“What’s going on?”

Lin Yun’s sharp eyes turned to Keqi beside him, and it was obvious that this matter could not escape from this little guy.

“Not me…”

Keqi made a pitiful look.

However, under Lin Yun’s cold gaze, she couldn’t help but feel a little afraid.

Because she’s cheating!

Or maybe she’s lying to people inside her!


Lin Yun took a step forward, causing this little guy to immediately take a few steps backwards in fear.

“Tell the truth!”

“I…. I….”

Keqi was frightened by Lin Yun’s move and looked around in a hurry, but Chen Moting and Yang Weiyu both expressed silence at this moment.

Because, the two of them are also suspicious of this little guy.

“Huh! Hahahahaha! ”

Just as Lin Yun was about to walk in front of Ke Qi, Ke Qi suddenly let out a silver bell-like laugh.


Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, he had never heard such a strange laughter before.

This little guy in front of him, in the end, is it still not a good thing?



“Who are you?”

Lin Yun asked coldly, it is obvious that the girl in front of him is definitely not the one he knows!

“Me? I’m just Keqi! Brother Lin Yun! ”

‘Keqi’ said with a smile, but that false face made Lin Yun frown suddenly.

This guy actually made himself feel a little dangerous?

“What experiment did you give her?”

Lin Yun frowned and looked at Yang Weiyu.

Yang Weiyu said with a sluggish face, “I just came according to the normal steps!” I was experimenting with the correlation between zombie cells and the cells in Koki’s body, and tried to activate the cells in her body with black crystals, and finally found that it seemed that something in Koki’s body was about to be activated, ready to record it, and then … Can’t remember…”

Lin Yun suddenly had a black line on his face, it seemed that this guy had activated something that was unbelievable in Keqi’s body.

He turned his gaze to Keqi.

I was surprised to find that although I only lost one thing, there would always be blood marks on Keqi’s body, and it seemed that she was forced to endure something.


Does this guy actually retain a cute personality?


“Brother Lin Yun!”

Keqi is still smiling brightly and hypocritically!

“You’d better obediently change back, or I’ll throw you out of here!”

Lin Yun’s words suddenly became cold, and he wanted this little guy to know what he had done wrong!

“Brother Lin Yun! I….. Yes! ”

Suddenly, Keqi was very painful, and he did not stand still and fell to the ground.

And covered his head with his small hands, and tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.


Yang Weiyu just wanted to rush over and hug Keqi, but was stopped by Lin Yun!

After stopping Yang Weiyu, Lin Yun slowly walked towards Keqi.

A pair of indifferent eyes looked at the crying Keqi on the ground and said, “Keqi, you have to conquer her yourself!” You are you! No one can take away your consciousness! ”

“Lin Yun…. I…..”

“Hahahahaha! Useless! She couldn’t resist my will! ”

“Kill me! Kill me! ”

“Do you dare to do it?” You have the ability to kill her!” It won’t be long before I take possession of her flesh! You….”

“I’m so uncomfortable! Let me go! ”


Sitting on the ground, Keqi began to talk to herself continuously, and the pain caused by the two personalities made the whole laboratory fill her with moans.

Obviously, because of the experiment, another personality in Keqi’s body was activated.

It is not so much another personality as it is the aftermath of the experiment, and the moment she becomes a zombie, she is no longer a complete person!

Even if she gets a new life!

“Keqi, forgot what your father said?” You have to live in this world! ”

Lin Yun shouted to Keqi again, hoping that Keqi would be able to get rid of the pain with his own ability.

“But I…. I’m so uncomfortable! I…”

“Useless! Thanks to your so-called experiments, I was able to occupy her consciousness in advance! When I get this body, I’ll kill you all!” ”

“Don’t! Don’t say it again! You…..”

After a struggle, Keqi finally fainted.


Yang Weiyu immediately stepped forward and held Keqi in her arms.

From the dialogue, it can be understood that it was her experiment that was wrong, which led to this result.

“I’m sorry, it’s me….”

“Don’t say sorry.” Lin Yun said impatiently, “I asked you to study Keqi, and I don’t think it’s a bad thing to draw out what is in her heart, I just brought this matter ahead of time.” ”

Even so, there was still some worry in Lin Yun’s face.

At that time, it was the task of the system, so I asked Yang Weiyu to come back to study Keqi, and I didn’t expect that there would be a second personality in this little guy.

His eyes looked at the unconscious Keqi and he frowned suddenly.

It seems that his own troubles are one more thing.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Lin Yun’s ear.

“Ding! Get special missions! Help Keqi suppress the personality in the body! ”

“Mission Reward: God-level Ability – Lightning Control!”

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