“I disagree! I must go to the Tianshan Battlefield! ”

At the Bai family, Bai Yu Kaoru is arguing with Bai Xin.

For some reason, Bai Xin seemed to have refused Bai Yukao’s request to go to the Tianshan War.

“Sister, you know, there are some things that I don’t decide, but Grandpa Bai Meng agreed not to let you participate in the Tianshan War, and I can’t do anything about it!”

Bai Xin smiled and said, that fox-like smile made Bai Yu feel disgusted.

However, Bai Yukao also had some doubts about Bai Meng’s sudden remorse and refusal to participate in the Tianshan War.

It is reasonable to say that Bai Meng will not be like this, is it something that happened in the middle?

Bai Yu Kaoru’s angry eyes looked at Bai Xin, and it was obvious that he could not be separated from this guy.

Is it because of the Xuan family?

After all, Bai Xin was now inextricably linked to the Xuan family.

“Don’t think I don’t know it’s you guys who are tricking the devil, but rest assured, I’ll break your ruse!”

Bai Yu glared at Bai Xin fiercely and left the room.

In this regard, Bai Xin was smiling at the back of Bai Yu Kaoru’s departure, and when she disappeared into her sight, she suddenly changed another face.

“Break my ruse? I’m sorry, but you’re not going to be able to protect yourselves this time! ”

After saying that, he turned and left the room, and went to the place where Bai Meng was located.

He entered Bai Meng’s room, where Bai Meng was sitting quietly.

Staring at the two big eyes dead looking ahead.

He is not dead, but because of his illness, he has lost the ability to speak and act.

When Bai Meng saw Bai Xin appear in his line of sight, a touch of anger appeared on his face.

Obviously, it was Bai Xin in front of him who drugged him.

In order to gain control of the Bai family, Bai Xin actually used this method!

“Grandpa Bai Meng, I have already told Bai Yu Kaoru what you mean, and she hates you and me to the bone!” Bai Xin said with a smile.

However, Bai Meng did not react at all, but stared at Bai Xin with two dead eyes.

If the eyes could kill people, Bai Xin would have died tens of thousands of times.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m also thinking about the Bai family.”

Bai Xin smiled slightly and continued, “The Xuan family has agreed to the matter of cooperation, and we will win another victory in this Tianshan War, of course, the victorious side is our Bai family.” ”

Hearing this news, Bai Meng was a little surprised.

How could the Xuan family possibly surrender such a victory to others?

That’s impossible!

But at this moment, Bai Xin answered his doubts.

“Of course, there is a price to it, Xuan Shao of the Xuan family wants my dear sister to be his concubine, you know, I love my sister the most, so I agreed to this family affair and found a very good public home for Yu Kaoru!”

Hearing Bai Xin’s words, Bai Meng immediately understood the reason.

This guy is even more vicious than himself!

In order to win, he turned his sister into a bargaining chip!

However, this is not the thing that Bai Meng is most worried about.

What he was most worried about was that if Lin Yun knew about this matter, what kind of changes would happen?

You know, Lin Yun’s strength is unfathomable, and even Bai Meng is a little afraid of this young man.

Not to mention these juniors?

A person who can kill Bai Yuan is definitely not an ordinary person!

Of course, this was all in his heart, and Bai Xin couldn’t hear a word!

There is only one way to lead the White Family to hell!

“Okay, that’s all I have to say.”

Bai Xin smiled slightly, and after saying all the words, walked out the door and closed it.

At the moment of closing, Bai Meng saw the confident face on Bai Xin’s face.

It’s almost as if you say that you won this time!

Bai Meng couldn’t help but sneer, how happy Bai Xin was smiling now, how miserable he would die in the future!


“Bai Meng did not agree to your participation in the Tianshan War?” Does this not mean that our cooperation has been undermined? ”

Liu Qing was shocked to hear Bai Yu Kaoru tell her that Bai Meng did not agree to her participation in the Tianshan War.

These days, she has been living with Kaoru Hakuba.

Of course, I knew the changes in the White Family.

But I never thought that the Bai family would actually turn away Bai Yu Kaoru!

“This must be a good thing that Bai Xin guy did.”

Bai Yu angrily took a glass of white water and drank it all.

Although she knew that this was Bai Xin’s ruse, the current subordinates of the Bai family were all obeying Bai Xin’s means, and Lin Yun was not around, making her a little difficult.

“It seems that we need to find a way to deal with this hateful man!”

Liu Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she had a great say in dealing with men.

Even Bai Xin is a very difficult character to deal with.

“Dealing with men? Which man to deal with? Talk to me and listen! ”

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