
Lin Yun looked at the two women in front of him with interest.

Obviously, they are more aware of Chen Yaowei’s character and style of doing things.

will say such a sure word.

In this way, Chen Yaowei really had something to hide from himself, and it was not a trivial matter.

“Bastard Daddy must have happened to please, otherwise he wouldn’t have said such a thing.”

Chen Mojing skimmed her lips and said somewhat angrily.

“So are you going to ask him in person?” I can take you over. ”

Lin Yun asked the two women.

But the response was, they shook their heads.

“Since he insists on hiding it, he will never tell us.”

Chen Mofeng said, “This matter can only be shelved first, as for the Tianshan War you mentioned, I will go in his place.” ”

“As long as I have someone to lead you, I can do it.”

Lin Yun shrugged his shoulders, if he wasn’t on the side of the Bai family, he would have gone on his own.

“That’s it, find a chance to find out what the bastard dad is all about, don’t let this guy carry everything by himself every time.” Chen Mozhen said to Chen Mofeng.

“I see.”

Chen Mofeng nodded.

“Let’s go tomorrow, and we’ll go back to our room first.”

Lin Yun said, and picked up Chen Mojing and prepared to return to his room.


Chen Mofeng seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything, and finally just said: “Have a good dream!” ”

After returning to the room, Chen Mojing jumped directly onto the sofa, crossing her legs as if she was thinking about something.

“What the hell is this bastard dad thinking?” Could it be that his life is short? ”

Chen Moting thought about the unfolding of the matter in the worst direction, of course, not in malice.

“You really dare to say it.”

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Rest assured, I will solve it, even if your father is terminally ill, I will cure him.” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Chen Moting smiled and nodded, she believed that Lin Yun had this ability.

Just as Lin Yun was about to attack Chen Mojing, suddenly, a sharp knock on the door sounded.


Lin Yun asked doubtfully, big night, who is looking for himself?

“Lin Yun, are you back?”

A pleasant sound came from outside the door.


Lin Yun’s brow frowned slightly, what is this little guy looking for himself? It’s really strange.

He put down the Chen Mojing in his hand and walked to the door.


As the door opened, Ke Qi was standing at Lin Yun’s door holding a rag doll.

After weeks of not seeing, the little girl’s height seemed to have grown a few centimeters taller.

I’m afraid that in another year, I will surpass Chen Mojing.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Yun asked.

“I’m a little scared….”

Keqi said, holding Lin Yun’s right leg with both hands, and faint tears burst out of the corners of her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Moting also walked over and looked at this sister who was even smaller than herself holding Lin Yun’s thigh, expressing some doubts.

“Keqi seems to be a little scared, and I can feel her trembling.”

Lin Yun was very surprised by Ke Qi’s reaction.

What was it that made her so scared?

There was nothing in this world that could hurt her!

“Brother Lin Yun! Someone was talking to me in my head all the time, but I couldn’t see her! Keqi cried and said to Lin Yun.

“Auditory hallucinations? Wrong! ”

Lin Yun heard Ke Qi’s words and immediately felt that something was wrong.

First of all, it was not a normal thing for Keqi to be a black-level zombie, but he still maintained consciousness.

Now I heard other voices in my head talking to her, and it was clear that there must be some connection between them.

It’s definitely not as simple as hearing hallucinations.

“What about Yang Weiyu?”

Lin Yun asked Keqi, shouldn’t Yang Weiyu be doing experiments around Keqi all the time?

How did it disappear?

He immediately unfolded the whole picture of this world in his mind, and was surprised to find that Yang Weiyu had actually fallen into a pool of blood!


Lin Yun immediately took Keqi and Chen Mojing to Yang Weiyu’s side.

At this moment, Yang Weiyu’s body was full of scars!

Fortunately, the world does not cause death, and she can recover after a while.

However, Lin Yun’s arrival directly accelerated this process.


With a loud finger, Yang Weiyu instantly recovered from her injuries.


Yang Weiyu covered her head and stood up from the pool of blood.

Did she still relax from the pain, until she saw Lin Yun’s appearance, and then slowly and leisurely said: “Lin Yun? How are you here? ”

“What the hell is going on? Why did you fall in a pool of blood? ”

Lin Yun asked Yang Weiyu doubtfully.

“A pool of blood?”

Yang Weiyu looked at her body and was surprised to find that her body was full of blood.

“Strange? Why did I fall in a pool of blood? I thought I was just too tired and asleep….”

Seeing Yang Weiyu’s frightened face, Lin Yun suddenly frowned, it was obvious that this guy had no idea what was going on!

It seems that all the doubts can only be explored from Keqi’s body, because only Yang Weiyu and her were at the scene at that time!

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