“With … Bring… Take it with you? ”

Looking at the ugly-looking black-level zombie in front of him, Liu Qing’s face suddenly became very ugly.

Where would she have thought that Lin Yun would let a black-level zombie help her kill Cai Han?

However, a black-level zombie can indeed easily kill Cai Han, even if this black-level zombie is only a half-finished product, and its strength is even stronger than that of an orange-level zombie.

But it’s more than enough to solve a small organization of capable people.

“How? Can’t you? It absolutely listens to you. ”

Lin Yun said to Liu Qing.

“Don’t don’t! I don’t want to! ”

Liu Qing shook her head hurriedly.

The ghost knew whether this black-level zombie would get out of control, and if it did, her life would be in danger!

“Then just wait, I’m going to sleep.”

Lin Yun glanced at Liu Qing, and she was really a stubborn little girl.

He was about to close the door and stop Liu Qing and the black-level zombies from the door.

“Wait a minute!”

Liu Qing rushed in anxiously.

After all, she couldn’t stay in the yard, let alone stay in the yard with a black-level zombie!

A little time passed.

Lin Yun, as he said, lay flat and fell asleep.

Of course, Liu Qing on the side could not also sleep with Lin Yun, but sat on a stool and drank tea, thinking about some other bad things.

“Me Cao? How come there’s a zombie here? ”

“Oh my God! Look at it absolutely on the orange level zombie up! ”

“How did it break through our eyeliner to get here?”

“This seems to be Miss White’s room, right?”

“That’s all right, Miss Kaoru Hakuba just went out and wasn’t hurt by this zombie!”

“Damn! Get ready for defense! Can’t let the zombies leave alive! ”


Lin Yun had just fallen asleep for less than half an hour, and the voice of the Bai family’s subordinates came from outside the door.

Of course, he did not wake up, but Liu Qing walked to the door in doubt.

Look out at the crack in the door.


She was surprised to find that a group of subordinates of the Bai family had gathered outside.

They were holding a variety of weapons in their hands, after all, a zombie suddenly appeared in their hometown, which made them feel very scared!

“Wouldn’t this group of people be wanted?”

Suddenly, Liu Qing panicked, these Bai family subordinates will not want to fight with this zombie, right?

Although the White Family’s capable people gathered around do have the ability to defeat black-level zombies.

But don’t forget, she and Lin Yun are still inside!

If she is affected, her life will be gone!

The most important thing is that Lin Yun’s bastard is still asleep!

What a coincidence!

“White Less!”

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared outside the door.

It is Bai Yuan’s adopted son Bai Duan.

He heard that a zombie had appeared in the Bai family, so he hurried to come.

“It seems that the level is still quite high, but I am afraid that it is an orange-level zombie.”

Seeing the appearance of this zombie in front of him, Bai Duan frowned for a moment.

The strength of this zombie is definitely not weak, but if it really fights, it is likely to cause tragic casualties to the Bai family.

The only good news is that the zombie stood motionless.

It’s like falling asleep, giving them plenty of time to prepare.

Or fly a missile over?

Blow it to pieces?

Of course, the result may cause the anger of Kaoru Hakuba, after all, it is the room where she grew up and lived.

Suddenly being blown into ruins will definitely make you angry.

“Bai Shao, what should we do?”

The subordinates of the Bai family asked Bai Duan.


Bai Duan was hesitating, in order to avoid casualties, he was afraid that he would really blow up the buildings in this area.


Kaoru Hakuba should understand, right?

“Prepare some explosives, and while this zombie won’t move, just blow it up!”

Bai Duan said to his men.


For a moment, the subordinates of the Bai family began to prepare explosives to kill the zombies.

This scared Liu Qing to death.

She hurriedly pulled the door open to go out and tell the group that she was still inside.

But when she couldn’t open the door with all her might, she suddenly felt desperate.

“What’s going on? Why can’t the door be opened? ”

Liu Qing was stupid.

In front of her was a wooden door!

But it was as solid as an iron door, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake it in the slightest!

Outside, the Bai family’s subordinates had prepared explosives.

And also prepared for anti-bombing projects, countless sandbags to block them behind, ready to throw the way, with explosives to kill the black zombie!

“It’s over! I’m going to die here! Lin Yun! ”

Liu Qing quickly turned his gaze to Lin Yun.

The only thing you can rely on at this time is this guy, right?

“You’re about to wake up!” Lin Yun! ”

Liu Qing rushed to Lin Yun’s bedside, trying to wake Lin Yun up, but just as he was about to approach Lin Yun, his two feet stopped moving, frozen in place and unable to move!

“This? Why is that? ”

She’s stupid!

She always felt as if the house had been cursed by something!

At this time, there was also a sound outside to detonate the explosives.

“Everything is ready! Detonate explosives at any time! ”

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