
When asked by Lin Yun, Liu Qing’s face instantly turned pale, but in order to continue to hide, she still said to herself: “Of course it is true!” I’m talking about real things that happened! ”


Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “Although I don’t know what your purpose is, I finally warn you that if you don’t confess again, I will send you to see your girlfriend. Miaozi? Is that right? Maybe not? ”


Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, she knew that she might not be able to deceive Lin Yun anymore.

I had to sigh and slowly stand up from the ground, and my originally weak appearance immediately changed my posture.

Put on a scheming face.

“How do you see that?”

In the face of Liu Qing’s question, Lin Yun replied: “I didn’t see it, your acting skills are too good, but the zombie told me.” ”

“Zombies tell you? Can zombies talk? ”

Liu Qing was stunned, the first time she had heard that humans who turned into zombies could talk!

“Of course.”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “She told me that her name is Hu Shu, but it is not called Miaozi.” ”


Hearing this name, Liu Qing was immediately frightened.

Because Lin Yun said the life of a person who had obviously never seen it before, but who really existed!

“Now let’s talk about your purpose, right?”

Lin Yun said plainly.


Liu Qing took out a handful of powder from his pocket and was preparing to sprinkle it on Lin Yun’s eyes.

However, her speed was too slow.

Lin Yun instantly reached out and clamped Liu Qing’s throat, making her incapacitated.

“Let go of me!”

Liu Qing struggled madly, but in front of Lin Yun, she was as weak as a chick.

No matter how hard she tries, she can’t escape; The palm of Lin Yun’s hand.

“I thought you were halfway there to what you were doing, and it turned out that you caught a mouse.”

Bai Yu Kaoru, who was originally in the room, also walked out, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Liu Qing, who was controlled by Lin Yun.

I didn’t expect that someone was bold enough to follow Lin Yun.



Lin Yun gently threw Liu Qing towards the wall.

Liu Qing’s petite body instantly collided with the hard wall, causing her to feel a tearing pain coming from her back.

“My waist! It hurts! ”

Liu Qing shed tears in pain, where would she have thought that Lin Yun was so decisive, the severe pain in her whole body had made her lose the ability to escape.

“Say, what is your purpose?” I’ll settle the charge for you to use up my price. Lin Yun asked calmly.


Liu Qing clenched her silver teeth and stared at Lin Yun with a pair of dead eyes.

After a moment’s hesitation, he said, “Well, I admit it, I used you against the zombie boxing ring, and I’m sorry for you.” ”

“I don’t want to listen to this.”

Liu Qing glanced at Lin Yun and continued, “Actually, most of what I said is no problem, only two points have deviated. ”

“Which two points?”


Liu Qing took a deep breath and then said, “Although she and I are friends, we are not good enough to get that way, and she did not save her from being insulted because I was ruined by those stinky men, I killed the beasts.” ”

“What else?”

Lin Yun didn’t pay attention to these either.

“Then you heard, we entered a Capable Organization, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, that guy hooked up with the man who led the Capable Organization, of course, it doesn’t matter, I have no opinion on this, thinking that it is okay to be able to live there, and in the future I may become the wife of a certain member and survive in this last days, and the bastard actually wants to kill me, just because the leading man has some meaning to me?” Speaking of this, Liu Qing’s eyes were full of anger.

Obviously, she had also experienced betrayal, and it was clear that she had rescued the woman named Hu Shu from the clutches of the devil, but she wanted to kill herself with a trick, which she could not stand.

“And then what?”

“Oh, maybe it’s because Hu Shu, a mean woman, really has bad luck, right?” Within a few days, our Ability Base was taken over by Ahao of the Zombie Boxing Arena and became a group of rats. Liu Qing smiled and said, “However, if it weren’t for Ah Hao’s lack of rats, Hu Shu, a mean woman, should be able to survive in the boxing ring by relying on the advantages of her own body, so her luck is really not good.” ”

“The plot behind is that I framed her, let her be infected by zombies, and then escaped in a chaotic way, do you still want to hear it?”

“No more.”

Lin Yun shook his head, I have to say that this guy’s experience is really ups and downs.

Sure enough, what can survive in this last days cannot be silly and sweet.

This guy also escaped from the pile of dead people.

Without some means, it is really difficult to survive in this world.

“What I want to know more now is, what are you doing with me?” Do you want to deal with me even me? Lin Yun’s tone slowly revealed a little murderous qi.

“It’s just a feeling in your heart that it’s safe to stay by your side.” Liu Qing said, and then glanced at Bai Yu Kaoru, “If it is inconvenient, I will leave immediately.” ”

“It’s not the truth.” The murderous qi in Lin Yun’s tone was even heavier.

“All right, all right! I concede! ”

Seeing that he couldn’t deceive Lin Yun, he sighed helplessly: “I want you to help me kill another person, no matter what you want me to do, I am willing.” ”

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