“Let go of me!”

Keqi was taken back to Yunhai City by Lin Yun.

However, as soon as he returned to Yunhai City, Keqi became extremely irritable, and after feeling that the power in his body had not been suppressed after returning to the outside world.

He began to try to fight back against Lin Yun.

“To Die!”

In an instant!

Countless rays of light struck Lin Yun, they were similar to tentacles, but they no longer grew from the zombie’s body, but appeared out of thin air, like light and shadow in front of Lin Yun.


Lin Yun’s body tilted slightly to the right side, dodging the attack of a tentacle.


Then he heard a loud noise.

The tentacle formed by the light actually left a deep mark on the ground!

“What a power!”

This was Lin Yun’s first reaction, he did not expect that the experiment in the past few days had not only activated the second personality in Keqi’s body, but even upgraded her ability to a notch!


Seeing Lin Yun dodging, the corners of Keqi’s mouth revealed a faint smile: “I thought you were invincible, but I didn’t expect to be afraid?” ”

For Ke Qi’s ridicule, Lin Yun ignored it.

Instead, he slowly walked towards Keqi, ready to catch this little guy.


Keqi snorted coldly, and his body fell back sharply.

And manipulated more than a dozen glowing tentacles to attack Lin Yun.

However, these attacks were all cut off by Lin Yun with the Blade of Nothingness.

No matter how often she attacked, Lin Yun was still able to accurately counterattack.

Let Keqi suddenly feel how terrible the man in front of him really is.


Ke Qi immediately knew that he was not Lin Yun’s opponent, and after controlling more than a dozen tentacles to attack Lin Yun, he quickly fled to the rear.

“Want to escape?”

Lin Yun’s body flew out in an instant, chasing after Keqi.


“Be careful, there can be zombies here at any time!”

On the other side, a squad of capable people in Yunhai City is searching the city for food.

They watched around warily, lest the sudden appearance of the zombies kill them.

The squad was configured with six men and two women, and they all looked very sophisticated, after all, it had been more than a year since the end of the world had begun, and it was impossible to survive in this world without some means.



Suddenly, strange sounds came into their ears, forcing them to look in the direction of the sound source.

They were surprised to find a little girl running towards them.

“Help! Help me! ”

The little girl called for help from them and let them immediately protect her behind her.

“What’s wrong? Are zombies chasing you? Child! ”

A female member asked the little girl.

This little girl was naturally the one who was chased by Lin Yun again.

She sensed that there were humans nearby and took the corresponding action.

“Yes! It’s a zombie! ”

Keqi exaggerated and said that she had to describe Lin Yun as a bad person in order to get their pity as much as possible.

Of course, she didn’t expect this group of people to be able to stop Lin Yun.

After all, with Lin Yun’s strength, killing them was just time.

Their role was simply to stall and get her to escape.

“Oh? Will you still ask humanity for help? ”

At this moment, Lin Yun appeared in front of them.

In the face of Keqi’s request for help from the capable people of Yunhai City, Lin Yun did not expect it.

This second personality’s abilities seem to be much stronger than the original Keqi!

“Humans? Or a zombie? ”

Facing Lin Yun emerging from the darkness, this group of capable people was full of vigilance.

After all, because of the preconceived notion, they all think that Keqi is an ordinary child.

On the contrary, Lin Yun has become the role of a bad guy.

“Give her to me or you’ll die.”

Lin Yun’s words were very concise.

But the meaning is very clear, after all, Keqi is a black-level zombie, killing several capable people is the same as playing.

“Don’t you come here! Are you a human or a zombie? Why chase this little girl? ”

The leading man righteously questioned Lin Yun.

It was clear that he was ready to hold on to Keqi with his own life.

“Little girl? Hehe! ”

Lin Yun sneered and said, “She’s not a little girl, this guy is a black-level zombie, killing you is as simple as killing a dog.” ”

“Black zombie?”

The eight of them looked at Keqi at the same time and opened their pupils.

“Do you think I’m a zombie?”

But Qi, however, put on a pitiful appearance, which made this group of people instantly soften their hearts.

“Are you fucking farting?” Will this little girl be a zombie? A woman cursed at Lin Yun, “And if she is a black-level zombie, then why are you chasing her?” Don’t tell me you’re better than a black zombie! That’s impossible! ”

“That’s it! This man’s heart and eyes are good or bad! ”

“Damn guys! Even the little girl didn’t let go! ”

A group of people began to laugh at Lin Yun’s poor acting skills, as if they seemed to be very smart, making Lin Yun a little big-headed.

“You think you’re smart?” Lin Yun laughed bitterly and continued, “Then look at it, what is the little girl in your mouth!” ”


A crisp sound echoed through the air.

A hundred meters away, Lin Yun directly cut off one of Keqi’s arms with the Blade of Hypocrisy!

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