“Chen Mofeng?”

Hearing that Chen Yaowei wanted his eldest daughter to participate in the Tianshan War for him, Lin Yun frowned suddenly.

This guy was really free to let his eldest daughter do such a dangerous thing.

Finding Lin Yun’s gaze strange, Chen Yaowei smiled and replied, “I believe you won’t let Mo Feng have an accident, right?” ”


Lin Yun snorted coldly and said, “You prepare people, in a few days I will let Chen Mofeng come over.” ”

“No problem! Leave it to me! ”

As the voice fell, Lin Yun disappeared in front of Chen Yaowei’s eyes.


Seeing Lin Yun leave, Chen Yaowei was relieved.

When he spoke just now, his feet were trembling.

Of course, it was not because he was afraid, but because he found that his body could not eat anymore.

A few weeks ago, Chen Yaowei checked that his legs showed a little symptoms.

The doctors at the base told him that in about two months his legs could be completely paralyzed.

Therefore, Chen Yaowei would choose not to go to the battlefield.

Because he didn’t want to cause Lin Yun’s plan to fail because of his own body.

“Uncle Chen, didn’t you tell Lin Yun about that?”

Wang Xin walked over and asked Chen Yaowei worriedly.

The matter of Chen Yaowei’s legs was known to everyone in the whole base.

But Chen Yaowei had told everyone not to tell Lin Yun and his two daughters about it.

“I don’t need to tell him that my own problems don’t need to let Lin Yun be responsible for me, and besides, it’s not a fatal thing, it’s just paralyzed legs, it’s no big deal.” Chen Yaowei said, “Don’t you want to accompany your wife yet?” Now is when she needs you the most! ”


“Nothing to do, go for it!”

After driving Wang Xin away, Chen Yaowei looked at the black zombie crystal in his hand.

Maybe eating this black zombie crystal will restore your legs to their original shape.

But this was something that Lin Yun had given to him to give to more than a thousand capable people in Ninghang City!

If he took it himself, he was afraid that the next thing would not be so easy to end!

“Hey! Oh my life! ”


On the other side, Lin Yun appeared in the system world.

As soon as he appeared, a petite figure hugged Lin Yun.

“Finally back! You big badass! ”

Holding Lin Yun was Chen Mojing, this eccentric little girl had been eager to see Lin Yun for several days and months.

Lin Yun smiled and touched her nose and asked, “Miss me?” ”

“Of course!”

Chen Mojing said, biting the flesh on Lin Yun’s arm, and then said, “I heard that you took the woman Bai Yuxuan with you, didn’t you?” ”

Hearing Chen Mojing’s question, Lin Yun laughed out loud, this guy even ate Bai Yufu’s vinegar.

He replied, “I need her to help me sort things out of the White Family.” ”

“Ahem! Ghost letters! ”

Chen Moting glanced at Lin Yun and hugged his hands tighter.

This guy is probably the most reluctant to leave Lin Yun, right?

“Today you’re going to spend the night with me!” I know no! ”

Chen Mojing buried her head in Lin Yun’s clothes and shouted loudly.

“Good! No problem! ”

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and touched Chen Mojing’s head in agreement.

Then he asked, “What about your sister?” I have something to do with her. ”


Chen Moting jumped off Lin Yun and replied, “She’s reading a book, what are you looking for her?” Do you want to eat it without opening? ”

“No kidding.”

Lin Yun knocked on Chen Mojing’s head and said, “It’s not your old father who is afraid of death, I said that there was something for him to do, and as a result, he came to ask your sister to replace him, isn’t this just to find your sister?” ”

“It turned out to be so…..”

Chen Moting nodded thoughtfully, but she always felt that something was strange, and it was reasonable to say that her father would not say such a thing.

“Let’s go, go find your sister.”

As soon as Lin Yun picked up Chen Mofeng’s body, he walked towards Chen Mofeng’s room.


Open the door of Chen Mofeng’s room, this guy is really reading in the room.

When she saw Lin Yun come in, she was very surprised.

He asked, “Is there something going on?” ”

“Sister! Come on! This guy is going to eat you! ”

Chen Moting said in a troubled manner.


Chen Mofeng was stunned for a moment, what did he mean to eat her?

Is Lin Yun an ogre?

“Don’t listen to this guy, it’s her who is going to eat tonight!”

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said, “I came here to find something for you.” ”

Then, Lin Yun told Chen Mofeng all about the general situation.

After listening, Chen Mofeng closed the book in his hand, pushed the glasses that he didn’t know where it came from, and replied: “Okay, I’ll go to help, but I have a question.” ”

“You think Daddy is a little weird too?”

Chen Mojing suddenly asked Chen Mofeng.


Chen Mofeng nodded, and she also felt that her father’s reaction was really strange.

Something must have happened inside!

“Father certainly wouldn’t say such greedy words for fear of death, but for some reason he wouldn’t let him go.”

“Can’t it be that he figured it out and doesn’t want to go to the battlefield?” Lin Yun asked.


The two sisters replied in unison, “Father (the old guy) is not such a person!” He has absolutely nothing to do with greed and fear of death!

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