“Killing? How? Is there anyone who has a vendetta against you? ”

Hearing that Liu Qing wanted to let himself help kill someone, Lin Yun couldn’t help but laugh.

He could now say that Liu Qing was a man who would take revenge.

Because that Hu Shu wanted to deal with her, he was killed by her.

Because the people in the zombie boxing ring treat her like a toy, she allows herself to avenge her, and the random story is a little stupid, but the nature is to set out for herself.

Killing all the people you don’t like is the true face of the woman in front of you who is full of lies.

“Of course, I must still have enemies!” Liu Qing replied, “Hu Shu and I didn’t run to a group of men’s nests by ourselves, we were betrayed and exchanged for supplies.” ”


Lin Yun smiled playfully, it turned out that this guy had also been betrayed at first.

What a troubled woman.

“So who is that person?” Lin Yun asked with a smile.

“A fool named Cai Han, you just need to help me kill him!” I want to hear anything from you! ”

Liu Qing glared at the wall fiercely, obviously she hated this Cai Han to the bone.

“Your pay isn’t glamorous at all, and I’m not interested in helping you kill.”

Lin Yun smiled, he did not dare to be interested in this matter.

“Wait a minute! I can do anything for you!” Anything! ”

Liu Qing looked at Lin Yun doubtfully.

Isn’t the price you have paid not been great enough?

That’s anything!

“I know you’re willing to pay a lot for revenge, but I don’t need you.”

Lin Yun said and sat down on the sofa.

His gaze turned to Bai Yu Kaoru and replied, “I don’t lack women, I don’t lack food, I don’t lack anything, so even if you sacrifice everything, you can’t impress me, unless, I have to ask you.” ”


Liu Qing’s face couldn’t help but darken, she didn’t expect that she had said so much, the result was no effect, the man in front of her did not have any need for her at all.

For example, the body, she is obviously not able to compare with Bai Yu Kaoru, and even among all the women in Lin Yun, she is definitely the worst one.

Lin Yun did not intend to help her, and certainly did not intend to kill her, because she was not hostile to herself.

“Okay, I’ll not bother you.”

Liu Qing sighed and prepared to leave.

She didn’t have the ability to let Lin Yun do things for herself, so she had to leave in a daze.

Watching Liu Qing leave, Bai Yu Kaoru looked at Lin Yun in doubt.

He asked, “I thought you were going to take her in, but one more one won’t affect you.” ”

“Collect her? You think too much, I am a more dedicated person. Lin Yun touched his nose and said, “Let’s continue.” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Bai Yukao directly rolled his eyes, which he said, maybe even ghosts don’t believe it.


Liu Qing, who left the building, felt very depressed.

Of course, she was planning to let Lin Yun help her deal with Cai Han, but who would have thought that this guy had no interest in herself at all.

She helplessly touched her green hair, and her heart had begun to plan how to make Lin Yun do things for herself.

After all, Lin Yun’s strength was very much recognized.

It was also at this time that a passing male ability person saw Liu Qing.

Immediately, his eyes glowed golden.

“Yo? Belle! What is a man in the Great Apocalypse doing on the street? Do you want me to take you to a safe place? ”

The man asked Liu Qing.

Liu Qing looked at the man, then smiled and said, “Safe place? Where is it? ”

“Of course it’s at our Capable Ones base!” Walk! I’ll take you! ”

The man said and put his hand on Liu Qing’s shoulder.

Maybe he wanted to care about Liu Qing in the first place, or maybe he really approached Liu Qing for some purpose.

At least now he behaved like a good man and offered a helping hand to Liu Qing.



A scream came from the man’s mouth, and both of his eyes were cut directly by the sharp knife.

The natural thing to do was Liu Qing in front of him.

“You mean woman! You…..”

The male capable man screamed to kill Liu Qing.

However, the next moment, Liu Qing’s knife landed on his heart.

Directly stabbed the completely defenseless man to death under his own knife.

Liu Qing, who killed the man, did not have any expression on his face, but just threw the blood-stained knife to the ground.

It was a weapon she drew from the man’s waist, and it could only be said that she was completely defenseless when the other party was not paying attention.

After all, with Liu Qing’s body, it was impossible to defeat this man head-on.

“What should I think of…”

However, after killing the other party, Liu Qing still focused all her thoughts on how to get Lin Yun to help herself.

After all, her revenge psychology made her want to kill Cai Han who betrayed her all the time.


Suddenly, she thought of an idea that made the corners of her mouth rise in a subtle arc: “I will let you ask for me!” Lin Yun! ”

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