“Lin Yun!?”

In the face of Lin Yun’s sudden appearance, the two women seemed a little nervous for a while.

“How? Go on, which man are you dealing with? ”

Lin Yun slowly walked to the side of the two people, a pair of eyes looking at the faces of the two, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

He didn’t expect the two to get along well.

“How? Is it something that can’t be told to me? ”

In response to Lin Yun’s question, the two women skimmed their lips, and Liu Qingxian replied, “Nothing, just want to kill Bai Xin, what do you think?” ”

“Kill Bai Xin?”

When Lin Yun heard this, he couldn’t help but show a faint smile.

They were talking about this kind of thing.

Of course, Lin Yun didn’t mean to stop them.

After all, killing Bai Xin was also in his plan.

But not now, at least until Bai Xin took himself to the Tianshan War.

Now that ninety percent of the layout has been completed, the purpose can be accomplished with just the last corner.

“I was rejected by Bai Xin, and that bastard wouldn’t let me see the Tianshan War.”

Bai Yukao’s beautiful eyes turned to Lin Yun and said uneasily.

“Oh? That’s really bad news. ”

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head, he didn’t expect Bai Xin to start so quickly.

“Don’t you want to do something?” If the Tianshan War I can’t participate…..”

Bai Yu Kaoru was very surprised by Lin Yun’s bland performance.

Is that it?

Doesn’t it mean anything?

“What can be done? Since Bai Xin can say such things, he must have already done something to Bai Meng, otherwise do you think Bai Meng would agree? ”


Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Bai Yu Kaoru was stunned.

Her gaze slowly looked at her chest, and it was obvious that Lin Yun was right, after all, Bai Meng and Lin Yun had met.

Since Lin Yun had talked to Bai Meng, it was obvious that he knew Lin Yun’s strength.

So it is impossible to make such a decision.

That is to say, Bai Xin made this decision because he controlled some resources, or he had the means to resist Lin Yun.

The words of this means….

“Is it the Xuan family?”

Bai Yuxuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that the Xuan family had become Bai Xin’s backing.

“It seems that you have some eyebrows?”

Lin Yun smiled and asked Bai Yu Kaoru.

Bai Yu Kaoru nodded, brushed the hair between his eyebrows with his hand, and replied plainly, “It seems that this matter still has to be done from Bai Meng’s body, but I haven’t seen that old thing for several days.” ”

“I’ll show you.”


Hearing that Lin Yun was going to take himself to see Bai Meng now, Bai Yukao looked very surprised.

However, Lin Yun’s hand was already on her shoulder.

Just listen to the grunt!

The figures of the two disappeared in place.

“Huh? Don’t bring me? ”

Liu Qingdun was stunned for a moment, watching the two disappear in front of her eyes, she immediately pouted.




With a crisp sound, Lin Yun took Bai Yu Kaoru to the compound where Bai Meng lived.

At this time, the door was closed, and there were even a few guards talking outside.

It seems that there are many checkpoints set up here to prevent others from entering.

“Why are the guards so tight?”

Bai Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, which had changed greatly from before.

“Because there are things in it that Bai Xin doesn’t want others to see, let’s go.”

Lin Yun stepped towards Bai Meng’s room.

And casually pushed open the door of the room.


The wooden door was pushed open by Lin Yun, and the shocking scene inside appeared in front of the two people.


Bai Yu Kaoru was momentarily stunned, because Bai Meng had already merged with the big tree at this time.

The gray and dark eyes looked ahead, as if they had lost their lives.

“It seems that Bai Xin really did something to him.”

Lin Yun slowly walked into the hut, and a faint gaze fell on Bai Meng’s body.

This guy has basically lost the ability to act, but the mind is still there, but it is unable to communicate with himself.

“I didn’t expect Bai Xin to be so fierce.”

Bai Yukao’s brow frowned slightly, although he also hated the Bai family very much, but he would not turn Bai Meng into this look.

“I don’t know if there’s a way to change him back to the way he is.”

Lin Yun touched his chin.

If the old man could regain his ability to speak and organize the subordinates of the White Family, then the battle would be half won.

“Do you want to kill Bai Xin directly?”

This was Lin Yun’s first thought, if Bai Xin was killed, so that the Bai family’s subordinates could see Bai Meng’s state, the only person who wanted to come to the power of the Bai family was Bai Yuxuan.

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

Kaoru Hakuba does not have the ability to organize the subordinates of the White Family.

This means that you may get a mess.

That kind of white family, it is better not to be!

“Ding! Detection Successful! ”

“Black zombies! Semi-grown state! Can be used to accelerate the growth of a black crystal nucleus! ”


Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that there was no chance to make this old thing reborn, but it was time to change his posture

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