Under the advice of Li Duoyu, the crowd immediately gave Lin Yun a way.

Lin Yun grabbed Ke Qi’s head and strode into the Yunhai Building.

He did not choose to fly directly to the top floor of the Yunhai Building.

Instead, it is a slow and leisurely walk.

The kochi in his hands had been struggling.

But Lin Yun’s strength was where she could break free.

Even if he exerted the strength to suckle, he could not break free from Lin Yun’s hands.

“Let go of me!”

Keqi roared angrily.

“Give me some quiet.”

Lin Yun glanced at Ke Qi, he had now reached the position of thirty-three layers.

The group of Yunhai City’s capable people had been following behind him.

When he reached the fifty-odd layer, Lin Yun saw a group of humans.

Some of them are capable people, while some are ordinary people.

Most of these ordinary people are old people, children and women.

When they saw Lin Yun’s appearance, they looked very scared, after all, they had already received the news of hurrying to escape.

However, Lin Yun did not pay attention to them, but walked straight up.

“Don’t be afraid! It’s okay! ”

Li Duoyu, who was following Lin Yun, comforted them.

They all nodded, but there was still a look of fear in their eyes.

It came from the Keqi that Lin Yun was already struggling with in his hands.

“Let go of me!”

Keqi kept saying these three words.

However, Lin Yun was indifferent and just kept walking upwards.

When you come to the tallest building, the hundredth floor!

He finally stopped.

After all, this is where Keqi’s father did the experiments.

Probably because the eightieth layer had a fracture, the ability of Yunhai City did not reach this position.

So everything here is covered with a layer of ash.


Lin Yun threw Keqi on the ground.

“It’s back.”

His deep voice came into Keqi’s ears.

But Ke Qi was looking around, still trying to figure out how to escape from Lin Yun’s hands.


Just when Keqi found Lin Yun reaching out to touch a note, she thought she could take advantage of this gap to escape from the broken glass!

And just as she was about to take a step and flee, Lin Yun’s voice came into her ears again.

“Last time I didn’t pay attention, your father still clipped a picture of you in this notebook, do you want to see it?”


Ke Qi, who had been preparing to escape, unexpectedly stopped his steps involuntarily!

And the brain produces severe pain.


At this moment, Keqi transformed into his original personality, touching the long hair between his eyebrows, and a pair of confused eyes looked at the photo in Lin Yun’s hand.

However, in the next moment, Keqi was holding his head in pain.

Fell to his knees on the ground!

“Useless! You don’t want to get away with it! ”

The second personality once again occupied Keqi’s body, and a pair of angry eyes stared dead at Lin Yun.


Subsequently, she summoned several white tentacles and launched an attack on Lin Yun.

However, just as the tentacle was about to touch Lin Yun’s body, it stopped in mid-air.


The first personality of Keqi once again gained the upper hand and stopped the movement of the tentacles!

“Damn! You give me back! Go to hell! ”

“Don’t! You’re the one to die for, it’s my body! ”


The two personalities of Keqi were fighting inside her, causing severe pain in her flesh and causing her to roll on the ground.

Lin Yun saw the scene in front of him, helplessly put the notes in his hand on the table, and just took the photo to the front of Keqi.

He made a very simple move, just handed the photo to Keqi.

Ke Qi, who was originally in severe pain and rolled all over his body, suddenly saw the photo of himself and his father in the photo, and suddenly became quiet.

She slowly took the photo in Lin Yun’s hand with a trembling hand.

Suddenly faint tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.


“Don’t cry, he and I brought you not to let you remember, but to let you overcome yourself!”

Lin Yun’s serious voice came into Ke Qi’s ears.

Let Keqi immediately stop the tears.

“Oh! I’ll beat her! ”

Keqi nodded confidently, but the next moment, his expression changed one hundred and eighty degrees again.

“Beat me? Do you dream? ”

“No! You’ll be defeated by me! This is my body! ”

“Think too much! You will be stripped of your body by me and sleep in the darkness forever! ”


Lin Yun took a few steps backwards.

He noticed that tentacles of two colors appeared around Keqi’s body.

Black as well as white.

They wrestle with each other under the control of two personalities.

It seems to be fighting for control of the body.

In this regard, Lin Yun did not have the ability to intervene, only to watch from the sidelines.

Bang Bang Bang!

The battle between the tentacles caused a tremor on the upper floor.

Scared Li Duoyu and others to think that Lin Yun was fighting on it!

“Oh my God! Is this a movement that humans can produce? It was horrible! ”

“Who the hell is that man?” Li Duoyu do you really know him? ”

In the face of his companion’s question, Li Duoyu also had a black line on his face and said: “Don’t care about anything, anyway, don’t provoke him, just do what you have to do, he is not something we can mess with!” ”

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