“That’s the way it is.”

Lin Yun listened to it and was already roughly clear.

The plot behind is nothing more than her friend taking her away from the zombie arena or something, and finally she escapes, but her friend is caught by the group of guys for this kind of old-fashioned plot.

“So will you help me get my friend out?” I promise to do whatever you ask me to do! Liu Qing was very sincere in asking Lin Yun.

“Yes it can be.”

Lin Yun touched his chin and said, “But I don’t need you to do anything, just as you show me the way in exchange, as for saving people…. No, just the time of the zombies….”

“It’s okay these days! As long as you go! Liu Qing said excitedly.

“Then now!”



“Brother Hao, I have checked that person, not our Yanjing person.”

When Lin Yun left the zombie arena, Ah Hao sent someone to investigate Lin Yun’s details.

Although Bai Duan had warned him not to provoke Lin Yun, he did not like someone to act recklessly in his territory.

A pair of 933 small eyes looked at the boxing ring below, and at this time, a life-and-death struggle between a capable person and a red-level zombie was in play.

While admiring the fight between humans and zombies, while wrapping his arms around the hand of the girl next to him, Ah Hao took a deep breath of smoke.

He said, “Then send a few people to try his bottom, remember, if you want a few strong ones, the rookie will not be ashamed.” ”


After giving the order, Ah Hao took a glass of wine and wanted to take a sip.

Before I put it in my mouth, I found that there was a crack in the top of the wine glass!


Ahao suddenly frowned, what’s going on?

This is a few thousand pieces of wine glass, how can there be cracks?

But in the next moment, bang!

With a loud bang, the wine glass exploded!

The scattered fragments directly cut through one of Ahao’s eyes!


A scream erupted from Ahao’s mouth, and immediately his men rushed in to check on the situation.

Only Ahao was found at the scene!

Just as they were wondering, suddenly two figures appeared in front of them.

It was Lin Yun and Liu Qing, the two of them sitting on the sofa, looking at everything in front of them plainly.

“It’s you!”

Seeing the two men’s faces showing a vicious face, although I don’t know when they appeared, but since they appeared. Don’t think about leaving.

“Just now don’t kill in front of Bai Duan, now you still have the ability to return to the big guts!” Ah Hao said angrily.

“There’s a lot of nonsense.”

Lin Yun sniffed his tongue, and with a direct wave of his fingers, the Blade of Nothingness instantly came out of the blue, killing all of Ah Hao’s men.

“How is this possible?”

Seeing that his men died in front of him in an instant, Ahao was dumbfounded.

What did Lin Yun do just now?

Actually killed his people directly?

“What other means are there?” If not, listen to her. ”

Lin Yun asked with a sneer.


Ah Hao wanted to rush up and give Lin Yun a knife, but caution and fear made him stop this stupid move.

He turned his gaze to Liu Qing and asked, “Who is she?” ”

He had forgotten Liu Qing’s name, after all, there were too many rats that were caught every day.

“You! Remember the last time you took a base of Capable Ones and then captured a bunch of people as rats? Liu Qing asked angrily.

“There are more such things, which one do you say!?” Ahao didn’t remember it at all, because there were so many things.

“Do you remember when a woman escaped from your yard under the protection of zombies?” Liu Qing continued to ask.

“Oh! Then I have an impression! ”

Ah Hao finally remembered, and showed a cold smile: “It turns out to be you!” Don’t say, if you hadn’t been in a hurry to use the mouse, you and your friends would have wanted to keep and enjoy, after all, you are all beautiful women! Hahaha! ”


Liu Qing immediately burst into anger.

“So you’re seducing a backstage to get revenge on me?” Ah Hao asked with a sneer.

“Revenge is not a theory.”

Before Liu Qing could speak, Lin Yun spoke first, “Take us to find her friend, she hasn’t been killed by you yet.” ”

“Of course!”

Ah Hao sneered, “After that woman became a zombie, she was also a sought-after commodity for us, especially the one that had both strength and good stature, and became the one that many old patrons like to bet on.” And she can always be the first to bite the dead, and the people who suppress her can make a lot of money! ”

“You beast!” Liu Qing gritted her teeth, and her companion really turned into a toy for this group of people!

“Take us to see her or you’ll die now.”

Lin Yun said lightly.

“Oh? Then you are afraid that you will not have this opportunity! Ah Hao suddenly showed a sly smile, and then the box where they were located was instantly opened.

Draw everyone’s attention to them.

“I rub! Brother Hao was? ”

“Who is that man and one woman?”

“Dare to move Brother Hao’s field?” Looking for death!? ”

Suddenly, all the customers who were having fun in this field became Lin Yun’s enemies, and they all pulled out their weapons and aimed at Lin Yun, and hundreds of people surrounded the water.

“How’s it going? Do you regret coming to me now? Stinky woman! ”

Ah Hao stood up with a big laugh and spoke to the two under the protection of his men.

Liu Qing immediately panicked when she saw this scene, hundreds of people, how could they escape?

But at this moment, Lin Yun showed a faint smile.

Feng Yun said lightly, “Even these people want to kill me?” Dream? ”

At the moment when Lin Yun finished speaking, a scream broke out from the back of the audience.

“There are zombies! Help me! ”

“It’s over! All the zombies escaped from their cages! Suppress it with firepower! ”

“How could it be at this time!?”

Ahao was horrified, why did the zombie run out of its cage at this time?


He suddenly looked at Lin Yun.

This guy actually had a mysterious smile hanging from the corner of his mouth! _

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