
The green-haired girl who was found by Lin Yun looked at Lin Yun in surprise.

She thought her tracking was seamless, but she didn’t expect to be discovered by this guy.

Lin Yun’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and he couldn’t detect any threat from this woman’s body at all.

Not to mention the threat, it can even be determined that this guy is just an ordinary person, and he does not even have the most basic physical enhancement.

But, why should this guy follow himself?

And what is the purpose?

“Me! I’m not a bad person! Believe me! The green-haired girl shouted.

“Tell me about your purpose, what is the purpose of following me for nearly seven or eight kilometers?”

In the face of Lin Yun’s question, the green-haired girl first hesitated for a while, and then smiled stiffly: “Are you coming to Yanjing for the first time?” If you don’t mind, I can be your tour guide. ”

“Guide? Why do you think I need a tour guide? ”

Although Lin Yun said that he was lost, his suspicious personality could not find someone to be a tour guide at will.

“Because you’ve been walking aimlessly!” Obviously, the place you are looking for is the White House, but when you walk to the cemetery area, I think you must be lost, right? The girl asked Lin Yun.

“It seems that your eyes are thin and your ears are pointy, and you heard my conversation with them?” Lin Yun didn’t expect that she even heard her destination.

“I just happened to hear that.” The green-haired girl continued.

“Well, then what? What is your purpose? Just want to be my tour guide and then earn some crystallization? ”

Lin Yun said, and took out a few green zombie crystals from his pocket.

However, the girl immediately shook her head and replied, “I don’t need this, I just hope you can save my friend!” ”

“Your friend?” Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “I don’t have time to save your friend, you only have one chance, tell me the location of the Bai family and then take away the crystals in my hand, or say the location under my pressure, which one do you choose?” ”

Lin Yun said, and then threw the crystal in his hand on the ground.

Let this girl choose.

“I don’t need this, since you don’t agree, then I have to find someone else, the Bai family is in that direction, you go by yourself.” The green-haired girl pointed in one direction and turned to leave.

However, just a few steps she had taken, Lin Yun suddenly appeared in front of her.


She was so frightened that she sat directly on the ground.

Both eyes stared at the boss.

Obviously, this guy was at least three hundred meters away from him, how did he suddenly appear behind him?

“What are you going to do!?”

Just when the green-haired girl was confused, Lin Yun directly grabbed her waist and picked her up.

“How do I know if you’re lying to me?” When you get to the White House, I’m letting you go! ”

“You! Unreasonable! ”

Just as the green-haired girl was shouting, the next moment she was stunned.

She was surprised to find that this man was actually flying with his own floating?

How is this done?

Moreover, they had at least reached a height of two hundred meters up, frightening the green-haired girl to not dare to open her eyes and look down.

Lin Yun flew in the direction she gave, and with the stealth ability of the battle suit, the people below could not see the two of them at all.

Lin Yun’s gaze swept downwards, because there were too many courtyards in the capital, so he simply could not accurately find the location of the Bai family.

“Hey, open your eyes.”

Lin Yun shouted at the girl.

“I’m afraid of heights!” The girl did not dare to open her eyes at all, especially now that she was still carried by Lin Yun with one hand.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown, this guy’s guts were inevitably too small.

I had to go down and land on the ground.

“Back on the ground, open your eyes now.” Lin Yun said.


The green-haired girl opened her eyes, and she was relieved to be sure she had returned to the ground.

However, when her eyes looked at Lin Yun again, there was only fear and surprise.

Is this guy still human after all? Can you fly out of thin air?

“Okay, tell me, where is this?” How far is the White Family from here? Lin Yun continued to ask the girl.


After taking two deep breaths, the girl looked around.

He replied, “This is already the territory of the White Family, and you can see the people of the White Family as many as you walk.” ”


Lin Yun looked around, not realizing that he had arrived.

“Can you take me away?” If the people of the White Family find out, I will die! The green-haired girl continued.

She knew in her heart that the White House was not a place where she could enter.

“Yes, but not now.” Lin Yun shook his head.

“What does it mean not to do it now?” Eldest brother! I beg you! I won’t say anything about you not wanting to save my friend, but don’t take me to my death! The green-haired girl almost cried.

She still has to save her life to save her companions!

“Rest assured, I won’t let you have an accident.” Lin Yun replied lightly, “When I finish solving the trouble, I will take you away, and if you are in a good mood, you may withdraw to save your friend.” ”


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