Seeing Lin Yun’s white section, he was immediately stunned.

He never dreamed that Lin Yun was the man that the so-called Bai Yu Kaoru had brought back.

But think about it, Bai Yukao’s personality is so strange, and only Lin Yun’s level of existence can calm him.


Bai Duan swallowed a mouthful of spit and asked Lin Yun, “It’s a good coincidence, we are meeting again.” ”

Bai Yu Kaoru saw this expression on Bai Duan’s face and immediately rolled his eyes.

Bai Duan this guy usually does not put on this look.

But in front of Lin Yun, he behaved respectfully, and it was obvious that something had happened between the two of them.

“It’s a coincidence that since the ring came out, I’ve always wanted to see you again, but I didn’t expect to meet here.” Lin Yun said plainly.

Bai Duan is a spit in the heart.

I didn’t expect a fart, this is the Bai family, it is strange that I can’t see him in the Bai family, right?

Still, he had a very bright smile on his face.

“Yeah, yeah! Then the two of you will continue to talk, and I will not bother you. ”

With that, Bai Duan was ready to leave.


“Stop, will I let you go?”

Lin Yun’s icy voice came into Bai Duan’s ears.

Bai Duan suddenly put on a face full of mixed feelings, looked at Lin Yun with a bitter smile, and asked, “Is there anything else?” ”


Lin Yun nodded and said to him, “You send some people to clean up the zombie boxing ring, I’m afraid that too many corpses will stink.” ”

“Zombie boxing ring? Corpse? ”

Hearing the two words, the white paragraph was suddenly stupid.

Could it be that Lin Yun gave the zombie boxing ring a pot?

He really hadn’t been to the zombie boxing ring today, but he had left the zombie boxing ring for a day or a night or so, which was given to him by Lin Yun?

This doesn’t make sense!

“How? Didn’t hear that? Lin Yun asked.

“Heard, heard.”

“Come on.”


Bai Duan immediately left Bai Yukao’s room, and his head did not return.

He didn’t want to provoke Lin Yun, a murderous maniac, and was deeply afraid that his little life would be lost.

“He’s so afraid of you?”

Even Bai Yu Kaoru was a little surprised, this white temper is very poor, similar to the rich second generation in the novel.

How could he be so afraid of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “Because he knows that I can’t afford it, and what I let him do is only a small thing, and what he commands his men to accomplish is only something that doesn’t take any effort.” ”

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun, and it seemed that he still looked down on this guy.



After Kaoru Hakuba finished eating, she went back to her room to rest.

Lin Yun was different, he did not have the habit of resting so early.

Instead, through stealth and flight, he crossed the sight of the Bai family and came to Bai Meng’s room.

It was a courtyard with no closed doors, and when you entered it, you could smell a smell of decay.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown.

How long has it been untended? So smelly?

“Who’s coming?”

Suddenly, the old man’s voice came from the courtyard.

The only candidate is the white monk.

In this regard, Lin Yun was a little surprised, his stealth was completely shielded from the smell and sound, but he was still discovered by this guy.

So, he directly unlocked the invisibility and entered the courtyard.

After entering, Lin Yun was greeted by an old man with a thin body and skin like tree bark.

He sat in his chair, his legs covered with black cloth, as if hiding something.

At the first sight of Lin Yun, Bai Meng’s face showed some killing intent.

Because he had never seen this young lad.

But the cells in his body were telling himself all the time that this was a very dangerous person.

“Who are you?” Is there something wrong with me? ”

Bai Meng asked Lin Yun.

In the face of Bai Meng’s question, Lin Yun did not answer quickly, but found a place to sit down.

After a few moments, he replied, “It doesn’t matter who I am, as for what I’m going to do, you’ll know later.” ”

“Look at your appearance and accent, aren’t you from Yanjing?” Is it the man Kaoru Kawaha who came back with him? ”

Bai Meng immediately guessed Lin Yun’s identity.

“Oh? Are you quite good at guessing? Lin Yun smiled.

“It’s a reckoning.” Bai Meng said plainly, “How did they let you in?” Or how did you avoid their eyeliner and get into my room? ”

In the face of Bai Meng’s series of questions, Lin Yun was a little surprised by the old man in front of him.

“I have to say, you’re much better than your son.”

“Son? Hahahahaha. Bai Meng laughed three times and replied, “I have so many sons, which one are you talking about?” ”

“Of course it’s white dollars.”

“White Yuan?!”

Hearing Bai Yuan’s name, Bai Meng’s face instantly became stiff, even slightly angry.

Where would he have thought that the man that this white feather Kaoru had brought back would even know his son?

Or even comparing yourself to Bai Yuan?

He had definitely met with Bai Yuan, and even had certain things happen.

“Have you seen Bai Yuan?” Bai Meng asked coldly.

“I’ve seen it, of course I’ve seen it!”

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