“I’ve seen Bai Yuan.”

Lin Yun said plainly, but it aroused Bai Meng’s hostility.

Bai Meng began to wonder, what is the identity of this young man in front of him?

Who the hell is he?

“What’s your name?”

Bai Meng began to ask about Lin Yun’s name, and it was obvious that Lin Yun’s appearance had attracted Bai Meng’s attention.

“Lin Yun, you should have heard it.”

Lin Yun replied with a smile.

“Lin Yun? It turned out that the person who destroyed the Ninghang City Ability Base was you? Sure enough, it was similar to the intelligence. ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s name, Bai Meng nodded thoughtfully.

Although he did not know how his subordinates made a mistake and informed him of the news of Bai Yu Kaoru’s death, from the current situation, Bai Yu Kaoru not only did not die, but also became a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with Lin Yun.

“It seems you’ve been following me for a long time?”

“It’s okay, I know a rough idea.”

Bai Meng touched his beard and continued, “Although I don’t know whether the intelligence is true or not, the ability to control zombies, the ability to prevent knives and guns, the ability to fly in the air, you are no different from the gods in the eyes of my subordinates, do you know?” ”

“Gods? Hahahahaha! ”

Lin Yun laughed a few times, not expecting that the Bai family’s people who launched an investigation into themselves described themselves in this way.

“But do you want to know the end of that man?” The man who is following you. Bai Meng’s face suddenly turned gloomy.

“Oh?” Lin Yun shrugged his shoulders: “You say.” ”

“He was killed by me because I didn’t believe it.”

Bai Meng’s words were very concise, because he did not believe that there would be anyone in the world who had the so-called ability to fly in the air, and even control zombies!

Even those who have the ability to swallow the zombie crystals can only achieve physical enhancement, and there is no way to have this ability to transcend natural phenomena!

Unless he’s not human!

“Oh? It’s a shame for you to lose a loyal subordinate. Lin Yun replied with a smile.

He didn’t think about proving that he really had these abilities, because once he did, he would really be under the white mask.

“Really? That can only be said to be a pity, but I don’t care, because there are still many people in our white family. ”

Bai Meng said, specifically emphasizing the tone of this sentence.

It was like telling Lin Yun something.

“How nice people are, even if more than a thousand people are killed or injured, they are harmless, right?” Lin Yun suddenly said a word, and people were able to frown for a while.

Because he began to suspect that his two sons could not return to the Bai family safely.

It may even be very likely that he is dead.

“Your words are very interesting, and they make me think about it.”

“No, I mean it literally.”

The confrontation between the two has been continuing, even if there is no knife and gun, it is full of gunpowder!

“You killed both Bai Yuan and Bai Liu?”

Bai Meng’s tone became unusually cold.

He had already guessed that Bai Yuan and Bai Liu did not return on time, and it was likely that there was an accident.

And the man named Lin Yun in front of him was most likely a hands-on person.

As for what kind of grudge there was between them, it could only be known from Lin Yun’s mouth.

“Almost, whoever let them find is my man.”

Lin Yun replied calmly.

“Hahahahaha! I didn’t expect that Bai Yuan’s boy would also have today. ”

Bai Meng suddenly burst out laughing and began to mock his eldest son.

After laughing, Bai Meng took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yun with a pair of deep eyes, and then said, “Since you said this, I can understand that Dr. Yang Weiyu is your person, right?” ”

“Yes, she’s my person now.”

“All right.”

Bai Meng shook his head helplessly and continued, “Since you have already killed Bai Yuan and them, what are you still coming to the Bai family for?” Kill them all? ”

“I’ve come here for my own purposes, and you’ll know what it is.”

Lin Yun said, looking out the window, it was already late at night.

He continued: “That’s it for today’s conversation, Bai Meng, you’re a smart person, I hope to meet tomorrow, you have a little brain.” ”

After speaking, Lin Yun disappeared into Bai Meng’s sight.

Seeing Lin Yun suddenly disappear, Bai Meng’s face gradually became gloomy.

Obviously, Lin Yun may really have some strange abilities!

Bai Meng took a deep breath, and a pair of deep pupils landed helplessly on his legs.

He muttered in a low voice, “It looks like the sky is about to change.” ”


Lin Yun instantly returned to Bai Yukao’s room.

At this moment, he saw that Kaoru Hakuba had fallen asleep.

Lin Yun’s eyes looked around, and after making sure there was no second bed, he had to squeeze in with Bai Yuxuan.

After a simple wash, he slipped into the bed.

But because of this move, Kaoru Hakuba, who was already asleep, woke up.

“You? What did you do? ”

Bai Yu Kaoru did not resist, but instead asked Lin Yun what he was just doing.

“Got someone to talk to.”

Lin Yun replied.

“Ghosts believe in you!”

Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun and turned his body to the side with his back to Lin Yun.

And this turn, let them contact the area instantly increased.

Coupled with Bai Yukao’s habit of not liking to sleep and get dressed, Lin Yun suddenly felt the coldness coming from her skin.

“Did you make it on ice?” So cold? ”

Lin Yun asked doubtfully.

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