
Bai Yu Kaoru didn’t know what Lin Yun was going to do to her.

Still, it was the first time someone had touched her forehead and threatened to give her a so-called birthday present.

Let her somehow feel a warmth slowly growing and sprouting in her heart.

“Don’t talk.”

Lin Yun said plainly, asking Bai Yukao to let down his guard.

Because, he is entrusting a certain ability to Kaoru Hakuba.

So that she can not die at the hands of Bai Xin during this time of the Bai family.

“This is….”

Kaoru Hakuba felt something pouring into her body.

But she couldn’t say what it felt, as if she had read a book in an instant, and it was difficult to describe the feeling.

“All right.”

Lin Yun said with a smile.

What he gave to Kaoru Hakuba was the ability to move in space.

This will ensure that Kaoru Hakuba can escape from the hands of his enemies even if he is tied up by the five flowers.


Kaoru Hakuba had a mechanized cue in her head, teaching her how to use this ability.

Subsequently, she disappeared into Lin Yun’s sight in an instant.

After about a few minutes, she appeared in front of Lin Yun again.

At this moment, her face was full of shock and surprise.

She never dreamed that she would even have the same ability as Lin Yun to teleport!

Looking at the surprised expression on Bai Yukao’s face, Lin Yun directly knocked her head with his hand.

And said: “I can take back your abilities at any time, so you don’t want to betray me or anything like that.” ”


Bai Yu let out a sigh and fell silent.

Obviously, she believed that since Lin Yun had the method to give her ability, she naturally had the ability to take it back.

However, with the ability to move in space, there are some things that she can solve more easily.


On the other side.

Bai Xin, who had left the hall, returned to his room.

He sat in a chair in his room, his face covered with anger.

He couldn’t believe that Kaoru’s return had put him under such a huge threat!

And the man next to Kaoru Hakuba!

Who is he?

Why would that man give him a sense of crisis? Damn it!


Bai Xin angrily smashed the wine glass on the ground.

He really wanted to go over and kill Kaoru Hakuba, but he couldn’t.

Because if he did something to Bai Yukao, the good impression he left in the Bai family would be completely destroyed.

I had to follow the steps step by step, take one step at a time.

“It seems that it is still necessary to attack the Xuan family’s body.”

Bai Xin’s eyes narrowed slightly, he could only attack Bai Yu Kaoru after he grasped the power of the Bai Family.

“Come on people!”


A man entered Bai Xin’s room.

Bai Xin said coldly to the man, “Go to the Xuan family and give this thing to their owner.” ”

With that, Bai Xin shoved a note into the man.

“Obey orders!”

After receiving the note, the man immediately left.

Bai Xin stood up, a pair of fox-like eyes looking out the window, and that direction was Bai Yukao’s room.

He snorted coldly and said coldly, “Everything in this white family is mine!” You will all die at My hands!” ”


“Get out of the way!”

At this time, Bai Duan just came back from outside.

He kicked open a wooden door and entered the White Family compound.

“Bai Duan Gongzi, you can count yourself back!”

A man rushed over to Bai Duan and bowed respectfully to Bai Duan.

“How? Looking for something to do with me? Uncle De. Bai Duan asked doubtfully.

This middle-aged man is Bai Duan’s confidant and is very respectful of Bai Duan.

“I heard that Miss Kaoru Hakuba is back, are you going to meet her?”

“Kaoru Hakuba is back?”

Bai Duan’s mind conjured up the appearance of Bai Yu Kaoru, a frightening, but exceptionally beautiful woman with a snow white body.

At the thought of Bai Yu Kaoru, Bai Duan suddenly shook his body.

Because he and Kaoru Hakuba are also very difficult to deal with.

“I don’t want to go.”

Bai Duan strode to his room, while Uncle De followed him.

“Kaoru Hakuba also brought back a man who looked very young.” Uncle De said suddenly.


Hearing that Kaoru Hakuba had brought a man back, Bai Duan immediately aroused interest.

Because he knows the character of Kaoru Hakuba.

This guy can even bring a man back?

What kind of man even dares to bubble her?

Isn’t that looking for death?

Of course, the charm of Kaoru Hakuba is not to be underestimated, maybe there are really men who can tolerate her character?

“Let’s go, let’s see.”

Bai Duan immediately walked towards Bai Yukao’s room.

“Kaoru Hakuba!”

Bai Duan’s shouts reached the ears of Kaoru Hakuba in the room.

“Bai Yuan’s son is here.”

Kaoru rolled her eyes and said.

“White segments?”

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth were slightly cocked, and he didn’t expect to encounter Bai Duan again.


Kaoru’s door was pushed open directly by Bai Duan.

“Kaoru Hakuba, I heard you came back alive?”

Bai Duan smiled and turned his gaze to Bai Yu Kaoru sitting in the room, and when he saw the man next to Bai Yu Kaoru.

Suddenly a look of horror appeared on his face.

“How are you?”

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