he muttered, “He’s so good!” You can definitely rescue Sissi! ”


“, am I lost?”

After walking for nearly half an hour, Lin Yun found himself lost.

The area, where there were still many people, suddenly became silent, as if he had walked into a cemetery somewhere, surrounded by tombstones!

“I already knew that I should have grabbed someone and asked me clearly!”

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly, turning to be returned, the probability is that the location is not accurate, he has been going to the east, the Bai family may be in the south-east position.

Just as he turned his head to leave, his eyes fell on the green-haired girl who had been following behind him.

“What do you want to do after following me for so long?”

“Yes! Discovered!? ”

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