
The violent noise continued on the top floor.

The black and white tentacle gestures are like water and fire, intertwined.

Lin Yun watched the drama from the sidelines, after all, this was a battle that belonged to Keqi himself.


A mournful cry erupted from Keqi’s mouth.

After nearly two hours of fighting, the end was finally ushered in.

The black and white tentacles disappeared from sight at the same time, and with a white glow, Keqi fell to the ground.

“Ding! Mission accomplished! Gain the god-level ability – Thunder and Lightning Control! ”

When Lin Yun heard the sound coming from the system, he understood that everything was over.

“It seems to be over.”

Lin Yun stood up and walked towards Keqi.

Just snapping his fingers, the ability to heal instantly allowed Keqi to return to his state.


Keqi slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of bright eyes stared at Lin Yun next to him, without any dialogue for a while.

In this regard, Lin Yun’s mouth was slightly cocked.

He said, “Congratulations, you’ve overcome yourself!” ”

Lin Yun understood that Keqi had returned, and the first personality had won the final victory.

In the face of Lin Yun’s congratulations, Keqi excitedly hugged Lin Yun.

Crying excitedly, “I succeeded! That voice is gone! Brother Lin Yun! Thank you! Thank you! ”

Lin Yun smiled and stroked Keqi’s head and replied, “You did it yourself, don’t thank me.” ”

“I want to go back and apologize to Sister Wei Yu, I let her have bad memories!” Keqi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands.

She wanted to go back immediately and apologize to Yang Weiyu, because if it wasn’t for her, Yang Weiyu wouldn’t have had the experience of falling in a pool of blood.

Of course, in fact, Yang Weiyu herself did not care about this kind of thing at all.

“Trust her to forgive you.”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and asked, “Can you still control your own power now?” ”

Lin Yun’s meaning, of course, was whether Keqi could summon tentacles and attack the enemy.

In the face of Lin Yun’s question, Keqi’s eyes looked to the side and raised his right hand.

In an instant, a white tentacle rose from the ground and appeared in the sight of the two people.

In this regard, the corners of Lin Yun’s mouth were slightly cocked, and it seemed that they were still preserved.

“Okay, then we should go.”

Lin Yun picked up Keqi and prepared to leave.

But when he saw a group of people looking at him below, he still chose to jump down and come to the group.

“He’s down! Hurry up and back off! ”

“Run! Come on! ”

Seeing Lin Yun descend from the sky, the crowd immediately took a few steps backwards in fear, and they were still very afraid of Lin Yun.

After all, the movement coming from the upstairs was almost as if there was a red or even orange level zombie fighting above, it was almost like a person could produce it!

Of course, what they didn’t know was that Lin Yun was just watching the drama from the sidelines.

Facing Lin Yun who appeared in front of him, Li Duoyu took a few steps forward again and reported to Lin Yun: “Big brother, congratulations! ”

Although Li Duoyu did not know what he was congratulating the other party, this sentence was generally no problem in this situation.

Lin Yun’s gaze looked around, and this time he saw everyone’s faces already in the situation of this camp.

Because he was making comparisons, compared with the previous Yunhai City Ability Organizer Organization.

Although not as strong as the previous organization, there are many non-capable people here.

Obviously, this is a real survivor organization!

In this regard, the corners of Lin Yun’s mouth cocked slightly, and he said, “You are more powerful and more united than the previous Capable Beings Organization, and you will persevere!” ”

“Is it?”

Li Duoyu did not expect Lin Yun to say such a thing, and immediately smiled and said: “This is all the efforts of our boss, without our boss, we can’t be so united.” ”

“Oh? If it weren’t for something, I would really like to meet your boss, but it will be another day. ”

Lin Yun replied with a smile that he agreed with this guy named Li Duoyu.

At least his heart wasn’t bad.

“That’s a bit of a pity, our boss is not in the organization.”

Li Duoyu continued.

“Okay, I’ll leave first, and there will be a period later.”

As soon as Lin Yun’s voice fell, the whole person disappeared in front of everyone.

“Me Cao? What about people? ”

Everyone was very shocked by Lin Yun’s sudden disappearance, how did he suddenly disappear?


However, Lin Yun’s disappearance also made them breathe a sigh of relief.

At least, the other side did not have the intention of killing them.


The next second, Lin Yun returned to his own world, and was in front of Yang Weiyu.

In the face of Lin Yun’s sudden appearance, Yang Weiyu was really shocked.

But her gaze fell on Lin Yun’s arms, Keqi’s body.

“Keqi, are you all right?”

Yang Weiyu asked worriedly.

“I’m sorry! Sister Yang Weiyu! It’s me who hurt you! ”

Keqi quickly jumped out of Lin Yun’s arms and apologized to Yang Weiyu.

“There’s nothing to apologize for, how can I be mad at you?”

Yang Weiyu smiled and stroked Keqi’s head, and the two were as close as relatives.

“Okay, don’t mess with these meaty things.”

Lin Yun suddenly spoke, “I have one thing I need you two to do…”

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