“You! Who are you? ”

Bai Duan’s frightened face turned miserable.

He didn’t even see clearly what Lin Yun had done, and all the subordinates around him were solved?

Moreover, he didn’t even hear the screams of his subordinates, as if a pile of wooden people had fallen to the ground and had been killed by Lin Yun.

Not only Bai Duan, but even the green-haired girl who followed Lin Yun was also frightened.

What the hell just happened?

She never expected the man in front of her to be so strong!

“Sit down, I have something to do with you.”

Lin Yun, on the other hand, sat lightly across from Bai Duan and motioned for Bai Duan to sit down.

Bai Duan, who was frightened by Lin Yun’s means, was a little overwhelmed.

After a long time, he returned to his senses, sat back on the sofa, and then asked Lin Yun, “What are you looking for me for?” Where have I offended you? ”

“Offended? Not really. Lin Yun smiled slightly.

“Then what are you looking for me for?” Do I know you? Bai Duan continued to ask.

“I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. But I know one person. ”


“White Yuan.”

“What the hell am I doing?”

Hearing his father’s name, Bai Duan understood why the other party would find him.

As one of the top two figures in Yanjing, Bai Yuan’s mortal enemies on the outside are many.

It is not a very strange thing that people have come to the door now.

So Bai Duan said to Lin Yun, “If you are looking for my father, go to Nanxi City, he is no longer in Yanjing.” ”

Bai Duan said, placing two on the coffee table.

Although he was now facing the threat of death, he still put on the usual attitude, after all, he saw more about the matter between life and death.

As for the look he had just revealed, it was because Lin Yun’s terrible means had really frightened him, he had never seen anyone with the ability to kill more than a dozen people in a silent and instant.

“Nanxi City? I know, because I’m from Nanxi City. Lin Yun continued, “And Bai Yuan has already been killed by me.” ”

“You said you killed my daddy?”

Hearing that Bai Yuan had died at the hands of Lin Yun, Bai Duan was stunned.

In his eyes, Bai Yuan was an omnipotent person.

Even in the face of hundreds of people, he could escape from them without changing his face.

Now in front of his eyes appeared a man telling him that the omnipotent man had been killed by him?

This made his mind suddenly confused.

How strong is this man in front of you?

“You killed him, so what are you looking for me for?” Make a clean sweep of? Bai Duan picked up the wine glass on the coffee table and took a sip.

His hands trembled a little, and it was obvious that after hearing the news, his fear of Lin Yun deepened.

“Are you the ruler of the White Family?”

Lin Yun continued to ask.

“Me? No. Bai Duan shook his head and replied, “To say that the person in power must be the old man Bai Meng, and even if it is not good, it is also Bai Xin, the son of Bai Liu, I am a fart?” It was just an orphan picked up by Bai Yuan. ”

Bai Duan smiled and shook his head.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked again:

“Then do you know the plans of the White Family in this Tianshan War?”

“I don’t know, that old thing never said that to me.” Bai Duan shook his head, then smiled and said, “If you really have the ability, pry it out of that old thing’s mouth, but this old thing is much more difficult to deal with than you think, and trying to dig out information from his mouth is more troublesome than destroying the entire Bai family.” ”


The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth raised slightly, “That means you didn’t use it?” ”


Bai Duan suddenly sensed the killing machine from Lin Yun, and he put his hand on the knife around his waist.

Even if you know that you are not the opponent of the other party, you must choose to fight to the death, in case you win?

“Hahahahaha! White dude! I haven’t seen you for a long time! ”

Suddenly, a loud laugh came into the ears of the two people, and a bald man led a group of people into the box of Baiduan.

Interrupted Lin Yun’s desire to strike.

As soon as he entered the box, the bald man noticed that something was wrong.

Bai Duan’s people actually all fell to the ground, and even a man and a woman sat opposite Bai Duan, which made him immediately become vigilant.

“Brother White, who is this man?”

The bald head asked Bai Duan.

But he only listened to Bai Duan smile slightly, and replied: “This is my friend, Brother Hao don’t use the knife and gun, why don’t you know each other?” ”

Bai Duan didn’t even let this bald head deal with Lin Yun together, and even let the bald head put down the weapon in his hand.

Ah Hao was not a fool either, and he naturally understood that the strange man was definitely not Bai Duan’s friend.

But Bai Duan must have his intention in saying this.

He smiled and walked over to Bai Duan’s side and smiled at Lin Yun, “Brother, what is it called?” Since it is Bai Duan’s friend, it is my Ahao’s friend! What you want to play in this field I Ahao all give you for free! Hahahahaha! ”

“Not interested.”

Lin Yun dropped a sentence and got up and left.

Seeing Lin Yun leave the box, Bai Duan was relieved and glad that he had escaped a disaster.

“Brother Bai, who was that person just now?”

After Lin Yun left, Ah Hao asked Bai Duan doubtfully.

Bai Duan said, “Don’t mess with him, he can throw your whole scene away!” ”

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