“It looks like we’re going to put a little more effort into this little guy.”

Lin Yun looked at Ke Qi with a pair of deep eyes.

And in this instant, he regained all the permissions that Keqi had in this residence.

After all, he didn’t want Keqi to run out.

“Wei Yu, take care of her, she woke up and called me!”

Lin Yun commanded Yang Weiyu.


Yang Weiyu nodded vigorously, after all, the experiment was operated by her, and she was responsible for what she did.

After Lin Yun finished his instructions, he left with Chen Mojing.

Yang Weiyu picked up Keqi who had fallen to the ground, and she needed to accompany her until Keqi woke up.

“Is this a corpse phenomenon?” Will Keqi turn into a zombie? ”

Chen Moting asked Lin Yun.

Obviously, this guy is also worried about Keqi’s safety.

“Where there is a so-called corpse transformation, it is just similar to schizophrenia.”

Lin Yun glanced at Chen Mojing, this woman really likes to guess.

“That’s it!”

Chen Mojing nodded, knowing that Keqi would not turn into a zombie, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, for her, the black zombie was a level that was completely untouched.

Fear is also a given.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll solve it.”

After returning to the room, Lin Yun picked up Chen Mozhen and showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Got it! Now is our time for the two! Want to play some tricks? ”

“Watch you perform!”


The next day, Yang Weiyu was sleeping lightly in the laboratory.

Afraid of screwing up, she leaned against the edge of the bed and snuggled her hand as a pillow on Keqi’s body.

It’s still early.

But there was no sign of waking up.

However, Yang Weiyu woke up because of other movements.

She looked around and didn’t see anyone.

So, he turned a pair of beautiful eyes to the sleeping Keqi.

The little girl, who was only thirteen years old, made her sigh a little.

It is much more magical than her to meet the end of the world at such a young age and become a black zombie for some reason.

The most important thing is that Keqi still worked hard to survive, although Lin Yun played a crucial role in it, but her strength is the most critical.

“It hurts! Father! Hurt! ”

Suddenly, the sleepy Keqi seemed to be having a nightmare, and his expression looked very painful.

“Can Qi? What’s wrong with you? ”

Yang Weiyu stood up and wanted to hug Keqi.

But Keqi immediately returned to calm, lying quietly on the bed and falling into a deep sleep again.

“Whoops, it’s just a nightmare.”

Yang Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief and got up to prepare for a cup of coffee.

And just as her gaze turned to the rear, Keqi quietly opened Mimi’s eyes.

In the face of the unsuspecting Yang Weiyu, Keqi held out her right hand, and a layer of blue ice crystals condensed in her hand and attacked Yang Weiyu.


Yang Weiyu just happened to turn around and found that Keqi had launched an attack on himself!


Keqi sneered and prepared to pierce Yang Weiyu’s abdomen with his hand.

However, right now.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Keqi.


A crisp slap came into Yang Weiyu’s ear.

She was surprised to find that Lin Yun appeared in front of her at this moment.

And gave Keqi a big sturdy mouth.

“Lin Yun?”

Yang Weiyu was really shocked.

Already frightened by the surprise attack of Keqi, Lin Yun suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, making her little heart a little unbearable.


Ke Qi, who had just prepared to sneak up on Yang Weiyu, was also frightened.

Where would she have thought that this guy would suddenly appear in front of her!

It’s four o’clock in the morning, is this guy observing everything here all day?

“It doesn’t seem to have been suppressed yet.”

Lin Yun frowned suddenly, it was obvious that what had awakened was not the former Keqi, but her second personality.

It seems that it is not so simple to complete this task.


Faced with the failure of the sneak attack, Keqi had to lie back on the bed quietly, not daring to make any other moves.

After all, she was not Lin Yun’s opponent, and dealing with Yang Weiyu was already the limit.

Even if she is a black zombie.

“Huh, scare me, thank you!”

Yang Weiyu patted his chest.

She probably already knew how she had passed out and collapsed in a pool of blood.

“Give her to me, this guy needs to use a little toughness.”

Lin Yun suddenly suggested.

“What do you mean?” What are you going to take her for? ”

Yang Weiyu asked Lin Yun doubtfully.

“Take her back!”

When the voice fell, Lin Yun’s big hand landed on Keqi’s body!

“What are you going to do!” Let me go! Let me go! ”

Ke Qi struggled with all his might, but he was completely unable to escape from Lin Yun’s hands.

After all, the strength of the two is not a level.


Lin Yun whispered, and then disappeared in place with Keqi.

He was going to return to Yunhai City with Keqi and look for a way to get this guy back in control of his body!

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