Walking out of the box, Lin Yun was ready to find Bai Meng in Bai Duan’s mouth.

However, he found that the green-haired girl who had been following behind him was always uncertain, and even her body was still trembling.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Lin Yun asked her.

“Me? It’s okay! It’s okay! ”

She quickly replied that she was fine, but her trembling body told Lin Yun that this guy must have met someone who scared her.

“Forget it, I have time now to send you back.” Lin Yun was still in a hurry to find Bai Meng, now that the sky had gradually darkened, he was ready to rest in his own place.

“Huh? Are you going to let me go back? ”

The green-haired girl was a little surprised to hear that Lin Yun was going to take her home.

It seemed that Lin Yun was not expected to be so kind.

“How? Don’t want to? ”

After a moment of contemplation, the green-haired girl looked at the rat that was frantically running for her life on the football field.

Lin Yun’s eyes fell on her expression at this moment, and her expression seemed to say that she had also entered it, experienced being chased by zombies, and became a taste of mass entertainment.

It’s a lot of despair and fear, because no one will save you, but everyone else will treat you like a toy.


At this time, the group of zombies ate the three people who were put in, causing cheers at the scene.

In the noisy environment, the green-haired girl was silent, just quietly watching.

“You asked me to save people before, now you can tell me more about it.”

Lin Yun suddenly said to the green-haired girl.

“You agreed?”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, the green-haired girl looked very excited.

She did not expect that Lin Yun would suddenly agree to her request.

Lin Yun nodded and continued, “For your sake of helping me find someone, I can help you with this, say it.” ”

“Can’t say here, let’s change places!”

The green-haired girl walked out of the zombie arena with Lin Yun. The two walked into an alley, and it wasn’t until they confirmed that there was no one nearby that the green child walked suspiciously to Lin Yun.

Tell him, “Actually, I want you to save people in this boxing ring, but…”. But whatever

The green-haired girl’s expression was somewhat stiff, as if it were a difficult task to complete.

“But she’s already turned into a zombie, will you still help me?” The green-haired girl pleaded.

“Turned into a zombie?” So what do you do to save her? ”

Lin Yun had some doubts, she had already turned into a zombie, so there was no need for that, right?

“Not the same! If she hadn’t saved me, I wouldn’t have survived! So I hope you get her out of this world after you rescue her! The green-haired girl said anxiously to Lin Yun.

Suddenly, Lin Yun frowned.

This guy turned out to be trying to free her companion from this world.

Although the idea is good, but it takes so much effort to do it, I don’t know if it is worth it.

After all, no one knows whether people can still exist in consciousness after becoming zombies, and perhaps at the moment they become zombies, they have already died out.

“So, I haven’t told you my name yet, have I?” My name is Liu Qing, I was an ordinary college student before the end of the world, and it should be all good luck that I can live now, and the help of my friend. The green-haired girl suddenly told Lin Yun her name.

Lin Yun heard this and replied, “My name is Lin Yun.” ”

“Lin Yun? Well, Lin Yun! Liu Qing nodded and continued, “Let me tell you about the matter between me and her.” ”

“She is actually a roommate of mine, although she usually likes to seduce men and has several boyfriends at the same time, but she is sincerely helping me again, and when we were abused by those animals, she also stood in front of me, so I am still intact and have not lost something…” Liu Qing said, bowing her head.

“Well, go on, that’s a common thing.” Lin Yun nodded.

This kind of thing is really common, Liu Qing has not experienced that she is really lucky.

Even he himself couldn’t help but use his hands and feet at the beginning, after all, the whole world had lost such a thing as order, and whoever had a hard fist was the boss!

For example, Ye Xuefei, who was his victim, forced that to happen with him.

“Later, while they were drunk, we killed the beasts, escaped, and in the process of escaping were rescued by someone from a certain organization of capable people, but they were also a group of beasts, and if it were not for my friend and a leading relationship, they would still become playthings.” Liu Qing continued.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that the woman in Liu Qing’s mouth had some means, relying on her own body to get Liu Qing out of the predicament many times.

Although she is a scumbag, I have to say that this guy is really good to Liu Qing.

Maybe he thought that Liu Qing was still a virgin, and he already didn’t care, so he would be willing to block the gun for her.

I was actually a little touched to hear Lin Yun.

“Later, the organization of the Capable People we were in was taken over by the person who had just taken over (Zhao) Ahao, and we became prisoners of the order, and two weeks ago, we were sent to the zombie arena and became rats for people’s amusement.”


Lin Yun was suddenly a little surprised, it was basically impossible for ordinary people to survive in that place, but Liu Qing was still alive?

How does this work?

“You’re surprised, aren’t you?” Liu Qing also sensed the change in Lin Yun’s expression and immediately explained: “I was able to come out alive from the inside, and it was because she had lost hope in life long ago after being ruined by dozens of men, so she did not escape at all when facing the zombies, and was bitten by the zombies on her arm.” I tried to save her but it was too late, just a few seconds later, she was infected as a zombie, in front of me….. slave”_

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