“Did you make it on ice?” So cold!? ”

In the face of Lin Yun’s question, a slight anger appeared on Bai Yukao’s face.

Turning his head to Lin Yun, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lin Yun.

He asked, “If you can’t stand it, get up next door, where there’s also an empty room.” ”

With that, Bai Yu Kaoru also pushed Lin Yun with his hand to let him get out of the bed.

Lin Yun laughed bitterly, this is definitely not Bai Yu Kaoru’s real reaction, if she changed to the usual Bai Yu Kaoru, she would have kicked it a long time ago.

As for why she became like this, it is most likely because she is very important to her now.

After all, she was the most crucial part of her plan.

“There’s still something to do, you can’t get rid of me.”

Lin Yun smiled and hugged Bai Yukao, making her unable to move.

Bai Yu Kaoru glared at Lin Yun fiercely and said, “Don’t you think I’m cold?” Why hold on so tightly? ”

“Eh! You don’t understand! ”

Lin Yun replied with a smile: “Cold to cold, but it is not unacceptable, and even the experience is not bad.” ”

Bai Yu Kaoru rolled his eyes, and he really looked down at Lin Yun.

This man is really his nemesis!

“Moving trouble a little bit! My room is not well soundproofed, don’t be overheard! ”

“You just don’t make a sound.”


The next day, Kaoru Hakuba got up early, washed up simply, and walked out of the room.

Unlike other women, she also needs the so-called makeup steps, because the skin of the whole body is flawless and white, so she directly saves a lot of trouble.

Lin Yun was still sleeping, probably because he was sleeping with an ice cube yesterday, which made him dizzy.

I didn’t know when I would wake up, so Kaoru Hakuba didn’t wake him up.

Instead, I walked out of the room and breathed in the fresh air.


As soon as Bai Yu Kaoru walked out of the room, he saw Bai Xin outside the door.

The guy seemed to be waiting at her door very early.

However, seeing Bai Xin’s face early in the morning made Bai Yukao’s mood immediately worse.

“How? Something? ”

Bai Yu Kaoru asked Bai Xin impatiently, if she could, she really hated talking to Bai Xin, her half-brother.

“Yes, Grandpa wants to see you.”

Bai Xin behaved very calmly and said simply, “Let’s go.” ”

Hearing that Bai Meng wanted to see himself, Bai Yu Kaoru naturally followed Bai Xin to the courtyard where Bai Meng was located.

As soon as he entered the courtyard door, Kaoru Hakuba heard the sound of the teacup on the table, and there was also a cough.


“Kaoru, here it comes?”

Bai Meng’s voice entered Bai Yukao’s ears, and at this time, Bai Yukao had just entered the room, and then he saw Bai Meng’s withered yellow face.


Kaoru Hakuba just nodded plainly, completely without the etiquette of a junior.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xin frowned and said, “Yu Kaoru, don’t you kneel down yet?” ”

“Kneeling? Does he deserve it too? ”

Bai Yu Kaoru sneered, since the Bai family experimented with her, she had abandoned the identity of the Bai family.

So even Bai Meng, she was not willing to kneel for it.


Bai Xin was a little annoyed, but Bai Meng raised his hand and stopped Bai Xin.

“Eh! Not kneeling, not kneeling, no big deal. ”

Bai Meng said with a grin.


Bai Xin was stunned, generally speaking, the Bai family respected etiquette very much, even Bai Duan’s thorny head had to kneel in front of Bai Meng before he could get up.

But Bai Meng suddenly said forget it?

What’s going on?

This is not at all like Bai Meng’s style.

“It looks like you’ve had a good year.”

Bai Meng’s old eyes scanned Bai Yu’s body and smiled.

He hadn’t smelled the smoke on Bai Yukao’s body, and it was obvious that he hadn’t touched the weapon for a long time.


Kaoru replied plainly, “First tell me what happened to me, and then I’ll tell you another thing.” ”

Kaoru Hakuba had long wanted to talk to Bai Meng, and now was the time.

“What? Very simple. Bai Meng’s face suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: “Tell me about your man, he is a little different.” ”

“That guy is really weird.”

Before Bai Yu Kaoru could answer, Bai Xin nodded in agreement.

In his heart, Lin Yun was also a strange guy, but Lin Yun attracted Bai Meng’s attention, which he did not expect.

“You said that guy? Hehe. ”

Kaoru Hakuba sneered and replied, “I’m sorry, I have no comment, if you want to know, just ask him to go.” ”


Bai Xin was very angry at Bai Yukao’s attitude, but Bai Meng stopped him again.

“Hahaha! It was my mistake, after all you two are grasshoppers on a rope, and it was my fault. Bai Meng smiled and shook his head, then said, “Then what are you going to do with him?” Tell me about it. ”

“It’s simple.”

Bai Yu Kaoru took a step in the direction of Bai Meng and said, “Give me the position of the person in power, and I will lead the Bai family to participate in the Tianshan War.” ”


Bai Meng smiled slightly and asked, “Is it you, or is it?” ”

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